BYU @  Utah

Utah blanket

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    • #22760

      OK, I hope this isn’t considered spam.  Tony, if it is, forgive me.  I’ll never do it again.  I just thought it might interest some of the Utah fan base.

      My wife bought one of these blankets (Udell Blanket) for my man cave.  It’s in Utah colors, jersey knit fabric and it’s comfy.  Most importantly, SHE likes it and can live with it always sitting there on my couch. Pretty damned stylish, if I do say so myself.

      Again, if I violated the terms here, please forgive me.

      Udell blanket (U of U colors) catalog page

      Udell blanket (U of U colors)


    • #22761
      Tony (admin)

      If it is useful to the site or the Ute fanbase I would not consider it spam.  If you are posting it with an affiliate link to try and make an affiliate commission, that would be spam.

      I should make a site policy that if someone wants to post stuff like this that they have to send me one first.  🙂

      • #22762

        I get it. Thanks Tony. Yeah, no affiliate here. I thought there might be some Utah fans that would be keen on it.

        Party on, Ute fans.

      • #22766
        Milton Vanderslice

        If a long established member like mesovanhorny posts something like it, it’s always cool by me. 

        My biggest problem is with new accounts created solely to post a for sale item or pimp something.

        • #22775
          Tony (admin)

          If a long established member like mesovanhorny posts something like it, it’s always cool by me. 

          My biggest problem is with new accounts created solely to post a for sale item or pimp something.

          Yes absolUTEly.  I wouldn’t expect an established member like that to suddenly spam.  Usually spammers, often bots, spam on their first post. When they do that they are instantly banned, forever.

    • #22769

      I wish they had a view of it unfolded.

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