Well crap

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  • Author
    • #77199
      Tony (admin)

      I have the fortunate misfortune to apparently be unable to watch the Colorado game live, due to being on a free trip to Mexico for one of my other websites.  I run a highly popular golf blog and I’ll be at an awesome place, “obligated” to be playing golf on a high-end TPC course during the game. I will have no cell or internet connectivity at all as it is quite remote. That’s going to be a tough one to swallow.  I accepted the trip months ago, as long as my hosts knew I’d be unavailable in the evening (when I thought the game would be played). 


    • #77203

      I’ll take your place.

      • #77210
        Tony (admin)

        Thanks for the perspective. 

        • #77263

          Tell us more about ambientflight.com. I would love to have you share a few links to your posts on there as well.

          I have a few friends with drones and am absolutley blown away by some of the great videos they’ve done of nature, beaches, and other stuff.

          My son got a drone for christmas last year (cheap one) and I got pretty good at flying it. Sadly he did not, crashed it into a tree and destroyed one of the arms.

          I would like to look into a mid-range drone a few hundred dollars but not more than maybe $500. But of course I’d love to get into capturing amateur drone videos and be able to justify buying a higher end drone.

          • #77274
            Tony (admin)

            I have a problem. I love to start a lot of websites/projects and once they’re built I move onto the next one.  (Not the case with Ute Hub though.)  For 2-3 years I was heavy into building my own drones as part of my golf stuff.  I was shooting photos and videos of golf courses which where stunning.  Alas, with Ute Hub, new job, family and many other things going on I have a few projects which had/have potential to be awesome but I only have so many hours per day and so many brain cells to rub together.

            Here’s my big badass hexacopter next to a small racing drone:

            I really do enjoy flying and building them. It’s tedious work to build and test them from scratch. In the last year or two pre-built drones are so affordable and work right out of the box. 

        • #77270

    • #77205

      I just read the About page on your golf blog. Seriously.. How talented are you, man???

    • #77269

      You can always stream it while your out on the course.

      • #77275
        Tony (admin)

        My phone definitely won’t work where I’m going. 

        • #77330

          In the heart of Sinaloa cartel country?

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