This kid is a smart ass.

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    • #58954

    • #58959
      Tony (admin)

      Can’t believe they couldn’t throw him out in time.

      • #58967

        I am guessing he got walked-in since the kid on third base is just standing there.

        I blame the USC jersey.

        Good evidence that 4 is too young for organized sports, anyway.

    • #58962

      Four year olds man.

    • #58963

      Even brushed off his coach’s prompting to get moving.

      • #59072

        technically as soon as the coach touched him he should have been called out for assisting the runner. But can you imagine being the umpire who did that? That kid would have been kicking and screaming in the dirt, and it would make AFV. Hey, I’ve got an idea, anybody want to film me umpiring a fake baseball game so I can submit it to AFV, might have a chance at $10,000. LOL

    • #58964

      Hopefully the pitcher busted him high and inside on his next at-bat. πŸ˜‰

    • #58965

      I’m surprised at the Twitter replies. Bench the kid. Etc. Look, he’s four. He will do goofy things. Tell him not to do it again, and I would bet he won’t.

    • #58966

      That’s the exact same speed my 4 year olds move when I tell them we need to hurry…for ANYTHING.

    • #58968

      a bit off topic… i used to umpire little league in oc.  was behind the plate on this scenario.  runners on 2nd and 3rd, two outs.  ground ball to short, batter falls flat on his face right near home plate and is hurt (twisted ankle).  ss throws to home for some crazy reason, over the catcher’s head, run scores?  batter still on the ground.  catcher throws to 3rd, over the 3rd baseman’s head, run scores?  left fielder throws it into the ss (same dude that threw to home).  coach is screaming to throw it to first DUH.  play took about 1 minute.  out at first for 3rd out.  hmm.  i stopped the game, talked to the base ump and both coaches and said, i have no clue. one of the assts on the scoring team said no runs can score on a force out for out 3.  decided to call the head ump.  can you imagine what was going thru my mind with all the parents yelling…..  head ump said no run can score on a force out for out 3.  parents were furious and heckling me big time.  i took off my gear, put it on the ground near home and left in the middle of the game.  i retired  :  )

      • #58970
        Tony (admin)

        Nice job. I’ve heard that parents can be insane at those games. Good for you to stand up to them. 

      • #58973

        Simple solution: Baseball needs to change their rules. If the run scores before the instant the out takes place, it counts. If the run scores after the instant the out takes place, it doesn’t count. There you go…controversy fixed.

        • #58974

          You’d certainly see a lot more of the suicide squeeze . . . which would be a good thing.  That, and an outfielder throwing out the runner at home, are probably the two most exciting plays in baseball.

      • #58976

        How about stop all play and make sure the injured kid is OK?? Another case where it is obvious the players are too young, or dumb, to be playing organized sports with umps, uniforms, etc. How about play catch in the backyard with dad or run around the bases for fun until you know the rules.

      • #59073

        @oc_ute Yeah that is the right call, typically the force out is the “quickest” play to be made with a fielded ball, factoring in a run down of a runner who isn’t forced off base. I know you said runners on 2nd and 3rd but the last force out could happen at any base as long as a batter/runner “forces” them off the base once the ball hits the ground. But as a young umpire in that situation, that’s a bugger to get thrown into early in your career. The main thing is don’t call the runners who cross home plate “safe” cause they ain’t yet. Just follow the play then yell out the result like it’s the best call you’ve ever made. And never let’em see you sweat.

        The call I hate the most is the infield fly rule. Not because it doesn’t make sense, but because it’s a judgement call of where an infielder can get to based on the arc of the hit, etc. I’ve seen some high hits got 40-50 feet into the outfield which technically could be fielded by the infielder, on the fly (Pun intended) it’s one of the hardest calls to make when umpiring by yourself.

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