Uniforms for Oregon?

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    • #859
      Red Dawn

      Does anyone know the uniform combo for Oregon? Seems like Under Armor would plan something special for this game.

    • #862

      The Utes Equipment twitter usually posts them once the team has selected the uniform combination.

      Utes Equipment Twitter

    • #897

      I think satin helmets with white jersey and white pants would look cool.

      • #899

        If we can’t get approval for all red then I like this idea.

        All red vs. an oregon in their all green would really look good under the lights!

      • #916

        This is what I want to see as well. Throwing a black mask on the satin red looks awesome too. Like this:

        Satin Helmet Black Mask

    • #906
      Tacoma Ute

      I miss the 70s, 80s and 90s. Red helmets, red jerseys and white pants at home. Red helmets, white jerseys and red pants on the road. Simple, effective, great-looking and Utah always looked like Utah.

      I realize that time is past though, for now at least. Hopefully the alternate uniform overkill will eventually cause a backlash And teams will go back to their classic unis and we’ll be able to turn on a game and instantly know what teams are playing without having to be told.

      • #909
        Red Dawn

        I would love it if they could find that same color scheme and do an exact replica (or close to it). I think it would be a cool tribute to those guys from that era.

        • #933
          Tacoma Ute

          Yeah, at least for one game and bring back some of the old legends to attend.

      • #911

        This is what I think Tacoma looks like during uniform discussions…

        • #915
          Tacoma Ute

          Don’t get me wrong. I think a lot of the new uniforms and helmets look ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. I honestly do.

          They just don’t look like Utah. Then again there’s probably people older than me who think it’s not really a Utes helmet without the double block U.

          • #917

            I know, I just needed an excuse to post that image…

            Honestly, I think the main reason teams are seen branching out into different uniform combos is because its completely and wholly superficial, but its something that excites the recruiting base. There is no performance increase, there is no substantial change because of the uniform (outside of the indirect benefit of any increased merchandise and retail sales), but it gives the recruits something to talk about and be excited for.

            Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the U came out next year with a Gray uniform or accent on some of their stuff.

            • #920
              Tacoma Ute

              I’ve been expecting the gray version for a couple years now. We already had a basketball version. Maybe we could call it “Dress Like Wazzu Night”. 😀

      • #1210

        Yeah, and back then it was a HUGE deal when they wore all red against TDS. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade things now overall, but I remember when it was a big deal and really exciting when they would switch up the uniform combination once the entire year by wearing all read. Now a new uniform means it’s just another week. Kind of takes away from it being special.

        …excuse to post a couple of old images of the all reds from the 80s:

        Utah 80s uniforms
        Utah 80s uniforms

      • #1211

        Yeah, and back then it was a HUGE deal when they wore all red against TDS. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade things now overall, but I remember when it was a big deal and really exciting when they would switch up the uniform combination once the entire year by wearing all read. Now a new uniform means it’s just another week. Kind of takes away from it being special.

        …excuse to post a couple of old images of the all reds from the 80s:

        Utah 80s uniforms
        Utah 80s uniforms

        • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by norm. Reason: fixed broken image links
        • #1214

          I love the all red, but I’m not a fan of those black stripes

          • #1220

            Actually, I agree. These two are the best of all time, in my opinion:

            Utah all red 80s

            Utah 80s red white

            • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by norm. Reason: spacing
    • #912
      Bob Sacamano

      I’d assume Oregon will be wearing green. They have a season long “what to wear” section that is telling their fans to wear green this weekend. What to wear

      • #921
        Tacoma Ute

        Oregon wearing green? No. That won’t work. That’s their team color. That won’t impress recruits. 😉

        • #925

          To be fair they will probably look more like a glow in the dark green highlighter than their “actual school color” green.

    • #938
      Tacoma Ute

      I think a compromise would be in order. Classic Ute uniform combos in 9 games, alternates in the other 3. That would keep us oldies happy who have had the classic look ingrained in our gray matter for decades. It would also allow for a little bling and flash for the recruits.

      Also, if they didn’t change it up so often it would seem like more of an event when they did wear alternates as opposed to wondering every single week what the team will look like.

      • #986

        I’d really love to see the throwbacks in more than one game this year. Those are too sweet for one-offs in my opinion.

        • #990
          Wilson’s Mustache

          They look great & I really wish Utah’s regular uniforms were more like them. They are clean & sharp looking.

        • #991
          Tacoma Ute

          I love the classic uni that Eddie Johnson is wearing in UteSteve’s icon.

    • #1057

      Hoping for all white. All red would look sweet if they were in all yellow

    • #1059

      Seems like they saved their special unis for the homecoming game against cal (throwback), which are pretty sweet imo

    • #1083

      The uniforms work because they’ve got us all talking – generating some hype. If they were always the same then it would just be one less thing to talk Utes about around the virtual watercooler. That said, White, White, White, White this week please.

      • #1086

        I’m ready for the White helmet. I think I like our bowl game look last year better than the All Whites though.
        Bowl UnisAll Whites

        • #1207

          I loved the candycane look. Maybe we reserve that for the holiday/bowl season?

    • #1084

      Love the throwback uniforms that were announced for Homecoming. Would like to see something like that for our “normal” uniforms. For this game I want all white with White helmets.

      • #1085

        Yep, and white facemasks. Quad-white.

      • #1087

        Although triple white with black facemasks would be a sick storm trooper look.

        • #1180
          Mr Chainsaw

          Then our quarterbacks would have an excuse as to why they can never hit a receiver…

    • #1216

      They will be wearing all whites with the white facemask. Stormtrooper look.

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