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the RONA

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    • #163044
      13 23
      Utes 69

      agree or disagree, 

      if you want a vaccine, facemask, and live behind locked doors.

      please do so. but leave me the F87k out of it. 


    • #163045
      3 7


    • #163051
      1 1

      Weird flex but of off I guess 😂


    • #163054
      21 10

      Disagree!  I’m not a scientist, nor do I work in healthcare.  My specialty is corporate finance.  Where it comes to “finance” and “economic” factors, I have strong, well-supported opinions.  But where “science” and “healthcare” are concerned, I choose to defer to those professionals who know more than I!  I’m substantially more put off by those ignorant MAGA, conspiracy theorist bumblef*cks who think they know more than the actual scientists who do nothing BUT study this disease, and/or the healthcare professionals who have been trained to deal with folks who come in with symptoms of infection.

      I’m fully vaccinated, and had received a booster shot not even a full week ago.  I hate wearing masks, and won’t wear one unless mandated by the establishment.  But if said establishment DOES mandate it, I will fully comply.

      Nobody “MEANS” to catch the virus, and neither do folks wish to “spread” it.  But it happens.  Folks can be “carriers” of the virus, and since we can’t “see” it, we ALL have to take the necessary precautions.  And all those anti-vaxxers, and anti-maskers are selfishly endangering others, and acting like they’re patriots for doing so.  So yeah, I strongly “disagree”!

      • #163058
        2 16

        I don’t think you understand freedom.

      • #163060
        18 2

        I’m with you, Philly.  I hate this.  But it is what it is.

        I think it strongly depends upon personal perspective.  If you’re a “me first” kinda guy, you’re going to look at it from the viewpoint of Utes 69 and how it impacts you indivudally.  But until we approach this as an “us” issue, we’re in trouble.  Living in a society should cause us to do things we might not personally like or agree with for the common.  

        That doesn’t discount the fact that masking, vaccines, and isolating suck.  They do.  But we can’t keep losing people like this.  It used to be about protecting the most vulnerable, but there are normally healthy people dropping…young parents with kids, not just grandparents, the elderly, and those with underlying health issues.

        • #163062

          Why can’t we continue to lose people like this? Elohim takes people when it is their time.

          • #163063

            If there’s less people, that’s more stuff for the rest of us.

        • #163077
          4 3

          So I understand your point but the problem I see is that the vaccine, masks, and isolation are the only remedies prescribed by the government (and for some reason everyone went crazy and started to trust the government without questioning all the sudden) when there are many other options and recommendations that health researchers and scientists recommend that the government ignores. Things like the positive impact of Vitamin D in preventing contraction of the disease, early treatment options (which after almost two years there are NO recommended treatment options for Covid which to any objective observer is completely bizarre), and the recommendations they prescribe for Children are contrary to scientific studies and research and they aren’t publishing the potential side effects of the vaccine. If the government took a holistic approach that followed the science, I’d be more apt to trust them, but they don’t. It’s vaccine or nothing, and it turns out the vaccine isn’t that efficacious in the first place.

          Layer on top of this, that the vaccine, masking up, and isolation appear to have failed as a strategy, yet we are just rehashing the same requirements that failed last year.

      • #163064
        5 14
        Utes 69

        for someone in the finance field you are for sure clueless.

        the economy has been collapsing for 2 years now. 


        if Own I A sandwich shop up the road, and it closes down due to the Rona. I am now broke and out of bussiness for life, there are thousands of these small shops around the world. how does that help the economy? MORE UNEMPLOYMENT CHECKS!!! there are millions of people collecting Goverment cash for sitting at home. how does this help the economy? 

        for the scientist to have a clear concept of the Rona, they would need millions of scietific data on millons of people.

        they do not have this, every other month thoughts ideas and protocols change for the Rona. stop the fear and live on man. 

        cover your mouth when you cough AND  sneeze, wash your hands and keep a distance.

        dont infringe on freedom of choice!

        • #163068

          That sandwich shop should have utilized the ppp loan.  Welcome to the capitalist America, if you can’t make capital you won’t have a business.  America baby!!!

        • #163071

          Just out of curiosity, are you a true anti-vaxxer or just anti-Covid vaxxer?
          In other words, did you and your family receive the MMR vaccines? Do you receive flu vaccines?
          Again, just curious.

        • #163084
          7 2

          Utes 69:  First of all, I am not “clueless”.  I’m smart enough to know that scientists know more about this pandemic than I do.  If you think you know more than they, then the “clueless” party here is you.

