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Were Lowell and Mokofisi really not that great?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Were Lowell and Mokofisi really not that great?

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    • #59567

      they were starting as frosh and sophs but never ended All PAC team, right? I mean, statistically, where do they stand in the PAC 12 and nationally.

    • #59568

      They were great. It’s a grind and they chose to retire I guess. Neither of them had great or complete combine numbers, and I think that speaks to their desire to keep going. Wishing them well.

      • #59569

        Just hope it doesn’t color Utah DL, in general, as uncommitted.  Kind of looks bad to sign, take signing bonus, and then quit all within two weeks.

        • #59573
          3 6

          I agree. Kind of a dirt bag move on both their parts. We don’t know the details but on the surface it feels like they played the system and collected the money. If you’re not into it and don’t have the desire to truly give it all you got – then allow the FA contract go to someone who really wants the chance to fulfill their dreams

        • #59577

          Lowell returned his money…not sure about Moko but he probably did as well.  They were both banged up last year and it won’t reflect negatively on the DL unless it becomes a consistent pattern which it won’t.  It’s not as uncommon as you think for a free agent. 

          If your heart is not in playing in “The League” you’re in big trouble.  It was explained to me like this once by one of our guys who played for about 5 years:

          ”They’re animals and they literally are trying to kill you everyday, in every drill.  They might be great guys off the field but some of these guys had nothing growing up and it’s like they know if they don’t make it they’re back to where they came from with nothing.”

          I remember thinking…going to work every day and literally getting into a fistfight with a 320 pound freak of nature that wanted to beat the hell out of me every chance he had would be exhausting from a mental standpoint.  The mental toughness those guys show is unreal.

          • #59582

            I thought the grind was not so much on getting beat up by other players (there are limited drills with pads) rather in the amount of conditioning that is required to compete for a roster spot at that level.   Given how much many people dream of playing in the big leagues of any sport, seems crazy to hang up cleats so suddenly after being handed an opportunity — maybe its just me being stubborn and relentless in pursuing what I decide to pursue.

    • #59570

      Did they live up to hype I think is a better question. 

      Lotulelei hurt himself so I don’t fault him for that. Mokofisi idk I think he overperformed to his hype if he had any. 

    • #59572
      4 1

      they were not even close to great their senior years. They had a few great games at the end of the season, but the rest of the season they were basically non existent.


      The tragedy here is that they could have been All Americans, and that would have made our defensive ends, linebackers, and DBs that much better. Unfortunately, these two not playing up to their skill level is why we lost a few games last year.

    • #59578
      2 1

      Colorado and West Virginia are terrible teams to try and evaluate anybody against.
      Question- Were Lowell and Mokofisi part of the group upset with the Huntley over Williams decision?

      • #59579
        1 3

        That question seems irrelevant. What does that have to do with their leaving the league? So you are saying their decrease in stats was due to their disagreement with the starting QB? Seems asinine. 

        • #59581
          1 1

          So, you are saying that a persons attitude and performance at work are not related?  Seems asinine. 

        • #59583

          Wtf? Completely relevant question in reply to “they were not even close to great their senior years. They had a few great games at the end of the season, but the rest of the season they were basically non existent” try to keep up…

          • #59586

            Yeah, west virginia was terrible, as was colorado… I’m not arguing that one bit. Just saying that they played really well toward the end of the season, whatever the reason.

            I’d be the first to tell you I was disgusted with how they played last year. If that had played up to potential, we would have won the south easily.

    • #59590

      Oh please give me a break on feeling bad for the poor NFL even if they didnt have to pay back their signing bonuses. No other league is more of a business with the owners looking after their interests above and beyond those of any players. They cut (without pay in many cases) players routinely who they perceive to be under performing and don’t have to pay more for over performance.

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