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Warning – kinda a Rant

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    • #156345
      1 1

      Also disclaimer. I don’t personally have proof. But, from stuff I’ve heard (not alleging it’s true) pope has been engaged in some shady s***. I Believe where they’re is smoke there is fire. 

      first Lahner and now Chandler ? A kid who has been a Ute his whole life and was 100 percent until 72 hours ? Loaner was all in too. Dad gets offered a job or something.  BYU is hell bent to Keep Utah ball down. I think Smith is the right guy. I base that just off his personality, his style of coaching and his resume.  But Pope man. Fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on you. It’s not that these guys went to BYU. It s how abs timing of it. Something is up 

    • #156351
      5 2

      From the Chandler family, we learn that coach Pope came in late and sold the kid.  The dad said it was always his son’s choice.  I understand your frustration.  Maybe something a bit shady happened (I doubt it).  However, we as Utes don’t want to appear bitter.  It hurts us going forward IMO.  We did this with the Wilson family and lost the entire family to the team down south as well as other Corner Canyon teammates (best football school in the state).  

      Years ago, BYU had the corner on the Kaufusi family.  They made a mistake with son number 3.  Mac got him to come to Utah and all of a sudden we got sons 4-6.  BYU made a smart move and made son number 1 an assistant – and all of his kids played for the cougs.  Now we have the youngest son.

      We lost Chandler (at least for now).  He could change his mind in 2 1/2 years.  Bitterness does not help our cause IMO.

      If I was a great basketball player in the state of Utah – I would have to consider that BYU is by far a better program today and they will be playing in a much better basketball conference when Chandler is done with his mission.  The kid is LDS, so making the transition to BYU won’t be hard.   Utah has to do a complete rebuild of our program.  It will take some time.  I think we have the right guy to do it.




    • #156353

      You may be right, but I don’t buy it.

      Look, I am a lifelong Ute fan, I have zero confidence in the basketball team right now though. As a high level kid, I am not sure I would want to play in an arena that is 15% full. Things are cyclical, and will come back around, right now though, I totally get his decision. 

      Look, they are on a roll, anyone that denies that is crazy. All that said, I remember people hanging their heads on this site about the FB team about 90 days ago. Point being, sometimes perception isn’t reality, and things might be just fine. 


    • #156358
      4 1

      Until Utah stops spinning their wheels in the mud I don’t worry myself over the decisions of children. 

      Coach Smith has an uphill battle.

    • #156390
      Central Coast Ute

      I think it’s the other way around.fool me once…

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