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Troy Taylor = Ty Detmer with slightly better athletes.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Troy Taylor = Ty Detmer with slightly better athletes.

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    • #68150
      7 8

      Two guys who were given OC jobs they weren’t qualified or ready for.

      Obviously they have different playbooks and offensive philosophies, but that is the level our offense has sunk to. 


    • #68153
      9 7
      Red Dawn

      At some point players have to catch and hold onto the ball. This isnt all on Taylor

      • #68155
        7 2

        That would only make things marginally better. Look at the video BGU posted below. There are fundamental problems with this offense. 

        We run a Jet Sweep to the LEFT while having our LEFT tackle and LEFT guard pull to the RIGHT and expect our CENTER to make the block on their defensive end to our LEFT side.

        That might be the worst blocking design I have ever seen.

        • #68158

          I don’t think the left tackle is supposed to pull on that. Yeesh. Idk I do want an answer in that. Who was he supposed to block on that play?

        • #68159
          5 1

          LOL to the thumbs down on this. I didn’t realize Troy Taylor was on the board! 

        • #68195

          Nogt saying that Taylor is a good OC, but on the play you cited as an example, Huntley is at fault. It’s actually a good play call, but Huntley mde totally the wrong read. If he keeps it and goes right, it’s a good gain.

          • #68197

            That was a great misdirection setup.  I’ve falsely blamed Harding for the vanilla run game, when it’s mostly bad reads from Huntley. 

          • #68208

            Watch the play again, particularly the angle from behind the play. Huntley doesn’t look like he is making a read. There’s no mesh while he makes a read. It looks like a planned hand off the whole way. 

            So, either Huntley is making a bad read like you say(I don’t think that is the case) or Taylor has taken the read part of the play away and is forcing Huntley to give it there. Given the obvious attempts to get Covey the ball on every other play, I really think that play is on Taylor.

            • #68259

              There’s no mesh but that still has to be a read.  

              • #68290

                Maybe there is, but it isn’t a guarantee.

                I honestly think Taylor called the play without the option. Huntley was supposed to give that ball no matter what. I mean, he practically throws it into Covey’s gut.

                It’s possible Huntley has been missing so many reads that Taylor is now making the decision for him and trying to guess what the defense will do. Sounds crazy, but so does Huntley making a read THAT bad.

      • #68156

        I didn’t watch a lot of Detmer offense just looked at the results.

        I see plays and yards left on the field because of drops and balls thrown wrong with Utah. Points were left on the field because of errors. 

        • #68161

          You just summed up the Detmer offense. Or at least the problems with it. There were plays to be made, just like Utah had last night. And BYU would have been marginally better if their players make those plays, just like we would be marginally better. But that doesn’t make Detmer a good OC.

          Taylor’s offense might work in high school or even the Big Sky, but it doesn’t work at the FBS level, especially in a conference like the Pac-12.

          • #68192
            Central Coast Ute

            False. The Detmer offense did not gain yardage like Taylor’s offense. The receivers need to catch and hang onto the ball. If that happens the games will end differently. Detmer couldn’t even get across the 50.

            • #68194
              2 1

              That’s where the better athletes part comes in. Taylor’s offense has averaged about 75 more yards per game than Detmer’s did in 2017. If Detmer had better athletes, I’d bet they would have have moved the ball more. But who cares if you can move the ball more if you can’t generate points?

              • #68199

                Why does Utah get better athletes?  Utah has sucked so consistently at offense for so long how do you gain better athletes?

      • #68196

        Washington (and every other team) is going to give us the 5 yard pass and laugh while we struggle to make 18 completions in a row to get cover the field.  Those guys are open because the opponent knows we can’t catch and throw with consistency.  It takes zero OC ability to put players into that position to fail. 

    • #68224
      BJA 13

      Agreed.  The play calling alone last night proved as much.  

      People can continue to complain about Huntly, but Taylor didnt set him up to succeed..and if he’s not improving who’s to blame for his development?


    • #68233

      I don’t know why everyone thought he was gonna be some offensive genius. What’s the genius in running string bean Huntley up the middle with no lead blocker serveral times per game? It never works, ever. 

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