UteHub may be what saves UFN
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- This topic has 36 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 4 months ago by NorthEZUte.
Tacoma UteParticipant
I think this site is a great compliment to UteFans. Unfortunately there are a small but vocal collection of butthurt ninnies with their panties in a bunch who are taking up sides when there shouldn’t be any sides. They feel threatened by the existence of this board for some reason.
Ironically the existence of this board may be the very thing that lights a fire under UFN to save itself. I like bouncing back and forth from one to the other. That doesn’t hurt UFN in any way. Thanks to a tiny but whiny minority of posters creating conflict where there is none they are making it sound as this site is some kind of evil threatening competition.
Those folks and their bitching and insults are doing far more damage to UFN than people who post positive messages about Ute Hub over there. Hopefully they’ll get over it and things will get back to normal over there.
Wilson’s MustacheParticipant
Those folks and their bitching and insults are doing far more damage to UFN than people who post positive messages about Ute Hub over there. Hopefully they’ll get over it and things will get back to normal over there.
There are a few posters today complaining about Utehub & flaming other posters that really make me want to just stop going over there.
Wow. I was just over there and I was very surprised that people even care. Very weird imo.
I just thumbed up your post. It should not in any way be interpreted an encouragement to be snarky or to bully. 😉
Couldn’t agree more. I am trying to be as civil as possible when pleading the case against UFN members who are bashing any alternatives to their sacred site.
I don’t understand the vitrol being thrown about another place for Ute fans to hang out.
Big ZParticipant
If Utehub is going to hurt anyone it’s the people over at UB5.
Every time a new board has started (UteZone, Utahby5, Utehub, etc) it has pulled a certain segment of posters away from Utefans.net that were looking for something different. Eventually, the only posters remaining will be the Beavis & Butthead types that are perfectly satisfied just to wallow in their own filth.
It is more like a circle jerk on Ufn. They all think they are hilarious because in reality it is like three people with multiple board names.
You do realize that a good number of us migrated from utefans, and that some of the folks that post the most over there are now members here as well, right? I don’t think it’s wise to start a beef with others before this site even has a chance to get off the ground. I can’t speak for others, but I find some of this talk insulting, and distasteful. I personally know a good number of people there, and this talk about it only being a handful of posters with a bunch of accounts is utter horses**t.
Then again, I’m most certainly one of the “beavis and buttheads” you referred to.
Yeah, I’m liking how fresh this all feels. UFN became less focused on the Utes and more about BYU and LDS bashing for a lot of posters. In fact, I haven’t noticed any “beavis & butthead” types here at all. Love it. Go Utes
Trust me, I’ve made my way over here, and I have a little bit of Beavis and quite a bit of Butthead in me (see avatar at right). He-he. I’ll try to be on my best behavior, though.
Tacoma UteParticipant
I’m kind of a Beavis and Butthead type but it’s all in fun. I also have bashed that one team probably thousands of times. About 5 days ago I unchecked the category though. What a relief. I feel like I removed a rock from my shoe. Like I had a hat on that was way too tight and I finally took it off. 🙂
I don’t think it serves any purpose to denigrate anyone that migrates here from another community. I have posted on Utefans for years and probably will continue until I don’t enjoy it anymore. Sure there are some posters that are annoying (or perhaps disgusting) but that is the nature of any open forum. There are lots of posters making good contributions and with great wit that would be terrific participants here.
The thing that would turn me off about this message board would be if it became a closed community taking opportunistic potshots at posters of a different “ilk”. I can think of nothing more boring than becoming a “Stepford” forum. And if properly moderated and self-policed we can keep it from becoming anarchy.
I think we need to give the admin here lots of leeway as he maneuvers through the technical details of smoothing out operations and eventually gets around to establishing the ground rules for poster conduct.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by 3UteDad.
Tacoma UteParticipant
I hope it can be a site where every sort of Utes fan can feel welcome and get along, regardless of religion, lack of religion, political leaning, etc.
Also I hope it comes to be viewed by members of both boards as a compliment to UFN, not a competition. I think most feel that way already but it only takes a tiny match to set the woods on fire.
Tony (admin)Keymaster
I’m interested in making a great site for Ute fans to gather, talk, establish friendships, and so on. Either you’re in or you’re out on that!
Regarding policies, I dislike byu as much as anyone (probably more), but I’m REALLY enjoying not seeing all the back and forth between the fan bases.
I’m seriously considering deleting the byu category here entirely. But having it means we can keep posts related to them over at the kid table.
Keep the category. You wouldn’t build a house without a toilet.
It’s not something you like to think about, but it serves it’s purpose on occasion.
