Ute Hub Week 1 Hits/Visits Stats

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    • #3281
      Tony (admin)

      In the first week of operation Ute Hub produced some fairly mind boggling stats, in part thanks to many discussions over at UFN as to whether or not the site sucks and who is visiting and all that… Here are some stats for the first 7 days of the site’s existence.

      Unique visitors: 26365 (max single day 7551)
      Hits: 1878220 (max single day 398410)
      Pages displayed: 211105 (max single day 52103)

      I’m sure things will subside a bit with the bye, and lack of discussion in other sites, so I don’t expect this week to be crazy like that.

      Let’s keep building and making the site better though your participation and my web geekiness. Invite some friends.

    • #3304
      Summit Ute

      Thanks for all you do Tony!!!

    • #3309
      Tony (admin)

      You are welcome. Spread the word! GO UTES.

    • #3353

      Btw. I love seeing recent posts with just a click of the mouse.

    • #3371
      Tony (admin)

      Btw. I love seeing recent posts with just a click of the mouse.

      GREAT! Are you talking about the forum menu > recent posts, or the recent posts on the home page?

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