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Utes to the BIG or SEC

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Utes to the BIG or SEC

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    • #217313

      Another Prediction

      Here is another guy close to college football who thinks Utah will end up in the BIG or SEC. I think that if we end up with two power conferences – Utah should be in the mix IMO. I may not be alive to ever see this happen.

      Right now, we are in the Big 12. Let’s make the best of it.

      Go Utes!!!

    • #217316

      The SEC should grab the 4 Corner schools. It (mostly) keeps them in the sun belt and in the bottom half of the Lower 48. But it reaches out to the West that the B1G feels that they own alone. While I’d rather see Utah in the B1G, an SEC invite would be a crazy athletic boon for the U.

    • #217321
      Extra Medium

      Nah it all blows up and D-1 football abandons the NCAA. 3 separate leagues will be created with individual media deals. Leagues will includes player contracts, salaries, and the ability to cut players. Transfer window will become the free-agency that it is but only for players not under contract. Enjoy the next 10 years or so. That will be the last decade of college football with any semblance to the last 100 years we’ve enjoyed.

    • #217332

      Admittedly I am a zoob (long-time BYU fan), but you guys are nuts if you think Utah would ever be invited to the SEC. That is just crazy talk. The Big 10 is a pipe dream too. You guys went from being a terrible football program in the 70s and 80s, to respectable under McBride and then elevated by Urban Meyer.

      Kyle has taken them to another level (although, lets be real.. Kyle is a Douche). You guys think you are better than the Big 12, which is comical. You guys have been in a league where the atmosphere just plain sucks. For basketball the PAC arena’s are a pitiful site, other than Arizona.

      You guys are going to eat a big helping of humble pie in a few months. The rest of the conference hate you. You guys are c**ky and arrogant. And most of your fans are uneducated about college sports. I know you guys like to rip on Cougarboard, but that site gets more posts in 1 day, than this site gets in a month.

      • #217334

        Haha! Always comical to see a Zoob come over to a Utah board and spout off a bunch of nonsense. First of all, the 70s and 80s are completely meaningless to today’s CFB. And that’s the big problem with Zoobs, because it’s all you guys have to hold onto…an era of football that NOBODY cares about anymore.

        Secondly, Zoobs all the sudden love to point out basketball in their new narrative. Congrats on the big strides you’ve all made in becoming a basketball school. But news flash: basketball doesn’t move the needle whatsoever. Football is King, period end of story. And BYU SUCKS in football.

        Utah is being talked about nationally all the time in the future realignment scenarios…but funny, there’s never been one mention of BYU…hmmmm, what does that say to all of you Zoobs?? I’ll spell it out for you. Utah’s brand has grown considerably and has passed up BYU’s brand as well as others out West. Sorry Zoob, but Utah is the new flagship program of the B12 and BYU’s living in Utah’s shadow. We don’t care if B12 fans hate us, in fact we welcome it! Because being hated means we’re at the Top of the conference. You guys being liked means you’re at the bottom where nobody cares about you. Yes, we will gladly take on the villain role and embrace being hated for the next 5 years until we leave you guys in the dust forever. But thanks for stopping by. Y’all have a cute little program down South. And next time we come to LES, we’ll be expecting 2 free scoops of ice cream in the visitor’s section!

      • #217335

        Hello, fellow CougarBoarder.

        The article was quoting Rick Neuheisel – he was saying Utah belongs in either B1G or SEC if expansion takes place.

        HE is a former coach at Washington, UCLA, and an assistant coach in the NFL. Also, he is a CBS Sports analyst. He’s not a random Ute fan (although it certainly appears he admires Utah.)

        I imagine some others have said the same thing.

        You guys are going to eat a big helping of humble pie in a few months.


        Where is this overwhelming fact-based data that the XII is leaps and bounds better than the Pac-12 was???? Where is it????

