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Utah Rose Bowl Template

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    • #167247

      I am sort of loving how much the rose bowl gear is p**sing BYU fans off. I would like to get some hoodies embroidered but I suck at art. Does anyone know where I can get a good template? I’m also interested in getting some shirts made. I bought gear from the bookstore but sort of hate all the extra logos and advertisements on it.

    • #167252
      Tony (admin)

      Look up Dahlelama, Twitter or insta probably. 

      • #167255

        I sent him a message. Thanks for the lead. Just want to do my part in passing BYU fans off!

    • #167254

      BYU fans have commented non-stop about the Rose Bowl and how Ute fans are “celebrating a loss”. Twitter and CougarBoard and elsewhere must have hundreds (maybe thousands) of comments by jealous BYU fans. They don’t realize how jealous they are.

      Of course, we are not really celebrating a loss as much as we are celebrating the experience of being there. I mean, a bunch of freshmen and sophomores almost beat tOSU. BYU fans always bring up OSU had “their backups in” – trying to make it look like they really would have rather not been there and that Utah couldn’t beat a depleted team, or so they think. But this is typical low IQ BYU fan nonsense, as Utah had around 18 players out, which created the biggest mismatch perhaps ever in Rose Bowl history. (CJ Stroud and Co. against a depleted Utah secondary.)

      Also, Utah celebrating the Rose Bowl is a great recruiting pitch also. I’m sure recruits have noticed and that only works in Utah’s recruiting favor. I mean if a team of underclassmen can come so close to winning the Rose Bowl just think of what they can do with an upperclassmen team.

      Anyway, I don’t know anything about a template, but I know I need to get some Ute Rose Bowl gear to make BYU fans more irritated. LOL.

      You know. It’s funny how they lecture Ute fans about celebrating the Rose Bowl when Utah lost, and yet they have a sign in their football stadium showing their participation in the 2015 Las Vegas Bowl. Pot, meet Kettle. LOL.

      • #167256

        The couple of times I have been reminded of the loss to the Y by their fans, I agree that I know well about the loss. I tell them it was awful to lose two straight to two mid majors but it was sweet to bounce back from that very low point to go to the Rose Bowl. End with asking them to try to imagine how awesome it is to play on New Years Day. It does pretty much make an embarrassing loss disappear.

        As for OSU, imagine how much worse they would have felt if they had lost to a mid major to keep motivation up. Imagine how bad they would feel to have so many missing from the team to move a RB to CB.

        Last, thank them for playing teams you did not know exist, watching their schedule helps us learn about schools we have not heard of.

      • #167258
        Tony (admin)

        We are racking up a nice resume’ of amazing bowl appearances.  Let me think about my top three.. oh yeah, Fiesta, Sugar, Rose.  🙂  

        • #167261

          Outsiders could care less about the rivalry. Everyone I have come across or read on message boards were enamored with the game itself being one of the best and most entertaining games of the year. The Duck feasting twice at end of year (whom the country recognizes more) to the Rose 🌹 put us firmly on the map. We should have already been there, but needed to get over the Ducks hump and PAC 12 title to join the elites. That game was the cherry on top to go along with 3 out of last 4 conference championship showings (win or lose). Consistency is what the outsiders are seeing which is resulting in recruits considering The Real U at higher clip!

          Recruits have heard of the U as “family” and “NFL developing” yet we needed to get to the Rose and have an exciting showing. At this point we are amongst SC,Oregon, Washington. Ahead of Stanford and FUCLA. I am referring to total rankings in my book on all variables. Recruiting, Facilities, Stadium, Consistency in wins and titles, coaches, developing into NFL, brand name recognition, etc etc etc. SC and Oregon 1-2 either way. Wash-Utes 3-4 either way. 

          That being since we joined the PAC 12.

        • #167263

          But until we’ve played in the Independence Bowl (where the hell is that even played?) just can’t really say we’ve made the big time can we?  😛


          • #167266

            Not only have we played in the Indepenence Bowl we were Independence bowl champions.

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