Two quick things

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    • #124800

      1. Any time I edit a post, it seems to be including all sorts of jibberish into the edited version. See this post, for example.

      2. If I go to “Recent Posts” they very rarely show accurate info on when the post was updated and how many replies there are. Someone could reply right now, and it will still show that the “Freshness” is from 3 hours ago.

      Neither are dealbreakers, just thought I’d give you a heads-up.

    • #124801
      Tony (admin)

      I really appreciate the post. Some questions for you: 


      1. When you are editing the post, are you editing it on the app?  The website?  It looks like the “gibberish” you are referring to is inside a blockquote.  Were you trying to quote someone?  Did you copy/paste text?  In other words, how can I reproduce that problem so I can fix it?

      2. I just went to recent posts on the website and they showed accurately to literally the second.  Are you hitting the back button when going there?  Have you tried refreshing your browser on that page?  Sounds like your browser is caching that page. 

      • #124806

        1.  It was posted using Chrome on a Windows 10 PC.

        I had used the blockquote function to quote someone in my initial reply, and that posted just fine.  I then edited that reply to fix a typo, and that’s when all the “gibberish” showed up.  (Hopefully that makes sense)

        2.  I typically refresh the forum (again in Chrome) by going to Forum–>Recent posts (using the top navigation bar.

        I’m pretty sure this one is something weird on my end.   This site has never posted either the posting time or the number of posts correctly for me.  

        • #124812
          Tony (admin)

          Ok yes your #1 makes sense.  Sounds like editing the reply is converting the html to raw text, which is not rendering. On your #2 I don’t have a windows pc to test on so that could be a tough one to figure out.

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