UFN down again?

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    • #16167
      Tacoma Ute

      I hope I’m wrong but I wonder if this is the time it doesn’t come back up?

    • #16168

      Hosting bill and/or domain renewal fee haven’t been paid.

    • #16171
      Tony (admin)

      It’s the 21st but this time has only been a month since the last shutdown. Chris must have only paid 1 month of hosting.

      • #16173

        Ding, ding. I bet he is on month to month on his server. This will probably happen every month until he drops it completely or moves it to someone else. 

    • #16175

      What a joke.

    • #16177

      Apparently people didn’t donate enough to the 3rd round of handouts.  If memory serves, he’s now collected over $11k.  I hate to say this but Chris seems like a lost cause at this point. :\

      • #16180
        Tacoma Ute

        The donations stalled out at $1112 this time IIRC.

    • #16178

      People are starting to learn. You’ve got to realize that Chris has a community that has built over there for many, many, many years. I started going over there in 2009, and I was a big time noob compared to a lot of people there. It’s hard to let go of an online community that has been central to your fandom for such a long time.

      • #16183

        I started going to UF.N in 2002, right before MAFU got let go.

        Chris had a ton of goodwill, but sadly many of his best boosters/posters left him. I haven’t been there for over a month, and am not going back. He used to host pretty big tailgates, he lost his pig bus crew, he for a while was very well known around U athletics, sadly all that is pretty much gone.

        Things over there started going down hill after a few personal issues he had and then some of the stuff most on here know about happened.

        Sadly I think UF.N reached it’s peak in goodwill about two years ago and it has been a steady downhill slope since then. If it survives this month it may be it’s last.

    • #16179

      Sadly, I always think “this is it” when UFN goes down.  I’m very thankful that Tony built this site.  It has become my go-to with UFN being my backup.  Too bad Chris wouldn’t just sell to one of the the many folks that offered to buy it out and run it.

      Kind of a dick move on his part but it’s his board so he has the right to do whatever he wants with it.

    • #16182

      Grew up with UFN since 2003…sad to see it go, but outside of a few posters, the place became a dumpster fire of hate and politics.  My only fear with UFN going down is that some of those people migrate here and bring their attitudes with them.

      It’s so refreshing to have a sports board where we set aside any differences and focus on our Ute fandom…may it forever stay that way on UH.

      • #16184

        @AFUte no need to worry about that, Tony is an active moderator, and any of the crap they pull over there would summarily be dealt with. I wasn’t as active over the summer, but I don’t see MooseWhistle here anymore.

        Thanks Tony for doing what needs to be done to keep this place about sports and not jr. high antics.

      • #16187
        Tacoma Ute

        Amen AFUte. If folks could have kept the political arguments in the proper category it would have been OK. Unfortunately it was constantly being thrown in he sports categories, miscellaneous, media smack, etc.

        • #16192

          I think as long as you hide the crazy, the site will be great. Don’t let the politics/stuff like that on the front page. You can still have it in the correct forum, but hide the crazy. Maybe even make people donate to even be able to do political posts and the sort. 

          • #16228

            I am going to politely disagree with @utah on “hiding the crazy”. My opinion is, the internet is a big place, if you want a board to talk your particular brand of politics, there is a place for that. There is a place to bash religion. This is a fan site for UU sports. Let’s keep it about that. I vote no on politics and religion subforums.

            • #16252
              Minnesota Ute

              Having been a UF.N member since I think 2006, I am one that sometimes engages in the political discourse.  All I would say in defense, is that while I agree, the political discourse has become unhealthy of late, generally speaking I liked being able to have that conversation on UFN because of the diversity of opinion.  If you go to the big wide web and find a forum that aligns with your political view… what is the point?

              • #16282

                I can see that argument, and for a while I tended to agree with it, but what I noticed on uf.net (the bleeding over of politics and religion into everything) changed my mind. I think it is a slipper slope effect and will kind of ruin everything.

