West Virginia @  Utah

University of Utah Magazine

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    • #217462

      There is an interesting article about the U vs Y rivalry noting decade by decade wins by each. Of the 11 decades, Utah had more wins in 8, tied in the 90s, and the Y had more wins in the 70s and 80s. The U has had 4 nine win decades, the Y one. Other than the 80s and 90s Utah has had an upper hand. LaVell Edwards did have our number until McBride showed up and made it an even decade. It will be interesting to see if moving to the Big 12 will allow the Y to buck the trend and make the rivalry competitive. I expect that the memory of Whitt will need to become a distant memory for that to happen. I noted that only 1 of the 11 decades had Utah in a better conference. The article notes the last 25 years with Utah dominating women’s gymnastics and football, a slight Utah edge in women’s basketball, even in men’s basketball and the Y enjoying leading baseball and women’s soccer.

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