West Virginia @  Utah

This is what is so frustrating about the BYU fanbase

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo This is what is so frustrating about the BYU fanbase

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    • #215564

      In case you don’t know, BYU fans accused Utah of not giving BYU an allotment of tickets for the game on Nov. 9.

      It turns out that BYU is the culprit here and not the U of U.

      What is so frickin’ frustrating is the mobs and mobs of CougarBoard warriors, BYU Twitter (X) warriors, and every Tom, Dick and Harry that is a Y fan rushing to take full advantage of this before the facts came out and paint and brandish the U of U as a classless university that won’t give tickets to BYU for that game. Posts and tons of trash comments on CB, posts on Twitter (X), retweets, etc. – making sure that their buddies in the XII conference once again had every opportunity to trash Utah.

      I am convinced that whatever bad reputation Utah fans might have gained over the past year is at least in part due to the trashy attempt of BYU fans to magnify 1000x whatever dumb thing a Ute troll might say. Yes, ultimately Utah troll fans can only blame themselves, but EVERY fan base has them including BYU, but we all know those BYU fans do everything they can to magnify anything that they see as remotely negative about the U of U and Ute fans 1000x. Granted Ute fans can do it too (magnify bad things about BYU), but it isn’t remotely near what BYU fans dish out about Ute fans.

      If any Bix-XII fans are reading this (probably very few), this is a single example of what drives us nuts about this rivalry. Fair warning to XII fans: BYU fans WILL do this to you too, and you will want to be in a different conference than them also.

    • #215572
      Ted Lasso

      Honestly brotha there’s a lot of idiots on the internet. When it comes down to it, the majority of fans, no matter what the team, are all decent, good people. I have no doubt that Big 12 teams are going to love Utah fans when they come travel to their stadiums.

      • #215575

        Honestly brotha there’s a lot of idiots on the internet. When it comes down to it, the majority of fans, no matter what the team, are all decent, good people. I have no doubt that Big 12 teams are going to love Utah fans when they come travel to their stadiums.


      • #215576

        Yeah, a few of our Twitterphiles haven’t done us any favors.

        El Jefe was stoking the fire on CB over this. Guys like that need to do better. But every fanbase have good and bad fans, objective and blindly biased fans.

        IMO you’re a good one Lasso. As far as I’m concerned you’re welcome around here.

        We have to keep reaching across the aisle on all things that divide us. Extremism is killing this country and BYU fan extremism is the worst kind.

    • #215573
      Jim Vanderhoof

      BYU fans are obsessed with everyone from the Big 12 liking them and what a wonderful unique place BYU campus and education is. It makes them feel important to belittle others that don’t stand up to their high standards. It won’t take long for the Big12 to figure it out.

    • #215574

      Said it before and I’ll say it again: they have been the most hated fan base and team in every conference they’ve been in. They’ll be the same in this conference. Just give it time.

      • #215579

        My Dad always hated ASU. That was pre Lavell though.

        ASU fans are pretty obnoxious. I would say USC was the most annoying fan base in the P12 era. All that pride turned to disgusting envy.

        • #215584

          ASU fans are interesting. They think their school is an academic Harvard with the athletics of Alabama. But the reality is that, academically and athletically, they are just Arizona St.

    • #215578

      I am actually unironically upset it isn’t true.

      Yeah it is what it is. I am one of the Utah fans who really really enjoyed not playing them. They are by far the most annoying fan base I have ever dealt with. I live in Utah county and most of my area is full of Californians, and out of Staters. I generally change the subject when I meet TDS fans if I am forced to interact with them.

      • #215585

        Me too. As soon as I realize I’m talking to a fan of that team. I shorten the conversation and avoid talking about sports. Too bad to. I know some great fans of that team and we talk all of the time. But, if I don’t know them, I assume the worst from previous experience.

    • #215590

      Agree to disagree but I think the worst part about BYU is when they run out of degrees and you have to use regular toilet paper

    • #215592

      What goes around comes around! Those in the toxic BYU fanbase will reap what they sow, and it usually comes back to them 10 times worse.

      I say to them, or anyone else who lies and makes false accusations against another for the sole purpose of destroying someone’s name or livelihood…be very careful what you wish others. YOU WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOW!

    • #215593

      Utah may very well have the last laugh against BYU and the entire Big12!

    • #215596

      Back when Kliavkoff was (allegedly) negotiating the next Pac-12 media contract, the zoobs were actually bragging on cougarboard of making up fake handles on both Twitter and other Big 12 fan boards, posing as Utah fans, and triggering those Big 12 fans with classless and dismissive commentary, and encouraging other cougarboarders to do so likewise. They actually believed that making us look bad would curry favor for themselves, and ensure that Utah would never get an invite in the event that the Pac-12 folded.

      Dumb zoobs actually thought that the fans would decide who would, and who would not, receive an invite.

      • #215598

        I don’t doubt that one bit.

      • #215614

        I made a similar comment that I thought at least some of those Twitter posts were TSPP using “false flag” tactics to make Utah fans look worse. But Pigbus did us Utah fans, no favors.

    • #215597

      They got ahead of themselves on this one—confirmation bias. Leave them to it.

      • #215615
        6 1

        Does anyone really care what other B12 fans think of us? And if your answer to that question is yes….why???

    • #215616

      Why do we really care? So a bunch of Zoobs post on the Big12 board they were repeatedly drenched in beer when visiting Rice-Eccles. An Oklahoma State fan (for example) reads that, cautiously pays us a visit, is perhaps disappointed only by the fact they can’t buy a cold beer in our stadium, (but maybe walks by the tailgate lot before the game and is invited to join the party and offered a beer and burger), and finds we’re pretty friendly in the stands or on Trax before/after the game.

      • #215617
        5 1

        Fans of opposing teams are going to visit RES because it’s a big game for their team and it’s at a great venue (yes, SLC is a world class city that will be hosting the Olympics for a 2nd time!). These fans will have either a great experience based on the game and their interactions with Utah fans or they won’t. Many of us who traveled to the Swamp had an amazing experience and there’s also many of our fans who came back hugely disappointed because of the way they were treated by the Florida fans who were wanting to spout off and mix it up with Utah fans. This happens at every game everywhere in the country. It’s all just part of sports. But at the end of the day…who gives a s#%t?! It’s a really weird insecurity amongst Utahns to want to be liked by everyone. Do your part in being hospitable and making it a great experience for others and that’s all you can do. There will be those in our fanbase who will want to be jerks and get under the skin of the opposing fans. And at the end of the day…it’s just people choosing to fan however they like. And either way, none of it matters whatsoever.

        • #215689

          Yep. The swamp was a good time. Overall everyone was friendly, except the few college kids with something to say on the way out. Everything I read online, including on the Florida gator subreddit, is that they thought we were all friendly fans. Just ignore the minority that trash talk on twitter.

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