Ute Hub Mobile App Update – Reply to Topic DONE

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    • #34668
      Tony (admin)

      I’m in the geek zone right now. While sitting out on the front porch with my laptop I’ve now gotten the reply to topic feature working on phase two of the app. I also installed a rich text editor into the topic and reply text areas for formatting text, paragraphs, adding links etc.  Next task in the next day or two is to get the reply to reply function working.  Then nearly all the core forum features will be happening on the app. After that I’ll probably be working on making some improvements to interface and layout. Release of phase two, which I’d hoped to have done by the first football game, will be much sooner.

    • #34670

      He’s a genius. 

    • #34673

      This is great news! Tony, you’re amazing.

    • #34687
      Milton Vanderslice

      Tony, have you considered skipping the iOS app store and distributing it “in-house” as outlined here link

      • #34688
        Tony (admin)

        Haven’t seen that. I already paid the $100 for the “privilege” of being an Apple developer. To distribute the app via that route I’d have to pay $300/year:

        Join the Apple Developer Enterprise Program for 299 USD per year…

        • #34690
          Milton Vanderslice

          Ahh, it used to be the same price.  Nevermind.

          • #34691
            Tony (admin)

            If the app keeps getting rejected, this solution would work. But covering that cost would suck.

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