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This hit me on Sunday

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    • #122020
      4 4

      All this social distancing and draconian measures will not keep you from getting the virus – only delay the days.  I’ve spent the last 10 days Cloroxing everything in the house and washing my hands multiple times a day – and it hit me, in the long run, it doesn’t matter.  Almost everyone will contract the virus no matter how many times you clean the doorknob. 

      What we’re fighting for is WHEN you do contract virus – and get sick. Will you have the medical backing to help you.

      Very depressing.


    • #122025
      Tony (admin)

      Right.  The idea is to not overload the medical infrastructure so when people do need ICU or respiarators etc, they’re available. 

      • #122027
        3 3

        My point is – the majority of people will get Coronavirus – not much you can do about that. Up until a few days ago, I had the delusional belief that you maybe can shield yourself from it – eventually, I think it will get to just about everyone.  Very sobering.  I have parents in their late 70’s  

        The biggest problem is that it’s being spread by people who have no symptoms – in fact, it’s possible I have/had the virus – walking around thinking I don’t…. spreading it to everyone.



    • #122033
      Central Coast Ute

      Most people that get it have mild or no symptoms and don’t require medical attention. Just stay home so you don’t spread it to anyone that is susceptible. Everyone stay calm and this will pass just like every other virus has. If you are a susceptible person due to age, weight, or other underlying conditions, better stay home and keep clean. Grab a humidifier and hope you dont get it. To say everyone is going to get it is a bit naive. It is more contagious than influenza yes, but even the most liberal estimates say that less than half of all Americams will get it, and even then, they will be ok and some won’t even exhibit any symptoms.

    • #122067

      Pace – I agree. As Tony noted, we are just slowing it down so that: (a) it does not overwhelm the system, (b) a vaccine can be developed, or (c) it dies off on its own due to change in weather, ala the typical flu.

      Whether the costs associated with the steps being taken are worth the benefit is a balancing act. At some point–I do not profess to know when that is, there will be different opinions by all–life will need to go on. There are health risks and costs associated with allowing it to spread…and there are health risks and costs with going on full lock down. 

      • #122075

        I understand – it’s just the reality ( which I probably was personally denying) is that I will most likely get the virus – and there is not a lot you can do about it – maybe delay it but good hygiene and self-isolation – but yea, probably going to get it.  

        Part of me says, let’s get it on -just expose me to the virus – get it over with so I can move along /or not.


        • #122086

          You are not alone in feeling that way.

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