West Virginia @  Utah

Utah -14.5

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    • #151245

      Calling all fellow degenerate gamblers…  Utah is favored by 14.5 Saturday.  The line moved from 12 in the last couple of days.  What am I missing on this one?  Could Cam’s 4th Q performance be making that big of an impression on the gamblers?  I’m actually concerned about our defense for this game.  I think Borghi has the potential to have a really good game against our soft defense.  Tony, I know you like to throw a few bucks down on games, what are your thoughts?

    • #151251
      2 2
      Larry B

      This is really surprising. I don’t have us winning this game, let alone winning comfortably. If I was a betting man I would be taking a trip to Vegas before Saturday.

      • #151252

        I could kind of see it if:

        1) Cam continues what he started in the 4Q & OT of Saturday night’s game

        2) The coaches ALLOW him do this

        3) I’m not confident in 2

      • #151253
        2008 National Champ

        The PUllman dumpster fire right now is worse than the one in Salt Lake. WSU is on their 4th QB already and the media is trying to run Rolovich out of town over his vax stance.

        They had to set the line high to get anyone to bet on WSU. Game will probably end up like last year with WSU ahead early and Utah pulling away at the end so I could see something like 38-21. Gotta be safer bets though since I’m not convinced Utah’s offense is anywhere near a finished product at this point. But the D is due for a score along with another TO deep in their end for an easy score. Hopefully that provides the spark the team needs.

        • #151254

          Oh, I’m staying far far away from this one.  I was just a little shocked at that much of a spread.  I think I picked us to win by 1 on our Predict the Score contest.  I have no idea what to expect from this game, but I’ll be there cheering my ass off as usual.

          • #151302
            2008 National Champ

            I fully agree. I don’t think any of us have seen anything from the first 3 games that would make us put our hard earned money on Utah at this point.

            The spread is more reflective of how everyone felt about both teams before the season than where each team stands right now. Utah should win this game handily. But that is true of each of the last two games also so who knows.

        • #151264

          Is KW going to his traditional don’t name a QB until kick-off strategy? Could we see an encore by Drew Lisk. How cool would it be to see Drew run out of the Car Dealership tunnel, pumping his fist, wearing a Crimson colored cape.

          In fairness to Brewer, he like Bentley are just not as good at running for their life like Rising and Huntley. Utah offense gets more confusing each game. Rising did bring some renewed energy, but combined with SDSU in a more prevent defense/less pressure and Rising’s escapabilty, it was the same Oline s**t show when SDSU brought pressure on Rising. SDSU was in hang on and burn clock mode.

          • #151267

            Can we get Drew Lisk’s name on the stadium. I want a Rudy like movie for him. 

    • #151257
      Central Coast Ute

      -14.5? Take WSU.

      • #151263

        Lol … but seriously , i believe the talent is there, they just need to put it together .. I am expecting a better showing this week , think there was something to build on last week that wasn’t there before

        • #151265

          After playing in a very loud rowdy LES, then playing in a relatively empty stadium about 100 miles from the home team’s campus, can’t hurt at all for Utah to play before a loud friendly supportive home crowd.

          Plan on yelling my head off in a few days.




        • #151266
          3 1
          Central Coast Ute

          Lol, but seriously, we’re talking about betting lines. Until Utah can show that they can beat a G5 team, I wouldn’t bet money that they’re going to beat a P5 team by 3 scores. That would be insane. If the line we’re -10.5, I’d take the Utes. Utebacker was wondering why it was so high and he’s right, that is high. You do know how betting lines work don’t you?

    • #151281

      Wazzu will cover. Mostly because Utah’s ohhfense is garbage. 

      • #151349

        I’ll put down on WSU to cover……seems too easy  In the current state, I’m honestly not sure our O can generate 14 point.  To cover, I think it will require help from Covey on a return or from the defense getting some well timed turnovers or a pick 6.  

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