Ute Hub Mobile App New Features Coming – Edit, Register

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  • Author
    • #46596
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve been working on some Ute Hub App updates when I get a few free minutes here and there. Between packing for my move (this Monday), football season, work, and having a 5 year old I’m not able to get things done as fast as I’d like.  Last evening after the trick or treaters finished coming by I put the finishing touches some important features that will be coming out in the next version:

      1. Edit topics/replies – a user can edit his or her own topics or replies. An admin can also edit any topics or replies. 

      2. Register – Mobile users will be able to register a Ute Hub account within the app without having to use the www site.  Not developed yet: Upload user avatar.

      Planned Features

      These are on the list for future development:

      Voting in polls
      Pick Em
      Predict the Score
      Reset Password
      Fix youtube video bug in replies

    • #46605

      Good luck in your move Tony, safe travels. 

    • #46719
      Tacoma Ute

      Will there be a feature that allows us to edit the Utes final scores?

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