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“We were expecting we’d be set”

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    • #200009
      4 2
      Ghost of the HEB

      This was part of Whitt’s response yesterday to a question about whether or not they went after a transfer QB in the off-season. I’m assuming by “set” Whitt didn’t mean we were expecting our backup QBs would be able to carry us through significant portions of the season. Feels safe to assume he means they expected to have Cam.
      The facts are somewhat irrelevant at this point, and it’s becoming a dead horse, but this confidence in Cam’s availability makes no sense given what Cam and ElAttrache have said in the past week. Maybe we’ll get more clarity on this soon, but right now there are only two likely explanations for the discrepancy:
      1. Our coaching staff ignored all the data and professional prognostications (including those from the surgeon) when it comes to timeline of return for an injury of this magnitude, and this ignorance has left us in a QB crisis. This theory implies the recent statements from Cam/Surgeon are just reaffirming that the coaches were unreasonable for expecting Cam back.
      2. Our coaches were strongly led to believe by Cam and/or the surgeon that Cam would be available very early in the season, and they believed the chances of reaching the season half way point without him seeing the field yet was slim. And this theory implies the recent statements from Cam/surgeon are deflecting blame and disregarding what was sold to the coaches regarding the most likely timeline of return.

    • #200014

      Unless you think the coaches are trying to deliberately sabotage the program or trying to deliberately lose games, then the only possible explanation is #2.

    • #200017

      I read ‘we were expecting we’d be set’ to mean both that they hoped to have Cam back, but if not, we were set with 3 options to fill in until he was ready to come back (expectation probably shorter than reality). That second piece I think is critical to the argument.

      • #200019
        Ghost of the HEB

        I think ‘expected’ vs ‘hoped’ is the key there. Hoping you’d be set is just something that’s up in the air, but expecting means you’re basing that expectation on something.

        • #200030

          Good point. ‘Hope is not a strategy’

    • #200020
      The Miami Ute

      As time goes by, for me, the only logical explanation is that Whitt thought that Cam would be back in the saddle by now and, if he wasn’t, Rose, Barnes or Johnson could cover for him for the period of time he was out.

      The real question is whether Cam or El-Attrache told Whitt on 16 January that Cam’s recovery period was expected to take 10-12 months. I think that’s important because Whitt would then have to make the calculation that Cam could possibly miss the whole season. That would also lead to him having to re-assess whether he felt comfortable with any of Rose, Barnes or Johnson not just having a bit role but actually being the full time starters.

      If he did that, fine. It’s his prerogative and also a case of Whitt betting on himself and his roster. It just hasn’t turned out well.

      • #200028

        Very fair

      • #200032

        As time goes by, for me, the only logical explanation is that Whitt thought that Cam would be back in the saddle by now and, if he wasn’t, Rose, Barnes or Johnson could cover for him for the period of time he was out.

        I think we need to leave it here for now. I would be shocked if Whitt ever talked to El-Attrache. He would have difficulty talking to the U Drs without Cam’s specific instruction to do so. I don’t know if the U Drs ever talked to the surgeon as well. There were ‘ahead of schedule’ data points, and I can only imagine those updates are communicated with much more volume than the other ‘on schedule’ updates. Cam was the key communication link, I believe, and he is a student. I have seen a range of positive and optimistic approaches to injuries by HS students, I expect college students can be similar.

        I get it that he thought the other QBs could provide backup coverage. Very likely he could have been right if the injury to Rose and/or the subsequent back and forth with #3 and #4 would not have happened. Spinning thur RBs, WRs, TE, and center can also have a very negative impact on the backup plan execution.

        Whitt if focused on the view thru the windshield not behind and that is the only way he will make the best of this season. I expect the coaches are learning and thinking, I expect after off season analysis they very well could have different thoughts for if it was to ever happen again.

        As for fans, many can be very capable of analysis but also very slow to getting onto the coach is BSing us or the coach is making terrible decisions wagon. And we all can’t disagree with other opinions with information that still allows interpretation. I wonder how the Cal game will impact our thinking? I hope plan A or plan B is in much better shape this week.

        • #200050
          2008 National Champ

          Central Coast Ute has brought it up a couple of times and I believe it’s the missing piece. The Utah medical staff has cleared Rising to play. They also have a different motivation that Rising’s surgeon and thus a different threshold. ElAttrache’s appears to be higher for what he is allowing Rising to do.

          If it was completely up to the U Medical Staff, Rising would have been playing already. So maybe it goes back to the debate we were having over the summer: if Rising is at 70-75%, will he be better than the other QB’s in the room. The staff seems to have been willing to find out about 70-75% Rising while his surgeon is saying “not until you are ~ 90%”.

