I thought I’d come share some statistics/data on the state of the Utah program. Some of you may have seen this before, but I thought it would be nice to get it in one place here.
I’ve collected a lot of data, so figured I’d break it up. Given the excitement around Recruiting right now, let’s start with that.
So let’s start with the basic overview. Here’s the average recruit rating in every Utah class since 2002

Frankly, it’s nothing less than stellar – showing steady and consistent improvement, with this class being easily the best in Utah history.
That said, an important caveat is rating inflation. In 2013, the #1000 rated recruit was an 83.99. This year, #1000 is 86.14.
Because of that it’s better to compare it to a baseline that reflects that inflation – I tend to use the value of that 1000th recruit.
That said, even when adjusting for rating inflation, this comes in as the highest class ever

and more than that, it’s been done by reaching an unpredented number of highly (and very highly) rated recruits


I don’t have any information on how this compares to other similar programs (only have data for BYU, Utah, Utah St and Boise St)… but future posts on On-Field Performance, TV Viewership, and Expansion Implications should have more context.