                Now, maybe I am wrong and having a strong moderator present (like Tony is) would totally negate any bleed over, but I think it is much easier to say “this is a forum dedicated to Utah Sports” and end it there.

    • #16185
      Tony (admin)

      I have my own dedicated server with all my sites and some of my Web client sites on it. It’s quite powerful. I renew every July (yearly) so even if I was abducted by aliens today this site is guaranteed up and running until August 2017!

      • #16186
        St George Ute

        If what some people post of Facebook is correct, we’re all going to be abducted by aliens before the election anyway, so no worries. πŸ™‚

        Thanks Tony for a great site!

        • #16191

          @stgeorgeute you’ve really got me torn over your comment about alien abduction.

          I’d contribute $$$$ if it could guarantee an alien invasion before the election, but the big problem is I probably wouldn’t because I want to see ASU, Oregon and Colorado. However if we lose to UCLA and Washington, bring on the aliens!!!!!!

          • #16196
            St George Ute

            If we all get on FB and copy and paste the same plea to our alien overlords, maybe they’ll delay their visit to the end of the college football season.

            I agree though. If we lose to both UCLA and Washington, bring on those gray skinned, big-eyed, little guys!

      • #16205

        Lefty, I started on utezone about 15 years ago and migrated to utefans based on some comments on that site. I remember about five years ago it was referred to as a “dumpster fire”, which set Chris off. Sadly that term is now used with more frequency.

    • #16193

      So, I’m curious – does anyone else participate in other Ute boards? How is the UF.N situation perceived in those other communities?

      • #16203
        St George Ute

        We’ve had this discussion face-to-face, but for the other posters here: My only other regular Ute board experience was UFN until UteHub came around. I went by “4everutefan” over there and was a regular poster from 2007 to 2009. I think I started my membership there around 2005-06. It was a lot of fun for a few years and there were a lot of really good posters. But they slowly started leaving, and usually for the same reasons. I met a few of the good ones in person and really enjoyed getting to know them, connected on Facebook, and still get to see what we’re all up to from time to time.

        Over the years though, what was left behind at UFN just became more and more intolerant of others, of differing opinions, and of contrasting political and religious beliefs (despite turning off those categories). People just became mean to each other, and there’s nothing I hate more than mean and spiteful people. I tried getting back into it a few times, but each time my reasons for staying away were reconfirmed. I still log in to see if anyone posts some news that hasn’t hit UteHub yet, but in general, my go to site is here now.

        The UteHub members have been very respectful of one another and you don’t get the political and religious stuff here, which is nice. It’s just a great board for Utah Utes content and there’s really nothing better than that.

        On a related note, I have tried Utahby5.com a few times, but I really don’t like their format. Way too much clicking to do to get to recent posts and some threads go on for months and months. I’m too impatient to read through it all. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

        EDIT: In retrospect…that didn’t answer your question at all. Just me rambling. πŸ™‚

    • #16194

      Ditto to everything that has been said….. too bad UFN got so bad. A lot of good folks were driven away.

      I was going to donate to the latest cause, but the Cal banner for 3 weeks really bothered me so I decided not to donate. If they care so little about the site why should I.

      Utehub is a very good new home…… thanks Tony for making it happen.

      • #16201
        Crimson Kid

        I have been going to Utefans.net since, well, before it was Utefans.net. It was originally the Runnin’ Utes message board. I went back to look at it in the wayback machine and found what I suspected – personal attacks and drama has always been a part of the board. Runnin’ Utes message board
        People came and left, but it somehow survived. I think the high mark for Utefans.net started in 2004 until about 2008. It included the pirate ship and everything around that project.

        Sadly, I think UF.N is done. Chris was too proud to give it up and let someone else run it and all of his personal problems left him without the ability to run it well.

        So long, old friend.

    • #16206

      I have my own dedicated server with all my sites and some of my Web client sites on it. It’s quite powerful. I renew every July (yearly) so even if I was abducted by aliens today this site is guaranteed up and running until August 2017!

      Tell me more about the aliens.

