Was listening to AM 700 earlier today, not sure which show

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    • #27160

      and they brought up the situation at Baylor.  Specifically whether or not Utah should drop Baylor from our upcoming schedules.

      I don’t know the answer to that.  I’ve always felt like the NCAA punishments weren’t fair to the athletes that weren’t involved.  Unfortunately the NCAA doesn’t have much in the way of punishing the Reggie Bushes of the world. 

      I don’t know what the answer is but it seems talk of dropping games five and six years away could be premature?  Thoughts?


    • #27171

      How can they justify dropping Baylor when BYU has had rape scandals, drug abuse, etc? Utah is in a tough situation with this. How can you take a moral stand vs Baylor and look the other way the FBYU-P? 

      • #27177

        I don’t want to defend BYU here, but the stuff going on at Baylor is far worse than anything I’ve heard of happening at BYU.

        Even if it were to be revealed that BYU was just as bad as Baylor, we all know the perception of local media, lawmakers, and other influential types in this state is that “BYU does things differently” and “they try to do things the right way” so everyone would look the other way and pretend nothing was wrong as we continue to schedule them.  

        Sadly, we are stuck with those losers until they either drop football or decide they don’t want to lose to us anymore.

        • #27192
          2 3

          BYU has a history of discrimination that goes back forever. From polygamy, to blacks and the priesthood to now with the LGBT issues. They always need someone to compare themsevles against to show how righteous they are. 

          BYU has turned many of their players into drug addicts. 

          BYU has their own rape issues. 

          The difference between BYU and Baylor? As of right now, you can pin most of this on Art Briles. 

          BYU? It is the Church. It’s the organization, not the coach. 

          THAT is a MAJOR difference. 

          Odds are, Baylor will be just fine in a year or two. BYU? After they allow LGBT as full members, who is next group they ostracize? 

          • #27195
            1 1

            Be hard pressed to argue with anything you stated.  

            I suspect that like most campuses rape is under reported there.  I suspect part of that is due to the honor code  

            the medical staff there does appear to have contributed to what appears to be higher than what happens at other schools 

            the common thread is the owner of the school. 

            One of my best friends graduated from there. Went there because it was cheap.  Said it was culture shock. This was in the early 80’s 

    • #27172
      1 1

      I don’t think you can, drop one probably need to drop them both.

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