Tacoma UteParticipant
Brilliant analogy. The category will keep the waste matter where it belongs!
@utestuckinseattle nailed it. BYU talk is gonna come up we are scheduled to play them in football the next 5 years and I think we have open ended agreements in all other sports. Better have a special place for talk not directly related to our on-field interactions with them, so folks who want no part don’t have to see it. Same for religion and politics. Like Tacoma said. I un-clicked The Zoob category last week and my life is better for it. I’d prefer to stay that way.
Tacoma UteParticipant
Yep. I admit I was probably one of the worst offenders in that regard. I just hit a point where I went “aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!”, in high pitched Peyton Manning voice. I reached the breaking point. LOL I had to take action to preserve what’s left of my sanity.
400+ registrations on this site in 2 days.
Obviously there was a void not being filled by UFN.
Tony (admin)Keymaster
Now up to 521 users 3 hours into day 3. The only hiccup is the damn email ban issue. There are currently 53 users who signed up but haven’t activated their accounts, probably because they’re not getting the emails.
Is this a configuration issue on the server end or just overzealous spam / junk filters?
Tony (admin)Keymaster
I have a dedicated server with several domains on it. Some ar clients’ domains. I suspect one client’s spam problems led to the IP getting banned but just one of the IP blacklists. So a few who have email providers that read that list don’t get emails: concast, AT&T etc.
There is also a mailserver DNS setup problem I’m not easily able to overcome, which would also help the reputation of the emails going out.
my activation email went into my spam folder (Gmail).
Same – and it was on my junk email account, so it wasn’t being forwarded to my main account so I didn’t realize for half a day.
Tony (admin)Keymaster
Be sure to mark those emails as NOT SPAM so your provider learns to like them.
Love what I am seeing on this site. I love the term not wanting a “stepford” board. Everyone deserves a chance with commenting as long as it is within reason. And the admin should be able to have flexibility on what that will be. Hope everyone has common sense and lets differing viewpoints filter in. That is what will make it fun.
Go Utes!
I predict things will escalate into full fledged cyber warfare between ufn and uh. UH’ers are rabid anti-beavite-buttheadites (aka anti-north-endzone-ites) and UFN traditionalists hate change!
I think the whole thing is a clandestine Cougarboard operation to foment a coup and divide and conquer Utah fans solidarity.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by zeous.
This is what I imagine it will look like.
Here’s the thing…you can make all the predictions you want, but this site got 500+ registrants in the first 2 days for a reason. There was a hole in the Utah fan community that wasn’t being filled. Now that all those registrants are keeping an eye on things, this site will rise or fall on its own merits.
As far as I’m concerned, I am happy with the way Tony has taken an “open source” approach to building his site…taking input and weighing suggestions from all participants. When was the last time you saw someone do that for a Utah fan site?
Not sure what your ax is to grind, but right now you’re whistling in the wind.
*Edit* Apologies if your post was TIC
- This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by 3UteDad.
Tony (admin)Keymaster
I’m not trying to start a war, and I hope it remains cool between the two sites. I am and have been a long time member of UFN. It is what it is and there are a LOT of good people there, many who I consider friends. I didn’t see it changing and I wanted to see to modern, mobile friendly, different type of ute fan site that was not just a forum, but more community-like…
…so I built it.
Let’s be honest, Ute fans needed a new home, period. Thanks for taking the initiative.
When Jazzy Ute lost his job with Block U, there was a mass exodus of posters but it’s still around and you can debate whether it’s better or not but nonetheless, it’s a place for Ute fans to voice their opinions, check recruiting, upcoming opponents, or what-not. “Haters gonna hate” right!
I like this site because people seem to be avoiding the ‘Big XII wannabes’ which if I wanted to hear about them, I could just go to SLTrib or DNews and listen to the back-and-forth p**sing contest about “2 BCS Bowls/Pac-12 invite v. Weak-ass National Championship/Heisman winner”. UFN is starting to become Cougarboard 2.0 in my opinion. Especially since the season started.
And yet you bring them up yourself, by devoting over half of your post to them. The opposite of love is not hate it is indifference, you are clearly not ready to let them go.
I think you are right. Rising tide raises all boats. The bigger issue is how some of the posts were. I think it was this one specificaly that annoyed me.
The potential death of UF.N . . .
It wasn’t the cross reference. It was the tone of some of them that made me get overly defensive. Also the quantity got overwhelming for a while. The combination made me ornery, even though I planned on checking both out the whole time.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Daedalus17.
Tony (admin)Keymaster
Not sure who wrote that but there was/is a little bit of a “sky is falling” worry I guess.
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