Ute Gear in Utah County

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    • #33388

      Hi guys recent college grad, so please excuse my unexperience in this. I just started a new job in Lehi, and I have found that everytime I wear my Ute gear all the BYU fans must make some type of remark about it. Today I wore a Ute shirt and a co-worker I have never talked to before said, “Oh you’re a ‘U’ guy??”. I just don’t get why they must say something about it. When my fellow co-workers wear their BYU gear to work, no one says a peep. Have any of you experienced this? How do you combat it? Because I’m really not one to say anything back.

    • #33390


      I’d take it as friendly banter. You could be self depricating about it, “What, you’ve never seen one of us fat drunk heathens up close?” and then hit him with a, “I realize it must be really difficult to be a cougar fan these days.”

      This is my absolute favorite troll:

      Me: “You think the Cougars will win the Mountain West conference in basketball this next year?” 

      Zoobie: “BYU doesn’t play in the MWC, they play in the WCC”

      Me: “No they don’t, that’s the conference with the tiny gyms and such.”


      Zoobie: “Yeah, that’s their conference with the small gyms”

      Me: “oh” wink and walk away. 



    • #33391

      They’re probably just being friendly with the new guy.  You don’t need to do anything, just represent with dignity.

    • #33393
      6 2

      Whip out your unit and slap him on the cheek with it.

      • #33394

        Be careful. They might get a little too excited.

    • #33396

      Byu fans are confused by your lack to exxageration, fabrication, and vitriol in your recollection of the event

    • #33400

      I would like to say it gets easier but it doesnt. I am LDS and a Ute grad/fan and have lived in American Fork for the past 10 years and have found similar reactions. Im not from Utah but I married a Utah girl whose whole family is within a few blocks of each other. I graduated from the U back in 2004, since that time I have had many scoffs, wrinkled brows and even police pulling me over and the first thing out of their mouth is “so a Ute fan”? My reply is simply, yep, thats not againts the law in Utah County yet, right?

      All that being said there has been more and more Ute gear being warn around and the Zoobs are less vocal, probbaly because we have owned them in football the past 10 years or so.  I was in smiths in Lehi and I was walking past a kid around 6 years old decked out in his baby blue retardo zoob gear and the little lad was just staring at me with his jaw on the floor. his mom grabbed him and said its not nice to stare. I came close as I walked by and said are we as scary in real life? 


      Good ole happy valley.

    • #33404
      Tony (admin)

      The CEO at my new job is a byu guy. Wears the sweatshirts and everything.  I wear my Ute gear and hope I don’t get fired LOL. 

    • #33407

      Don’t feel bad.  The tds-P fans at my work do the same thing.  It’s just what zoobs do.

    • #33411
      Tacoma Ute

      I’ve had a couple weird experiences at the supermarket with zoobs,

      One time after one of our 5-7 seasons a couple zoobs approached me and one asked “how does it feel to root for a losing team?” I said ‘well, we’ve beat you 4 in a row so how does that feel?” The obnoxious one turned to his buddy and said “I knew he’d say that” I said of course I said that. You guys would say the same if it was reversed. They were beaten. They walked away at that point.

      Another early time a dork in a byu-p hat said “what a coincidence, a Utes hat, a beard and beer in his shopping cart” I said “the beard is to make me look like Brigham Young”

      Seriously though. Who are these people who think they gotta talk s**t when they see someone wearing gear of an opposing team. If I see someone shopping with tds or Cowboys or Lakers or Yankees gear I will smile and nod like I would to anyone else. More power to them. Enjoy watching your teams.

      • #33412
        Tacoma Ute

        OK, maybe I’m not being entirely honest. If i see tds gear I do get slightly agitated.

        • #33414
          Newbomb Turk

          I had a guy at Thanksgiving Point say: “Red ain’t the right color in this county” My reply: “Red is the right color in every county”.

          • #33416

            I simply refer to Y logos as warning stickers, because surely something terrible will follow.

      • #33418
        Tony (admin)

        I admit it… Whenever a store has zoob stuff and Ute stuff, I cover all the zoob stuff with the Ute stuff.

        • #33422

          lol. nice. As it should be. Good man. 

        • #33435
          Tacoma Ute

          Good work. It’s not like it would sell anyway. TDS gear is becoming a rarity in Weber County. Utes gear, signs stickers are abundant. Oddly, I don’t see much Weber State stuff.

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