Ute Hub Mobile App Updates to Recent Activity and Pick Em

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    • #220364
      Tony (admin)

      I guess I’m stoked for FB season to start. I’ve been spending every saturday and sunday, and a bunch of weeknights working on the website and making improvements. I just fixed a couple of API data sources that feed the app today. Here’s the skiiny:

      1. I modified the data that comes into the app’s Latest Activity screen. That screen used to have a lot of similar items, like joe replied to topic x, then the next line fred replied to topic x. So if a topic had a lot of replies, it was just repetitive. Now that list only shows the most recent activity per topic, so it is a much more useful listing. No longer redundant.

      2. Some screens in the Pick Em game on the app showed the users participating, but the user avatars were missing. I fixed that.

      3. I’ve started on some tweaks to the mobile app as well. Nothing to show yet. Making improvements. If you have any suggests let me know.

      GO UTES

    • #220379

      Can we do Pick ‘Em from the app? I recall we could only do that from the website.

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