Ute Hub Mobile App Released – Good News and Bad News

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    • #34483
      Tony (admin)

      I’m thrilled to announce the release the Ute Hub App!  I’ve been working very hard on the app and have even teamed up with the developers of the site’s forum engine to set up the back end to supply the data to the app. That collaboration will continue as I develop future features.

      The first feature set allows users to view all the forums, latest topics, latest replies, site stats and also schedules of your favorite Ute teams.  The football schedule is in there now, with more sports schedules coming.

      You can find the app in your app store by searching for “Ute Hub” or looking in the right column of most site pages.  That’s the good news.

      The bad news is that currently Apple has rejected publication of the app. Here is their reasoning:

      We noticed that your app only includes links, images, or content aggregated from the Internet with limited or no native iOS functionality. We understand that this content may be curated from the web specifically for your users, but since it does not sufficiently differ from a mobile web browsing experience, it is not appropriate for the App Store.

      Next Steps

      Please revise your app concept to provide a more robust user experience by including native iOS features and functionality. 

      We understand that there are no hard and fast rules to define useful or entertaining, but Apple and Apple customers expect apps to provide a really great user experience. Apps should provide valuable utility or entertainment, draw people in by offering compelling capabilities or content, or enable people to do something they couldn’t do before or in a way they couldn’t do it before.

      I understand their viewpoint and have responded:

      Thank you for the response. The users of the website have specifically requested an iOS app version of the site as they want the convenience of tapping and using their Apple devices without having to load a web browser. In itself that workflow represents a better user experience versus the inconvenience of using a browser on an iPhone or iPad. The app does provide a different user experience, different look and feel, specially curated content, and different options than one would have versus browsing to the website directly. 

      Further, this is the first phase of a much larger road map of development for the app which will further differentiate it from a strictly browser based experience. As development progresses, the app will provide even more native features and experiences.

      Please reconsider this issue.

      I hope that my comments are enough to resolve the issue and allow the members of the site who want to use their iPhones and iPads in an app view and not a browser view get that experience.  

      Please Police Your Comments

      I’ve learned during the process of releasing apps that the app stores of various companies will not approve publication if their competitor’s apps or app stores are mentioned in the app data.  This is why I’m refraining from mentioning any platform names in this post, as this post will also appear in the app.  I understand you users who are currently left out may wish to voice your frustation here, but please consider that any posts or replies here will appear within the app.

    • #34492

      I like what I see so far in the app it is kind of basic. Honestly it’s a good starting place. I think being able to post from it is key but as a starting place it’s great! 

      • #34496
        Tony (admin)

        I have a whole announcement ready, but haven’t posted yet since the IOS isn’t out yet.  The back end technology and support for logging in and posting doesn’t even exist yet.  That’s going to take a lot of work but it’s part of the next phase.

    • #34493

      I think it’s going to be great. I’m on my phone more than a computer most times and this makes it easier than trying to deal with a browser. Thank you Tony for all the good work you’ve put into giving Utah fans a place and means to talk about common interests!

    • #34501

      You need to tell them, thanks for your feedback, you will halt iOS development and only offer an Axxxxxx version.

    • #34502

      Installed on Galaxy S5, looks great!

      Request: zooming of images

      • #34504

        It looks good on my pixel.

        • #34507
          Tony (admin)

          I have a Pixel also. Love it.  It does look killer.

    • #34552
      Ute family

      Looks great on my antiquated S5. Thanks Tony!

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