So, I went to this game primarily because it was free if you already had a ticket for the MBB game versus ASU. WOW!!! It was probably the most entertaining game that two Utah college teams will play this season. The game went into OT and Utah won when one of their players hit a 3PT shot from half court at the buzzer. I’m sure it will be all the rage on ESPN this evening.
I hope it this win lit a fire in the MBB team and show the same fire and effort for WVU and BYU! End on a strong postive note and hope for a great hire for the next MBB coach. Go UTES!
Also, hope this only the beginning of a revitalized and resurgent WBB, MBB and Football programs to elevate their games and make Utah a force in the Big12 next year. Go UTES!
Worth noting that they shot 23-27 FTs (85%); Kneepkens had an off shooting day from the field, but was 10-10 FTs, including a clutch pair to tie it with 18 sec left.
Hey men, see how to give yourselves a chance?? Hoping the next coach actually understands the importance of fundamental skills.
I was about to mention that. Both BYU and Utah shot over 80 percent from the FT line. Another thing that strikes me every time I watch the women play is how much more solid they are in the fundamentals of basketball. Theirs is a more disciplined game, though certainly much less athletic, than the men.