Tiger Woods' damage control campaign continues….

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Professional Sports Tiger Woods' damage control campaign continues….

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    • #25353

      He withdrew from the Dubai after shooting a 77. He claims he had back spasms last night. This guy is one lie after another. He lost his MOJO once the entire world wasn’t in his corner anymore and hasn’t been able to get it back. He is running out of excuses. He isn’t good anymore and it is freaking him out. But instead of owaning it and playing through it, he creates these stories to hide from it.

    • #25355

      It’s always sad when the greats hold on too long. Better to go out on top like Rocky Marciano or John Elway, but I suppose the pull of the game they love is just too strong sometimes.

    • #25357
      Tony (admin)

      I run owe of the most popular golf blogs in the world, since 2004. If you look at his swing, it shows that he’s scared to hurt his back. I’ve been there and it is brutal. Doesn’t have the power he had before. But mostly he’s f’d mentally now. When he stopped banging women at every opportunity, he somehow lost his edge…

      • #25361

        A good caddie would have recognized this and set him up with a steady stream of hookers.

    • #25363

      Plus, the comp is more fierce these days. Due to him and his success the sport grew and became a kids priority sport growing up.

      I also believe his body is partially to blame. He blew up and became so buffed his flexibility and touch was lost. He’s also mentally f’d.
      His past doctor was caught at Canadian border with PED’s after his divorce. You can see he got bigger around this time. Speculation was he was using. My bro in law was part of the bonds fiasco. So his info isn’t just a rumor.

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