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The Value Of Paid Endorsements

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    • #145093

      Which endorsement is worth more?  An All American who’s name is on a South Dakota St. jersey or an All American wearing an Alabama jersey?  No brainer, Alabama is worth much more.  How much of the endorsement should go to the school?  It’s the schools name and logo that the athlete is exploiting along with their talent.  That is the other half of the paid endorsment logic that no one has mentioned.  It is going very complicated.

    • #145095

      Worth more to whom?

    • #145107

      It’s hard to say, really. If you’re a good player in a college town, you might not have the name recognition of an all-American at Alabama, but you could still do really well with local endorsements. For example, Nick Emery repping the Provo Volkswagen dealer would make some money. Hell, he got a free car…and it wasn’t even legal back then.

      All I know is there’s going to be tons of grey area (just wait for the first time a college athlete is getting paid by a CBD dispensary) and abuse of the system is going to run absolutely rampant.

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