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Things that would send TSPP fans off a cliff

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Things that would send TSPP fans off a cliff

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    • #212537

      Any of the following would cause a Zoob meltdown to occur that I’m not sure they’d ever recover from:

      1) Utah winning a Natty in CFB
      2) Utah player winning the Heisman
      3) BYU’s sponsoring institution pulling the plug on athletics due to poor performance and waning fan support
      4) Utah building a new stadium to match the new KGRZ and having it fully funded by state tax payers
      5) Utah joining the B1G/SEC Super League; SLC hosting a parade, fans plastering their cars with new Super League stickers, and BYU being left behind forever

      Agree/disagree? Other items to add to the list??

    • #212538

      2021 being the last time they ever win..ever

    • #212539

      I don’t understand the “KGRZ” reference. What is that?

      • #212542

        Ken Garff Red Zone. Was basically saying tear down the East/West/North stands and build new, keeping only the KGRZ since it’s brand new already.

        Zoobs are constantly pining for a new stadium that they’ll never get. And if Utah did another major stadium renovation while they’re still stuck in the 80s with theirs, they’d definitely be butt hurt. And then to cause their heads to explode, tell them it’s being fully funded by tax payers (obviously that would never be the case). But Zoobs love to mistakenly claim that Utah athletics benefit from tax payer money since they’re a private institution.

      • #212558

        Btw, I think it’s funny when Zoobs get all bent out of shape about Utah athletics getting subsidized by state tax payers. Utah fans typically get all defensive and try their best to explain that Utah athletics doesn’t get any money from taxes but is self-funded through its own earnings and donations yada yada yada.
        However, I prefer to embrace their delusion. I like playing it up by saying how awesome it is being the state’s flagship program and how much tax money U of U gets as a result…especially money coming from Utah county!! It always gets a rise out of them and I find it quite funny!

    • #212541
      D T

      Winning the XII during our first year would cause them to go berserk.

    • #212543

      They already went over the cliff and Max Hall was driving the bus.

    • #212544
      Ted Lasso

      I can confirm that any one of those things might cause me to meltdown 😂 The natty is the only argument fans can grasp onto for the BYU v Utah argument. Otherwise Utah has completely dominated the rivalry for the last 24 years

      • #212545

        You’re an incredibly good sport Ted Lasso. If all of your fan base was cool and reasonable like you, I’d only want to win a game against a rival team that makes for great entertainment. But unfortunately, it takes me 5 seconds to see the constant rhetoric put out there by Zoobs to come back to reality that I can’t stand the BYU fanbase.

        I’m sure your fans feel the same way about Utah fans that do the same thing on our side. I guess it’s that smaller percentage of fans on both sides that ruin it for each other. But as it stands, I just want Utah to get promoted back to the big boy table and leave the Y behind forever.

        • #212549
          13 1

          I’m getting soft in my old age, but in reality, TDS fans just love their team and school like we do. Do they have douche fans? ABSOLUTELY, but we have our fair share too. With this era of podcasts, I’m able to avoid all the manufactured radio and media rivalry hype, and that has helped my attitude a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I’m good with TDS never winning a game, match, or meet in any sport ever again, but I don’t dwell on it.

          • #212557

            UteBacker, you are spot on. Both teams have good fans, and both have bad fans. I have a good relationship with many BYU fans. I just get a kick out of the CB and their disdain for everything Utah.

            • #212563

              You’re right, Proud. That comes from the average TDS fan feeling entitled in many sport and non-sport ways. That’s a conversation for another board perhaps.

    • #212548

      Isaac Wilson winning the Heisman would do it. But, I think it could happen sooner if Utah wins the Big 12 in season 1.

      If the powers that be created two super conferences and Utah is in and BYU is out, they would totally lose it.

      However, I have to admit – BYU’s basketball program is in much better shape than we are.

      • #212621

        If Whitt led Utah to a Natty before retiring, cementing himself as the greatest coach of all-time from the state of Utah, and went out of his way to never mention the name BYU again…Zoobs would check themselves into a mental institution like Dr. Leo Marvin in “What About Bob”.

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