        Seriously, I would like a decent, fact-based analysis that demonstrates clearly that Utah is waiting to be humbled and the the XII is sooooo much better than the Pac was. Sure, we’ll lose some games here and there, but being humbled – if that means Utah goes to the bottom of the conference – nope. Logic simply does NOT support that.

        And most of your fans are uneducated about college sports.

        Ok – show us – use facts, logic, and data to support that. Simply posting “Utes Suck!” and receiving 25 posts-of-the-day with 55-thumbs up may work to prove a point on CougarBoard, but, sorry, it won’t work here.

        Seriously, feel free to come back with logic and facts man. We have had a few respectful BYU fans post here occasionally, and they have not been chased off the board.

        I know you guys like to rip on Cougarboard, but that site gets more posts in 1 day, than this site gets in a month.

        Congrats. But given the trash and terrible logic that frequently shows up on CB, I wouldn’t be bragging about winning the “number of posts daily” trophy.

      • #217336
        Rick Walker

        This is an insufferable take, no Utah fan has made the claim that Utah will be invited to the SEC, it’s a claim made by a former head coach who has no real connections to the school and offering his own speculation. Stop pretending it’s something it’s not. Can Utah fans (and fans of any school) hope and dream of being in a power two conference? Of course, that’s what makes them fans, but to act like Utah fans are “uneducated” is ridiculous.

        P.s. If Kyle’s a douche (and no one in their right mind thinks he is) then Kalani should stop praising him as a mentor

      • #217337

        Wow, just wow.

        Yes, CB gets more posts in an hour than we do here in a normal week. You cannot argue that.

        Utah has developed into a solid football program and has a lot of national respect. I have no idea why you think Whitt is a jerk. This makes no sense to me. I guess if he is not placing BYU on a pedestal he must be a terrible person.

        Do I think Utah will win the BIg 12? I just don’t know mostly because I do not know much about the competition. I think Utah will be in the mix in November, But, very few Utah fans that I know are predicting that it will be a cake walk.

        My question for you is that most of the CB think that BYU football is a great missionary tool. How can it be such a great missionary tool when the fans on CB hate the Utes, Aggies, BSU, Wyoming, Gonzaga, etc. How can good come from so much hate?

        I do not like it when hate comes out, even in sports and politics. I realize there are a minority of Ute fans who post on Twitter who are obnoxious. I do not buy into that, and anytime a Ute fan promotes hatred, I push back. I have a great relationship with my BYU family and friends. I just don’t understand most of the fans on CB.

        • #217338

          How can it be such a great missionary tool when the fans on CB hate the Utes,

          Exactly. And it is HATE on steroids. Sure, Ute fans dish out the nastiness online too, but, as our CB friend Matt here has stated, the number of posts on CB is well above the number of nasty posts that Ute fans do. And it is not even close.

          If BYU sports is a missionary tool, then CougarBoard is doing EVERYTHING to counter that. And, the thousands of Ute-hate posts there demonstrate this quite clearly.

      • #217340
        Central Coast Ute

        This is about as little brother as it gets. It’s not us talking about us going to the B1G or SEC. It’s others that are. I’m sorry it hurts your feelers that people outside of Utah talk about us, but no one talks about you. That’s not our problem, though.

      • #217341

        I went to cougar board one time. It was like reading in Miss Cranes 3rd grade class board. Petulant children posting nonsense. But, thanks for reaffirming my belief.

        Come back anytime Matt.

      • #217343

        I say this with all the kindness and love in my heart:

        F**k off. Seriously. F**k. Off.

      • #217344

        lol… have you looked at your own fan board lately? There are posts asking if your b-ball coach, who hasn’t coached a single game yet, will be Mark Few (an all time great coach).

        And nobody on this site is claiming the Utes will go to the SEC. I thought learning to read was a prerequisite for learning to type words, but you may have proven that assumption wrong.

