Utah @  Arizona

Tropical Storm Harvey

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    • #37880

      16.5 inches of rain forecasted for Houston. Houston, especially downtown has notably poor drainage.  Tigers and cougars may need water wings.

      This map covers Wednesday to Wednesday, most of this falling this weekend, but the system could be slow to move out of there.

      rain, rain, rain



    • #37886
      Puget Ute

      Tigers love to swim. Geaux Tigers! (next weekend)

    • #37888

      Unpopular opinion alert: as much as I dislike tds, I would be fine with them beating LSU.

      It would be fun to see them inflate their blue little egos uncontrollably, only to see them smashed a week later.

      Also, it helps our SOS (if!) they managed to topple LSU and (if!) we manage to beat them (again).


      That said, LSU likely stomps them. 

      • #37891

        This, and every other school in the SEC losing by 50 points, every week, screw those sugar barons and debutantes. I actually root for BYU in all of their games except when they play Utah. I find that it’s the Cougar Board that I really dislike, but I’m not sure how many of those fans are genuine. Some of the stuff said on there is too unreal to not be trolling. The SEC though… man I hate them and all of their ESPN cheerleaders.

      • #37900
        Tony (admin)

        No. I don’t care who they are playing. I don’t care if it is their women’s jello making team. I root for them to lose 24/7/365.

        • #37902

          To each his own. I guess that would make Football more entertaining though.

        • #37907

          That’s a fool’s errand you’re on. If you’ve ever spent any time at BYU-P, you would know that their women are tops in the nation when it comes to making Jello. They will never lose.

        • #37908
          Hoo Ray Who?

          I’d love to see the generational split among our fanbase…willing to bet that most of us in the ‘rooting for those douchenozzles to lose 24/7/365’ group survived the LaVell era, while those who root for them except when they play us did not. Not making it an absolute, but I think the actual numbers would bear out. 

          I like leap year because it allows me to hope they lose 24/7/366.

          • #37912

            Makes sense. I was born in ’87, and didn’t get in to football until around 7th grade, so I missed him. I can see the fans becoming unbearable in the Edwards era.

            • #37926
              Hoo Ray Who?

              Oh they’re still as unbearable as ever, but in the “olden days”, while we always held out hope for a huge upset, it was generally a “oh please baby jesus don’t let them annihilate us too badly” situation. To add my perspective, from birth until I graduated from High School, we had beaten them exactly TWICE. Once when I was nearly 5 years old and then again when I was about to hit 15. That 57-28 beatdown at Rice Stadium was GLORIOUS. We had the unbearable fans PLUS the short stick in the rivalry. It’s a lot easier to stomach their incessant zoobness now that the universe is back in balance and we are kicking them around. 

              • #37938
                Puget Ute

                The year after that 57-28 win was horrible. Scott Mitchell was out of the game injured, and we couldn’t get anything going on Offense and couldn’t stop them on D. They ran three different running plays during the second half and we still couldn’t stop them. For some reason we couldn’t figure out how to beat a draw-trap. I think we finally scored a few TDs against their 3rd stringers to lose 70-31.

                A cougar fan passed out paper bags to cover our faces…

                Screw those guys. Time for another beatdown.

        • #37939

          Who would you root for in jello wrestling???

          • #37948
            Puget Ute

            Typically you root for the jello wrestler in the skimpier bikini.

            • #37966

              If they are doin it “right” those bikinis typically don’t last very long 🙂 

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