Utah @  BYU

What an absolutely pathetic article.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football What an absolutely pathetic article.

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    • #51975

      I don’t know of one fan, NOT ONE Utah fan, who thinks moving to the P12 was a bad idea.  Doug Robinson must be a BYU fan, because outside of having a mental handicap, that is the only reason I can think of for why someone would write an article like this about Utah’s transition to the P12.

      Arizona and ASU have had very little success in terms of conference championships and Rose Bowls, but they aren’t clamoring to go back to a lesser conference.  No team to transition to a power conference would ever advocate going back.

      What an asinine article.  Seriously.  The sports media in this state is just terrible.

    • #51977

      I don’t even read the DNews or Tribune unless it is Facer, and Furlong.  I don’t think Facer does the Utes anymore either correct?

      So no one click on the link please stop giving them traffic. 

      • #51993

        Awful article. This guy needs to have the sh++ rolled out of him. It’s like saying you married Cindy Crawfordand so you’re going to have to try harder than if you had married some homely girl. The trade offs? Doug’s entitled to his opinions but he’s just that, entitled. Oh I’m Doug Robinson and I can tell Utah fans how they should feel about something I’ve never experienced with my own team. Well then screw you, screw me and screw everyone. That ain’t true. He’s trying to bring Utah fans down to the medicocre experience currently shared by fans of some other school. Not my school! Not today! I’m grateful Urban Meyer stepped one foot into Utah for a short time. And I still cannot believe Utah got into the PAC 12. Almost every academic and sports program at Utah has benefited from PAC 12 prestige and affiliation. I don’t even hardly recognize the campus anymore there’s been so much change for the better. The mutha bleeping trade offs are pretty much zero.

        • #51995

          As a person who works for the University, in a department that touches a lot of businesses and other schools, let me tell you that the academic/scholastic benefits of the PAC12 are massive. More than I ever could have imagined.

          We could lose every football and basketball game by 40 and I’d still thank God every day that we’re in the PAC12.

    • #51978
      2 9

      The article was just food for thought. Why so sensitive to anything that is even slightly negative. He indicates there is no turning back but there has been tradeoffs in joining the Pac 12. This fact shouldn’t hurt your feelings for gods sake. I realize there has been tradeoffs but still don’t want to go back. No big deal. My opinion is that it is good to read and watch news across the spectrum to get a full view – all the way from Faux News on the Right to MSNBC on the Left.

      • #51980

        This season our PAC-12 home schedule consisted of Wazzou, Arizona State, UCLA, Colorado, and Stanford, and next year includes Washington, Arizona, USC, and Oregon.

        Take that over the likes of Wyoming, UNLV, New Mexico, etc, any day.






      • #51981

        I appreciate a wide range of viewpoints as long as they are well-reasoned and intelligent.  This article was neither of those things.

        • #51983

          Clearly written with intent to give Zoobs a chubby. 

      • #52006
        Puget Ute

        My feelings aren’t hurt by the article. He just seems to place a far higher priority on winning the conference and be eating every team as the most important measure of success. Winning everything is nice, but that just isn’t very likely for any team in the nation, let alone in the PAC-12 where we have quite a bit of parity among 8-11 teams every year and every season is full of surprising upsets (see ASU over UW and WSU over USC this year).

    • #51979
      Tony (admin)

      I had to bail after the 3rd time he asked if being in the pac-12 has been good for me as a fan. That’s like asking a red blooded heterosexual american male if sleeping with a victoria’s secret supermodel was “worth it.”

    • #51982

      This is a passive aggressive response simply because byzoob isn’t  going to a bowl game and Utah is. 

    • #51990

      Mr. Robinson, what you’ve just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent article were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this state is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    • #51991

      Man, they are getting all riled up over at the CB on this one. Swing by if you want some entertainment. 

    • #51992
      Puget Ute

      Nearly every game we play each year is like a major bowl game used to be for us, with one exception (Alabama).  I have zero regrets.  I do not care that we can’t win 10 games every year, or that we don’t have a trophy room full of PAC-12 Championships and Rose Bowl wins. 


      Every single game is intriguing in its own sense.  I watch every game (FB) closely and am thoroughly involved.  If we were beating up teams like UTEP I probably wouldn’t tune in.

    • #51994

      I like the fact he focuses on football. No mention of Pac-12 success in basketball, baseball (that was an awesome year), softball, volleyball, gymnastics, soccer, and track and field/cross country.

      Oh, and we’ve had more football players recruited in the last year than almost any combined two years in the MWC.

      I have the following video to show Doug “Greg” Robinson’s role.

    • #52010
      Tony (admin)

      It basically wreaks of jelousy. You know, like when you were a kid and your friend got a big wheel and you didn’t have one. So what do you do? Criticize big wheels.  

    • #52015

      I know we are primarily talking athletics here but one aspect to the PAC 12 that has been a huge lift to the whole state and the U in particular is the academic lift from being in the PAC 12. The peer pressure from competing with the likes of Stanford, Cal, UCLA, USC, etc has caused the U to reach academic goals that have far exceeded what we have done on the athletic fields. The graduation rates of students at the U as significantly increased, retention of students from freshmen to sophomores is currently at 90% which is unheard of. While the U has always brought in huge amounts of research dollars since joining the PAC 12 that has also increased. This doesn’t even count the huge increase in athletic money that has flowed into the state because of the PAC 12 affiliation. All these positives add up to better more and better trained graduates and a huge economic increase to the state. 

    • #52028

      The author, Doug Robinson, has written a few ridiculous articles in the past few years. He wrote just a month after the Utah/BYU Las Vegas bowl that Utah was not BYU’s “big brother” and that BYU was still the better program. Although a year and half later in Sept this year he wrote that BYU and Utah had reversed themselves and now Utah was the better program, just after Utah beat BYU earlier this year. I guess he had no choice by this time to suck it up and reverse his position. 

      He also wrote the inflammatory article about  Utah picking up Darren Carrington. 

      And now this. 
      He’s just trying to either get some kind of click-bait. Or he thinks that he can make a name for himself by writing inflammatory articles. 
      Let’s don’t give him what he wants. Just ignore his articles. 
      • #52032
        Tony (admin)

        I guess he went to the Monson school of journalism?

        • #52046

          Yes. This guy is the Deseret News’ version of Monson. 

    • #52082

      Doug Robinson has spent his career writing for the Ministry of Information.

      Do you take North Korea news agency releases literally and get all offended?

    • #52133

      DR is to the Deseret News what Sean Hannity is to Fox News. Alleged purveyor of conservative values but devoid of any factual information. Having said that his opinion doesn’t change the fact that net-net the move to Pac 12 was an overall boon to the school academically and financially.

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