          And from a financial perspective, what you’d proposed was false anyway, as none of the sandwich shops in MY home town shut down because of the ‘Rona.  They’re still operating.  The only thing different now is that the sandwich makers behind the counter wear gloves AND a mask while preparing my food.  And if they didn’t, I’d go somewhere else where they do, and you’d lose money for being one of those ignorant “‘ME-rica first” super spreaders.

          Your “freedom of choice” doesn’t not mean you’re free to be a super-spreader.  Because THAT infringes on MY freedom to not have deal with ignorant selfish hillbillies.

          • #163093
            2 4

            But which scientists do you listen to? There are plenty of experts out there (doctors, nurses, scientists, epidemiologists) who have been outspoken against this vaccine, against masks, against the lockdown but they aren’t supported by the government. Why don’t you listen to and trust those people?

      • #163075
        4 2

        I think the problem we are seeing, and I think you’d find the same, is that much science around Covid is being ignored. The only solutions offered by the CDC are the vaccine and masks. There is no guidance or recommendations around things we could be doing beyond that to protect ourselves, early / non-hospitalization treatments,etc.

        Extensive studies have been done on things like the efficacy of Vitamin D, which appears to help prevent infection. There is no discussion or recommendation to get healthy or lose weight.

        The same experts you point out are also ignoring evidence and data published by scientists and health researchers about Covid’s impact on kids. They tell us the vaccine is perfectly safe for kids, but not telling us the side effects and risks – such as myocarditis. They also impose mask mandates for kids who are at extremely low risk of covid.

        So I guess my point is, there is verifiable and good science and data that is being ignored by our Government and we as individuals shouldn’t ignore that science also. It appears to me that the Pharmaceutical companies have a larger than appropriate influence on national level decision makers like Fauci and Biden. That’s not to say all their recommendations are bad, they are not. The vaccine is useful and something we should get for we adults. But there is a lot they are ignoring and that is a problem.

        • #163090

          Good points, Aloha.  Although, I have to admit I don’t pay nearly as much attention to the CDC or Fauci (& certainly not Joe.  That’s honestly not his job, nor should it be).  And I suspect you’re right.  The pharmaceutical industry is driving so much of this and making bank.  At the same time, there’s real innovation taking place and significant breakthroughs coming from that market with treatments and medicine.  

          The folks I get my advice from are scientists and doctors that I personally know, including my own doctor.  I’m sure many of their suggestions do indeed come through the CDC and other researchers.

          I’d be down to hear about some of those studies related to vitamin D and other natural ways to improve our immune systems.  I know my accupuncturist told me to add juniper berries to my tea every day to pump up my immune system.  I’ve been sick once in 2 years (which is unusual for me.  Usually much more), but I’ve also been very careful in public (masked).  I’m fully vaxxed and have an annual flu shot, so maybe that’s helped too?  I wanna travel overseas again!

      • #163101

        I also would like to depend on subject matter professionals. However, we do not always have a culture that allows science to speak freely. Galileo and Copernicus could have help us understand the solar system better if the culture at the time would allow them to speak up. Currently, many health workers are very reluctant to question the narrative that is very aggressively supported. In a similar fashion it has become near impossible to get research approved at graduate schools that would question the current culture norm on climate change. Myself, I would find it much easier to rely on these professionals if I could see both sides of the argument explain their thinking without the level of shame that has become so strong recently. To be clear, we are not at the level of controlled thinking these mem faced 400 years ago, however, this type of culture has made a comeback and the current trend is not the best for open scientific discussion. Hopefully, we will see a return to open discussion.

    • #163092
      1 3

      I tend to agree. We masked and stayed home to stop the spread. That was almost 2 years ago.

      It’s pretty clear now that masking won’t make a difference, the vaccines are not real immunizations and do nothing to stop the spread. We have to learn to live with this and let people live their lives. If you are high risk or worried then get the vaccine and the annual boosters. I believe the vaccine helps you fight the disease and that natural antibodies are better than the vaccines or boosters.

      We are in California visiting family this week and I feel like I’m visiting east Germany whenever I’m out of the house.

      • #163206

        I find it disheartening that our approach to this pandemic has become so political. Starting with masks, then vaccines. Here is an interesting interview with Monica Gandhi (head of infectious disease at UCSF…legit expert..educated at Utah, Harvard, UCSF and Cal) who speaks on this and is not only a proponent of vaccines but also natural immunity following documented infection (states we all learn about natural immunity first day of medical school) 😂
        Lots of other videos with her elsewhere on the web. She is worth listening to for expert, non-politicized info on Covid

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