THIS IS NO LONGER A TEST! Threaded vs Non-Threaded Replies

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  • Author
    • #2765
      Tony (admin)

      An option I have here for the reply format is “threaded” vs “non-threaded.” In threaded replies the reply is indented from the post the person is replying to. Unfortunately the best example of this I can think of is at cougarboard, with the little lines on the left of the replies. The issue with the threading is when there are more and more replies to replies, the indenting gets out of control and mushes the content into a narrow window. It is especially bad on mobile. I fixed up the mobile a bit, but it’s not great. The replies, not matter how many there are, go on forever with no “next page” or paging. That’s kind of lame. Below is a threaded example.


      The thing I LIKE about the threading is that you can somewhat tell who is replying to who.

      A few minutes ago I switched threading off. It makes the replies, all posts, align vertically. It is much more sharp looking and displays awesome on mobile without ever squishing the posts into smaller and smaller pieces. It also adds paging which I can control, so like 10 posts and then you hit “next page” or #2 or whatever. Below is a non-threaded example.

      non threaded

      I like non-threaded because it looks better, especially on mobile. The drawback is that I can’t tell who replied to who…. They’re just all replies under one topic.

      Let me know what you think. I’m trying to make it better and both have their good and bad points.

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tony (admin).
      • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tony (admin).
      • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Tony (admin).
    • #2770
      Tacoma Ute

      Personally I like the threaded but whatever the most people like is fine.

      • #2771
        Wilson’s Mustache

        Same here, I like the threaded. It was a nice medium. It is hard to see who replied to who & it gets too clicky having to go from one page to another IMO.

      • #2792
        Newbomb Turk

        I like threaded

    • #2772


    • #2773
      Virginia Ute

      Threaded vote here. Or maybe there’s a way to put that as a feature for some users to turn on.

    • #2777
      Tony (admin)

      Test over. Back to threaded.

    • #2781

      Tony this site just gets better every day. Thanks for your hard work. Also I k ow you’ve already made the call but I vote threaded too

    • #2782
      Tony (admin)

      Hopefully the Utes will win just like threaded did…

    • #2783
      Tony (admin)

      I tweaked the threaded format a tiny bit. The indents are smaller and there can be 10, not 5 of them. That should help prevent the content from getting smashed to the right.

    • #2788

      It seems better from the changes you made. Befoe, stuff was getting pretty smashed to the right. Now, not so bad. Thanks.

    • #2790

      It’s hard for me to see the threaded view now. Any way to change the background color if it’s a reply? Kind of like this?

    • #2825
      Tony (admin)

      Hey @BioUte that’s definitely possible. I’ll have to look at the structure of the main topics and their replies, but what you are showing above, or something closer, could be doable.

      Thanks @LiquidUte. Someone over at another site was saying UH sucked because of that issue. Guess it doesn’t suck anymore. 🙂

    • #2867
      UGLI baby

      Non threaded. 100,000,000%

      With it threaded, someone makes a reply but you open up the thread and can’t tell where, because it’s somewhere in the middle of all the responses. So the newest post in a thread can go unseen if it’s someone responding to something from a while back.

      A message board should flow like a real life conversation, which would be best represented by non threaded, and quoting people’s posts when you reply to them.

    • #2872

      No opinion. You’re welcome.

    • #2875
      Tony (admin)

      When things are settled here I may end up using some of my rusty PHP skills to create some different options.

    • #2899

      Personally, I definitely prefer the threading. Thank you for all the hard work, and asking for (and listening to) feedback from the masses.

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