      • #217375

        Welcome Matt. I think you’ll find our board more enjoyable with honest and reasonable takes. We love our team as you do yours, but you’ll find the best interactions are honest. I’m sure you’ve experienced objective ute posters on cougarboard and they make for some very good interactions. Cougarboard is great for utah football talk. You’re clearly trying to make yourself feel better with these aggressive takes. You should know better at 54. So try a little harder to be a little better.

        We can certainly talk with you openly about our teams strengths and weaknesses (RB), but spouting off online is just so tired and ugly.

        Btw, I think your team is gonna be much better than projected, and we’re gonna lose at least two games.

        • #217380

          Thank you for that reasonable reply. I know better than to get into a p**sing match over something as meaningless as sports. As Jerry Seinfeld once said, in reality we are just cheering for laundry. switch out all the byu players for utah players, and you are still rooting for yiur teams uniforms.

          And there are a few great Utah fans on CB that I’ve enjoyed reading for years. No hard feelings.

    • #217346

      You don’t think I know who Neuheisal is? I’m going to be 54 when football season starts in late August. I’ve seen every football season since 1976. Watched byu and utah football through all those years. In fact, I used to support Utah football when not playing BYU. I personally know two former Ute stars from Springvulle, where I grew up (Scott Mitchell and Eric Jacobsen) and so I rooted for you guys in the 80s.

      You were no threat. I feared Colorado State and Wyoming more than you guys back then. The utah fans knew they weren’t great, but they were loyal and fairly knowledgeable about their team.

      The office I work at in Sandy is now full of so called Ute fans and none of them could name 5 players on your team, or even name all the teams in the Pac 12, let alone the big 12. That is why I say uneducated.

      And to the guy who told me to F-off… POUND SAND. Bite me.

      • #217348

        Again, NOBODY cares about the 80s anymore. Many of us lived through that time as well. It’s irrelevant, just like your football program…get a clue dude.

        And so what if fans in your office don’t know much about Utah football or can’t name players on the team…what does that have to do with anything?? Are you guys seriously down to football knowledge smack as all you have?!! Hahahah that’s pathetic! It’s obvious that it hurts you deeply to know that your program is so far behind Utah’s. But you might want to try doing like the rest of your fanbase and accept the fact that you’re an irrelevant basketball school now…hahaha!

        So run along back to ClownBoard…you can talk all the nonsense there ’til your heart’s content.

      • #217365

        That’s just zoobie folklore. You all say the same thing, so you think it must be true, and you want to feel loved and included so you say it too. I’ll bet you even have a fairy tale to tell about having been attacked at Rice/RES by one those phantom beer bucket brigades that for some reason nobody ever caught on camera. Must have had beer poured on you by Bigfoot, amiright little bro?

        You probably work in Sandy, but you don’t know any Utah football fans who can’t name 5 players on our team. You just made that up. How frantic and emotional of you. That was so ybu.

      • #217373

        you are a 54 year old sh*t posting on another teams board? how pathetic can you be my guy.

        your family would be so proud of you to see this.

      • #217374

        You’re really 54?

    • #217347

      Oh, and one more thing.. Kalani is a terrible football coach who should have been let go before 2020. He should praise Kyle, because his few years as a puppet DC for utah is the only thing that made him a head coaching candidate.

      Jay Hill should be the head coach. I thank Utah for developing him as a coach. I wouldn’t want kalani coaching my nephew’s little league team.

      • #217349

        You’re so pathetic man…you can’t be serious. Do you really think that upsets us to hear you rag on Kalani?? He’s one of your own. Sure, he coached at Utah for a period of time and did a great job for us while he was at Utah. But he’s one of your own haha! You’re so pathetic!

        Actually, I get why you’re here. Because you can’t stand the fact that ClownBoard only wants to talk about basketball now that you’re a basketball school hahaha! I don’t blame ya, that would suck big-time. Oh well, too bad for you. Hope you have fun passing out all of that free ice cream at LES while opposing teams come in and bend you guys over.

      • #217350

        Matt, you should probably seek help. If you’re turning 54 and act like you do, there is definitely some issues. I wish you well.