    • #200026

      At this point I think it’s just beating a dead horse. It is what it is.

    • #200029
      3 2

      Unless you think Whitt is an idiot 2 is the only option…. I think Cam led them to believe that he was good so he ould collect NIL. Maybe Cam genuinely believed he would be. But Whitt is not stupid, he is trusting but not stupid. I have said many times if Whit had any idea that this was the situation Utah would have been in he would have said Thanks but No Thanks. We are going to bring in another QB and if you want to leave then peace. That’s how Whitt operates. I believe he trusted Cam and his people and didn’t look into it further. That is on Whit. That part. But it’s also on CAM.

      @MiamiUte seems to forget that. Cam is as much to blame as Whitt. As yes, Whitt has a long history and enough receipts for us to know who he is.. Cam wants to get paid and play. I don’t blame him. But when it came time, his doc said No and Cam is going to listen to his doc. So while yes he wants to play. He is going to do what’s best for him.

      • #200031
        6 1

        It isn’t necessary or appropriate to speculate about why Cam and/or people in his camp misled Whitt and Co. It may have been a money thing, wishful thinking on Cam’s part, Cam simply misinterpreting the things the Dr. was saying, or Cam just wanting it to be true because he wanted to be there for his teammates. I don’t think we need to make Cam out to be a villain in all of this. That doesn’t help anyone.

        It does seem pretty clear that Whitt was misled by someone though (whether intentionally or not).

    • #200036

      What is expected of Cam and Kuthie, when and if they ever return? How they played in 2021/22? Really? How can we ever expect them to play with such abandon and fierceness again, considering their past injuries. What lessor version of themselves would we be happy with, particularly if when they get banged up.

      Better to have never planned or relied on their return. I say with the deepest respect and gratitude for what they brought to the program, but fearing for their long-term health.

      • #200037
        The Miami Ute

        Those are all good questions. There’s a possibility, and it’s not a really small one, that both of those guys have already played their last game for the Utes. It’s a hard tonic to swallow, especially since how much Cam and Brant meant to the Utes for so long. But hey, it happens more often than we think in the world of football. Let’s hope that the multiple injuries that they’ve had playing for Utah don’t affect their quality of life going down the road.

    • #200044

      Speculation ? Whit said as much on monday. Were we personally there to observe no.. But, the circumstantial evidence is pretty clear. Cam wanted to get paid, maybe believed or not that he could get back (We are not in his mind) so I dont know his intent other than wanting to get paid. And Whit believed him and his camp. That’s it. Otherwise Whit would have said yea we are going to use the NIL money and go after a Grad QB and you can either stay or go.

      Whit controls everything. Look how he coaches and game plans. You really think he’s going to let someone or something make him look stupid. He trusted Cam or his camp. Cause why wouldn’t he and Here we are. I I will not speculate on Cam’s intent. Other than Cam wanting to get paid.Kuithe too. Cause why wouldn’t they.

      Whit is old school, loyal, hand shake kinda guy. Kuithe and CR are going to do what’s best for them. And honestly fine. Good for them. I’m being serious.

      But they know that that if Whit knew what he knew there is no way he would have been ok with it. He was talking about Cam being 50/50 going into FL. So again do we really think Whit is Stupid ?

      No. He was misled plain and simple.

      • #200047

        Coaches/Teams can’t control NIL money or direct it (well, wink, wink – with potential rules actually being discussed on this). That would have been between Cam and the deals. I truly think Cam thought he could come back faster (like his 1st injury) and he is busting his you know what to try to get there. But healing doesn’t speed up just by being optimistic. He probably reluctantly is following his surgeon’s advice (who wouldn’t with the list of pros he’s fixed up) – I’m actually glad his ego isn’t ignoring that and putting himself at higher risk for lower performance, repeat injury, or long-term impacts to his life.

        • #200049
          The Miami Ute

          You beat me to it. The only thing that Whitt can legally control regarding NIL is having Cam on the team. Everything else, as you said, is between Cam and his sponsors.

          Now, if Whitt knew the complete situation around Cam’s injury, he could have told Cam “thanks for your service and dedication” and moved in another direction. That’s what Dave Aranda told Charlie Brewer at Baylor, even though Brewer was a four year starter and had a couple of years of eligibility left. However, Whitt didn’t do that…probably because it’s not his way and he truly thought that Cam would be back by now and be a prime contributor during the 2023 season.

      • #200056
        2008 National Champ

        When did Rising get his own camp? Per Whitt:

        We have a saying in our program that when the recruits come in, you will become us, we won’t become you, you will become us. The young recruits get sucked up into that philosophy, that mindset. Our older guys do a great job of setting the example, setting the expectations, then demanding those younger guys measure up to that.

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