Utah @  BYU

Watching video of the volcano explosion in Tonga

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc Watching video of the volcano explosion in Tonga

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    • #164908

      When I saw that video I was nearly brought to tears just at the sheer unhinged destructive power of the thing. Not out of sympathy for those effected, but just in complete awe at how powerful nature can be. One thing happens then suddenly all that technology that mattered so much doesn’t function in the slightest.

      Humans have a tendency to think we have life figured out. The highly educated/high society folks in particular seem to think they have all the power in the world… Then you witness something like this and it makes me feel incredibly small. Not in a poor me sort of way, but in a humbling sort of way.

      I thought about the power of volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami’s… Then thought about the power of our sun in comparison to something like that volcanoe. Our son is further away than we can really even fathom, yet it’s power is enough to give living warmth and light to our small, insignificant planet.

      On a universal scale our sun is nothing. Our universe even may be just one of an infinite number of universes. It is entirely possible that some being out there somewhere sees our world, or even our universe as just another grain of sand in a sandy beach full of numberless grains of sand.

      Sorry for the strange post… Just thought it was interesting, don’t know what I would do if I lived on an island and something like that happened to me.

      Go Utes!


    • #164918

      So many typos… so little desire to fix them.

    • #164925

      Do we have a number of Tongans on the football team?

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