      • #217352
        Rick Walker

        Jay hill also stems from the Kyle Whittingham tree… just sayin

    • #217351

      I’m actually pumped for our basketball program. Last year was the most entertainment I’ve had about our basketball program since the MWC Jimmer years.

      Actually though, I used to enjoy basketball back in the WAC years. Those UTEP/N MEXICO road swings were always tough, and the conference was solid, with byu, Utah, utep, wyoming, et al being very good.

      You guys were a great basketball school back then.

      Look, I really don’t have that big of beef with the Utah athletic program. Hell, I probably am more like a utah fan than a zoob. I stopped believing the truth claims of mormonismn over 20 years ago. It’s the arrogant fans who think Utah is too good for the big 12 before playing 1 season that bothers me.

      And Whittingham being so petty, to not even utter the name BYU, and gets uncomfortable even talking about his time there that makes me consider him a douche. Loved all 3 whittinhams that played for us when they were in college and loved his dad Fred as a coach.

      • #217354

        Matt, we simply don’t care. Call us arrogant, call us names…it doesn’t change the fact that Utah’s football program is a powerhouse, whereas TDS is an irrelevant bottom-feeder.

      • #217368

        Last year’s basketball season was your best ever since Jimmer? The season where you lost to Utah and went another one-&-done vs some double-digit seeded no-name team that never hears their names called on Selection Sunday?

        Zoobies have always been super weird. That’s why I transferred to the University of Utah after my freshman year.

      • #217372

        Why can’t this guy stop taking about the 80’s? Why are we talking about UTEP? Basketball, football…. Doesn’t matter. Talking about playing UTEP in the WAC days is pathetic. I’m not saying college sports is better now than then but I am saying both our schools are in a way better position than the effing WAC.

      • #217396
        Central Coast Ute

        Why do byu fans keep saying this? We had another fan on here making that same ridiculous claim, so I posted a recent clip in which he said byu twice. Did that byu fan so “oh I guess I was wrong”. Nope. He went back to cougsrboard to cry and snivel about how mean Whitt is. Seriously, you’re pretty soft for a 54 year old. If byu had an HC that didn’t say Utah (and I mean in reality, not made up in my head), I wouldn’t care.

    • #217355

      A powerhouse, lol. Guess 5 loss seasons are the new bar for powerhouse. You guys got your asses handed to you by the cfb powerhouse, Northwestern, who fired their coach mid season.

      Look, I admit the BYU football program is in the sewer as long as Sitake is our head coach. But the big 12 is a vert good conference in football. Which you will soon learn.

      Your basketball team will be awful in this league.

      • #217356

        Matt, You so poo poo

      • #217358

        You heard me correctly, POWERHOUSE. Utah’s won back-to-back P5 Championships and has been a perennial Top 15 program for the past decade. Meaningless bowl games where 1/2 the team sits out or is rehabbing due to injury doesn’t change that fact.

        But you guys keep trying to desperately speak your little narratives into existence. Unfortunately, none of the national media say anything close to the nonsense your fanbase puts out there. To the contrary, they make y’all look that much more stupid when they talk about how great and well respected the Utah brand is. Unfortunately for you Matt, NOBODY is ever talking about your football program.

    • #217359
      1 3

      Utah is on par with Iowa in fb, if that. You are not a f**king powerhouse, lol.

      • #217360

        Says a jealous TSPP fan whose opinion doesn’t matter haha! But when National media members like Joel Klatt say it, people actually listen.

        Silly Zoob…what are you going to do when Utah gets invited to join the B1G or the future Super League?? Do we have to worry about you being on suicide watch??

        • #217363

          This is hilarious.. please keep it coming Matty. 54 year old zoob having a complete midlife crises breakdown.

          • #217364

            Goodnight Teddy.

            • #217367

              Good night Matty, come back anytime to vent about your problems… but seriously don’t let the Utes success live in your head, it’s only football.

    • #217361
      2 3

      The superleagues will NEVER happen. If people want to watch minor league pro football (which they won’t), they would watch the USFL/UFL.

