TCU @  Utah



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    • #218739

      This morning I found myself looking at the depth chart predictions. I was thinking that we certainly have a lot of running backs, and we have a plethora of wide receivers. Some are depth pieces while others have had serious starting talk about them. I wonder who we see as someone or multiple someone’s that will transfer out because they have been surpassed by a young player or transfer player?

    • #218744

      Have to expect at least one of the RBs will transfer. I hope it’s not Glover – I remain holding onto hope that he can put things together and would really like to see what he’s got this year

      • #218750
        6 1
        D T

        Glover really started to emerge to conclude last year, which really means something considering how opponents were stacking the box.

        • #218762
          4 5

          glover had one good game against Colorado. Colorado had one of the worst defenses in college football.
          the last 4 games of the season not including colorado he rushed for a total of 160 yards. 40 yards a game.
          thinking he was breaking out is totally false in my opinion.

          • #218763
            2 6

            which he averaged 43.2 yards/g on the whole season.
            so he didn’t do any better at the end than he did the beginning of the year.

          • #218764
            2 2

            This is true, Glover’s breakout was 1 Colorado game.

            Bill Riley, company man, said the other day on what to expect from this year’s RBs that Glover “is what he is.” Riley expects Micah to lead RB room in both rush and pass yards.

            • #218822

              If Micah leads the room in rushing and passing we will be in trouble. We need one of the up and comers to step up

          • #218772
            5 1
            D T

            Yeah, I qualified my statement by stating teams were loading the box against us….In no way was I insinuating he was putting up 150+/game.

            Relax & stop taking my opinion personally.

            • #218777
              2 5

              I never took your opinion personally. and its hardly an opinion when you can look at numbers and facts.
              …? you this sensitive…?

              • #218779
                5 2
                D T

                You obviously did take it personally….Why are you so sensitive & acting all indignant that I’ve drawn a conclusion different from yours?

                I mean, you clearly disregarded my qualifier.

                He absolutely had some runs that indicated he was progressing, but any RB’s avg is not going to be impressive against a stacked box, which was the case the entire season….We literally had no passing threat.

                I guarantee every RB we put out there this year will look like an All-Star with the passing attack we’ll have, including JG.

                • #218784
                  1 4

                  bruh all i did was reply to something i found interesting. regardless if i disagreed or not.
                  i pulled up stats and numbers refuting the idea and now you are way butt hurt about it.

                  i don’t care if you think he was “breaking out”. but if you can’t tell us why… then what is the point?

                • #218785
                  1 4

                  you are talking about a 3rd string player last year. who likely this year by the end will probably be 3rd string again his junior year.
                  have fun living up to that.

            • #218786
              1 4

              also to take something personally means to think it was targeted towards you.
              i never thought any of this was targeted towards me. you are the one who thought my refutes of glover were a taarget towards you.

              the only thing i took personally is when you specifically called me out.

              you are very good at deflecting. it’s weird. easiest thing to do is mute. bye bye

      • #218751
        4 2

        I don’t know why Glover can’t break an arm tackle. He’s built like a tank. I’ve been soo disappointed in him.

        • #218773
          Jim Vanderhoof

          I’m with you Dallas. Glover can’t break through the arm tackles. He looks powerful enough but is more of a 1 yard and a cloud of dust instead of 4 yards.

          I’m hoping he is bigger and stronger this year. Defense can’t stack the box with Rising so hopefully he can get past the D line.

      • #218765
        4 2

        Well, nobody can enter the portal now anyway. It already closed. But Glover isn’t that good anyway. Unless he proves to be a solid backup or 3rd string this year, I think it’d be best if he transferred after this year.

        • #218778

          Definitely agree with 22

      • #218823
        1 2

        I hate to say it, but if Glover hasn’t put it together yet, he’s probably not putting it together.

    • #218832
      1 2

      I think that Glover most definitely hasn’t put it together. He has failed miserably, in stringing together games of significant positive impact. I absolutely see him leaving. The other thought that I have is this Mitchell dude is a beast. I hope that during game time he is allowed more chances. He is very similar in build to Glover except for he is taller. But very compact, and thick running back.

      • #218903
        2 1

        man people have strong very touchy opinions on glover lol. i don’t get it

        • #218907

          My opinion is strictly based off expectations that surrounded him following the death of Ty Jordan. He hasnt lived up to Jordan. However maybe those expectations were too high. But also I don’t think he has lived up to even mediocre expectations consistently. I just think we have too much depth and untapped talent that needs some play in our RB room. Let Glover accomplish his dreams elsewhere. Maybe he’ll get consistent playtime and be awesome!

        • #218914

          I am not touchy about him at all. He just hasn’t lived up to expectations. We’ve been expecting him to belreak out the last two seasons. He hasn’t. Maybe this year with his maturity and a good passing game that opens to run game up, maybe he will. But I’m not betting on it. There’s enough talent in the room to unsent Glover.

          That said, I’d love it if I were wrong and he does dominate.

          • #218930

            I agree, and he set his own expectations stating he would rush for 1000 yards his freshman year. Also came out of Florida being a 4 star recruit.
            I think expectation were reasonable.
            I dont know how or why people defend his performance.

    • #218939

      My experience tells me not to make too much of last year. The reason is due to what happened to the QB position. Unlike really no other position in FB, when the QB becomes a weak point every position on the offense sufferers. I really don’t know what spot or which players will take off just because a good QB that makes the opponent defend the whole field and many possibilities. When you become predictable with few options due to QB skills, good players can look bad. Rising alone will cause some surprises. Next, Whitt is a development coach. So many times there have been players pop to great heights after their first year in the program. As for Glover, he has potential, he may or may not emerge. Until we get into fall we only have guesses. Generally, Utah has preferred running RB1 most of the time, until that is not getting it done.

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