Truly are playing with house money this season

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    • #38752

      Ute Fan

      Almost All projections/predictions have us at 5-8 wins. Completely new offense and a ton of last year’s talent in the NFL. Another 8 win year will be naturally disappointing but honestly if we see significant growth in our young players and the offensive system, 2018 sets up to potentially be a special season.


      If we win 10+ games this year we will have exceeded my hopes and expectations but not what I think this roster and coaching staff are capable of 

    • #38757

      Ute Fan

      I’ve got to say that I am pretty excited and very hopeful for this team.  All the aforementioned reasons you listed are very valid and we are not likely to light the world on fire this year.  However, the new offense, the new young players, and the eagerness that this coaching staff has shown towards winning a title has me pumped.  

      Last year I stopped analyzing every little portion of the game (or at least I tried not to) and it helped a ton.  This year I will likely do it, but with a different perspective.  Instead of having the attitude of “he should have know to pick up that block” or whatever, I will be excited to see growth from game to game.


    • #38759

      Ute Fan

      I think this is the most talent Utah has ever had on paper. I know talent =//= refined players, but my perspective is that you have the best coaching staff ever assembled at Utah with a legitimate OC that has a specialty in coaching up the QB. The last time Utah had a really good QB coach / OC was 2004.  

    • #38761

      Ute Fan

      Shall we put this in perspective?

      During the Coaches Luncheon, Whit said this is the most excited he’s ever been about a football team.


      That means also the two teams that did some special stuff.

      That’s some pretty strong stuff coming from a guy like Whit.

      • #38764

        Ute Fan

        That high praise from Whit. Hard not to drink the kool-aid. I have never been to the coaches luncheons, but I would expect he is always pretty optimistic at the beginning of the season when speaking to boosters. Do you think his statement this year really was different, or does he make some form of that statement every year?

        • #38834

          Ute Fan

          It was different, and he and everyone else in the room knew it.

          In Whit I trust. I think we are gearing up for a great 3 years with Huntley.

      • #38771

        Ute Fan

        I’d say this is the first time Whitt has had a “real” PAC-12 team. From top to bottom, we are finally at the PAC-12 level, talent, size, speed wise. 


        NOW we can start to judge Whitt as a coach. Now he has what all the other 12 coaches have. 

        • #38791

          Ute Fan

          I want to believe. 

        • #38800

          Ute Fan

          When you say “Pac 12 talent”, what exactly do you mean? 

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Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Truly are playing with house money this season