    • #16214

      Whelp, like me or not, guess I had to take the plunge and sign up here, it appears UF.n’s days are numbered with Chris’s problems. Sad after spending 12+ years over there.

      Didn’t even get to cash in my 10,000+ stars for one of those arcade Chinese finger traps.

      • #16224
        St George Ute

        I cashed in my 4,000+ stars years ago for a strawberry scented pencil eraser. I loved that eraser.

      • #16236

        @PDXUteFan … TRUCE! my last post on ufn was an attack against you. I apologize. You have a lot to offer that I find very interesting. I act like a grown-up over here so I promise I won’t be a dick.

        • #16243

          I act like a grown-up over here

          Let the record reflect that grown-up behavior is a minimum expectation on this site. Quite different from UF.N. πŸ™‚

          Now excuse me while I go back to my Minecraft game. MOM, I NEED MORE CHEETOS!

    • #16220

      • #16239


        No worries, I honestly can say I don’t even remember what that was about, I’m all about the forgive and forget.

        • #16241

          Thank you

    • #16225

      Hosting is so damn cheap. I pay $5 per month, and that is for an account that lets me host multiple sites. Really man, he needs to let it go.

      • #16229
        Tony (admin)

        True. Hosting can be very cheap. My dedicated is $130\month though. But it is a killer setup even with a daily backup to SSD.  My guess is that with xmission UFN’s hosting is about $30-40 per month.

        • #16234

          I guess that $1100+ bundle of donations went to other things besides the hosting bill.

          Pretty sad to see UFN slowly wither and die. I REALLY wish WebMonkey would let someone else take over.

          Thank goodness for Tony and UteHub!

          • #16237
            Tacoma Ute

            I think the fact that the Cal banner was stuck up there for 3 weeks is what killed that donation drive. I’m on a very tight budget just trying to make ends meet. I sure as hell cant justify donating to a site where the admin can’t even be bothered to spend a couple minutes a week updating the schedule.

            • #16266
              Crimson Kid

              Wait – the Utes didn’t play Cal three weeks in a row? Dang – I was duped!

              I think people were willing to help keep the site going. Everyone was even willing to help out with his personal expenses, but when Chris was asking for help to pay his own bills and couldn’t even so a simple update, everyone said adios and went looking for a new home to chat about the Utes.

    • #16277
      Tacoma Ute

      This is the latest in the day that I can remember it being down. Not looking good.

    • #16309

      Deeply saddened to see UF.N go. Thanks, Tony for keeping the party going.
      Well, show me the way
      To the next whisky bar
      Oh, don’t ask why
      Oh, don’t ask why

      Show me the way
      To the next whisky bar
      Oh, don’t ask why
      Oh, don’t ask why

      Well, show me the way
      To the next little girl
      Oh, don’t ask why
      Oh, don’t ask why

      Read more: The Doors – Alabama Song (whiskey Bar) Lyrics | MetroLyrics

    • #16338

      Been at UFN for 12 years, even recently became a “Top 25 Poster”…whatever the hell that meant. Really sad to see what it has turned into. I stayed there instead of here simply because there was more traffic, but that last round of begging for handouts without bothering to even update the schedule left a really bad taste. Think I might finally be done with it.

      • #16366

        That is definitely a common refrain right now.

    • #16376

      • #16379

        Still down as of 8:28 a.m. After this much time, I think it’s dead.

    • #16396
      Big Kahuna

      I think the Russians hacked the site to oblivion yesterday. I remember joining during the 2004 season. Mr Crimson went full attack mode but I survived his b.s. Agree things are sad over there. Glad we have this site and guessing the migration, good or bad will begin

    • #16400
      Tony (admin)

      It could be a DDoS attack. But since it was the 21st when it happened yesterday my guess is the hosting bill wasn’t paid. Would not be surprised if it is down all weekend and maybe comes back up on Monday if the bill is paid.

    • #16402

      It will be back Monday? Nice! Just in time to get ready for the big Oregon State game following our three-game series with Cal.

      • #16413
        Tacoma Ute

        If we beat OSU today we win the series 2-0!

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