Ute Hub Mobile App Update – Phase Two Development Begins

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    • #34637
      Tony (admin)

      I took a short mental rest after finishing phase one of the Ute Hub mobile app.  The main goal of phase one was to get an app up and running, showing some posts, and in the app stores.  Mission accomplished, except for the apple issue of them rejecting the app.  I’ve made some tweaks to that version and resubmitted.  I’m not expecting approval but you never know.

      Phase Two

      Now it is on to phase two.  In this phase the goal is to get a user login functional.  Users can’t post or reply without being able to login of course.  This will involve getting site engine and forum engine to integrate front end framework I’m using for the app.  This combination has never been done to my knowledge, so I’m blazing some new trails.

      I’m stoked to report I’ve figured out a way to get a login working between the app and the site.  I just did a very rough test login and I can’t believe it works.  That’s a HUGE step.  It may take a couple of days to get the rough code I have working to integrate into the actual app itself.

      Once I have the login setup solid, then will be setting up posting and replying.  Once again, this has not been done before so I’ll be blazing a new trail. It will certainly be more complicated as I will have to write the code for the front end interface (post forms, submit buttons and all that), but then I will have to write API code on the site side to write the data to the database.  Never done that before either, but that hasn’t stopped me yet.

      So in short, I’ve got a rough login happening and much faster than I originally thought I might. But I’m sure the posting will take longer than I thought, so it will even out.

      GO UTES

    • #34643
      2 2

      I’d offer to help you with this but it’s all Greek to me  none of my ranch hands or bar maids are worth a damn when it comes to technology 

      • #34644

        Oh, but your bar maids are worth their hefty weight on gold with their…”service” capabilities. 

    • #34645
      2 2

      Everyone has their special purpose they are grateful you appreciate Kate theirs

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