      Just like knowbody watches the nba g league, even though the talent is better than the top level of college basketball.

      If my team is left out, I will watch whatever level of cfb we are in. I won’t watch the super league. And if I’m not entertained by the level tha we are at, I simply won’t watch. I have other hobbies.

      • #217366
        D T

        Do you not realize how pathetic you look on here with your vacuous, immature rambling?

        If we want to view the false, baseless zoob talking points you spew, we can just venture over to CB.

        Take your tripe elsewhere.

      • #217391
        The Miami Ute

        I wholeheartedly agree with that analysis. College football is regional…it is not the NFL. Anyone that thinks that a large subsection of fans will watch Ohio State or Alabama when they have zero ties to either of those institutions, and those like them, doesn’t really know fandom.

    • #217369
      Red Rhino

      I am an active Latter-Day Saint and I am so embarrassed by many of my fellow members like Matt. This is why I can’t bring myself to cheer for my own church’s school. I have heard them judge non members very harshly for drinking alcohol or swearing and yet they continually stir up contention and break the first and second commandment without a second thought. I am bringing this down on them not because I am perfect but because so many BYU fans act like they are perfect and better than Ute fans. Brigham Young would be ashamed. If you want to show people you are Christian than turn the other cheek.

      • #217376

        Didn’t you see my post above? I left the church 20 years ago. Don’t believe in ANY of the truth claims of mormonismn. I did serve a mission to Illinois from 89 to 91.

        Do some church history sometime. I would recommend starting right on the main LDS website and their essays.

      • #217377

        Correct you are Red Rhino! During my year in the bubble, I’d concluded that ybu-p is nothing more than a modern day Rameumptom. It’s such a vile place off of [misplaced] “pride”, I don’t know how or why the church continues supporting it. And “unchecked” no less. This arrogance isn’t condemned. It’s encouraged.

    • #217370

      Just block the troll fellas. He’s clearly not here for a good conversation.

    • #217378
      Red Rhino

      You seem like a very angry and disturbed individual Matt. I hope that you can find some peace.

    • #217379

      Wow. How did a link of national talk involving our Utes posted by ProudUte on a Ute board provoke such zoob hostility?

      • #217381

        It’s because there aren’t any links likewise hyping up ybu-p.


    • #217454
      Tony (admin)

      Been traveling and missed all the fun. Entertaining thread to say the least.

      Is this comment below like stadium capacity smack?

      I know you guys like to rip on Cougarboard, but that site gets more posts in 1 day, than this site gets in a month.

      • #217455

        I made the comment to emphasize the BYU overall fanbase is much larger than Utah’s. Just annoyed by the arrogance of your fan base when it came to being invited by another power conference and to not appreciate the life line thrown so they didn’t end up like WSU and OSU.

        I am actually supportive of Utah being back in the same league as byu when the vast majority of CB disagrees with me and feels Utah should wither and die.

        I enjoy this board Tony and have browsed for years but rarely posted. Didn’t mean to cause a shut storm and I mean this sincerely when I say I was not trying to troll. When I first posted, I was just back from a dental visit and the effects of laughing gas and novocaine, so not in the most rational state of mind.

    • #217469

      First of all, it’s already been demonstrated that Utah had the larger fan base. That’s why we always outpace ybu-p in the Nielsen ratings, in Dan Jones polls, and in merchandise sales. The reports of ybu-p having a larger fan base come from within your own bubble. But the truth is, it’s a myth.

      Second, the Big 12 didn’t throw us a lifeline. That’s another myth. The truth is, the Big 12 is not now, nor had it ever been, in the “lifeline throwing” business. They added us because we added value. We were Yormark’s “dream scenario”. That’s in quotes because those were his words.

      If you’re searching for “arrogance”, look in the mirror. Get over yourself.

    • #217479
      Tony (admin)

      Thread closed. Start a new one if you want to continue the conversation.

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