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Was anyone else ticked

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    • #115790

      When that fat guy came and layed on top of moss’ head way after the play was over, the proceeded to put all of his weight on moss’ head/neck/back???

      that was a sneaky dirty play. Looked like the guy made an effort to put as much of his weight on moss’ head as possible.

    • #115791

      That was one of about fifty cheap shots from Colorad9. Screw em.

    • #115794

      I mean there was at least half of that 50 on one play alone… and we got called for two fouls to their one.

    • #115795

      Very upset. Laying on Moss was unacceptable. It was number 99 – he was flagged for the late hit later in the game – I think it was in the punt return.

    • #115797

      YES!  I was!  I was yelling inside (no sense doing it from row 32 – they can’t hear you).   There were at least a half dozen times that simlar things happened, and I don’t recall a single one flagged. 

      They were doing all they could to take him out.  

      This is football, it’s part of the game, and and goes on all the time.  But, in this game, from where I sat, it felt extensive, intentional, targetted at Moss, and excessive.  

      In contrast – watch Anae.  He will hunt the QB down, take him to the ground, and more often than not, skip the celebration to help the QB up afterward.  And then, pat him on the back as he’s walking away.


      • #115805

        Cough, Cough, Bulls**t, Cough.  Our D-Linemen especially Anae with his little tornado gesture let the guys they hit know about it.  I wouldn’t want it any other way.

        • #115807

          Yes, they do, and yes, he does; the phrase ‘more often than not’ in my comment, referred to what I described.  The “otherwise” situations include the tornado gesture, and the ‘quick draw from two holsters with repeated firing of the pistols’ gesture; and I WOULD NOT HAVE IT any other way either.

          However, there is a difference between those celebrations and demonstrations of intimidation, and the acts I was describing: a late to arrive 350-pound lineman launching himself on the head of the RB at the bottom of the pile and grinding his way down.

          When I described Anae as the antithesis of that behavior, I meant it, and I realized that it does not happen on every play.  Anae, and all of our players “usually” make their point in a one vs one domination fashion – not a ‘slaughter the defenseless’ fashion. 

          That is what I was trying to convey.

          And, to be fair, half the time when Anae (or other Utes) extend that hand up or pat on the back, they are doing so to reinforce the notion that they own the opposition they have just subdued.  I get that.  But there is a difference between that, and the cheap shot behavior I was complaining about.

    • #115799

      Yep! I kept complaining about it on chat lol. Super obvious what they were trying to do.

    • #115800

      Maybe this is what elite teams deal with all the time. I haven’t noticed this sort of chippy cheap shot behavior for no reason before. Only explanation is now the other teams are the underdog, and it’d be quite the feather in their cap to beat us.

    • #115806

      I appreciate you guys taking up for the honor of our team that has a reputation as being the toughest sons of bitches on the block (yes, the Utes physically hurt the other teams they play and it carry’s over sometimes for weeks) but give it a rest.  Not all cheap shots are equal.  If a guy at USC or UW commits a cheapshot it is because it is a cheap shot.  When the CU, YBU, or Arizona players do it usually it is result of a less athletic player trying to do something they are not physically capable of and it is cheap because they don’t get there in time.  Think of the old guy you play pickup basketball with… The Colorado players were giving it everything they had, rallying to the ball, and finishing tackles. Utah does the exact same thing only much, much, faster.

    • #115825

      Yep, it was after that one that I decided it was fine to RUTS… A lot of Ute fans complained about ASU engaging in cheap shots but I think ASU was a case of a couple of guys letting emotions get away from them in a few isolated incidents… but for whatever reason, it sure seemed the Buffs played far dirtier than anyone we faced this year. The whole game was like that. Remember when Moss lost his helmet near the goal line? Watch the replay, as the pile is going down a CU dude reaches in to grab him by the neck and wrench it off. Smh.

      I know the conference wants UU-CU to be a rivalry. Hasn’t been much of one on the scoreboard, but games like this do brew a distaste for a team that plays like that…

    • #115859

      I’m sorry, Brother. You lost me at “350 pound lineman”. I get your point, though. As long as Utah has a reputation for being the toughest team, we are going to have to deal with teams wanting to show they are tougher. Couple that with a lot of the newer Pac coaches wanting their teams to embody a similar philosophy as Utah, we are likely to see more and more of this.

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