Yup, it’s always mix and match with him. And no rhyme or reason, or so it looks, for the lineups he chooses. I’m sorry to be a broken record, but yet again, I see no reason why Keanu shouldn’t be starting and playing most of the game. On the flip side, I can NOT understand why Keller is seeing any minutes. At this point, I’m almost hate watching because I want to see what type of garbage Craig will come up with next.
Keanu now has the highest season BPM on the team at 7.3 while Keller has a nice round 0, both played 15 min. I know BPM isn’t everything, but it’s a nice amalgamation. Ezra & Gabe are sitting at 2.6 and 2.4 respectively, while along with Keanu, Mason is sitting at 5.4; yet both of them are finding it hard to get on the court ranking 8th and 9th in total minutes.
I haven’t dogged on Caleb too much even though his BPM and other stats are nothing to write home about. Main reason is that his minutes are limited, and when he comes in, he does bring something different (energy & strength). But I’m really not sure what Keller brings that Keanu doesn’t, and I’m really starting to wonder why Gabe is playing instead of Mason.