West Virginia @  Utah

What I’d like to see (hear)

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football What I’d like to see (hear)

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    • #217294

      I miss the touchdown cannon, I’d like them to bring it back, or an equivalent, maybe rocket explosions.
      I also miss the end of the third quarter giant drum. I understand that they now use that break to honor the fallen players, but I think that they could somehow integrate the two celebrations.
      That’s all.

    • #217295
      1 7

      The rebuild of the South end gave them a very nice opportunity to quietly get rid of the increasingly politically-incorrect cannon.

      • #217296
        Tony (admin)

        Yes. By all means we should get rid of every tradition that offends .0000015% of the population. I miss the canon too. Maybe we could launch a firework or something when we score.

        • #217320
          2008 National Champ

          not to mention that huge % you are referring to is largely made up of people who are offended on behalf of someone else

      • #217302
        1 1

        When has it ever been called politically incorrect?

        I think the late games really soured people in the surrounding area with how disruptive it can be until 1-2 AM. I know I would be p**sed. It may be only 3 times a year but but once is enough for me.

        • #217323

          When has a Utah home game ever gone until 1 to 2 am?

          • #217329

            2012 I think the joke was TSPP couldn’t win on the Sabbath.

            I think it was Oregon st game I went to. I didn’t get home until 2:30. Trying to remember the year.

            • #217371

              Neither of those games lasted until 1 or 2 am.

              • #217425

                Yeah I guess you are right. I mean usually games ending around midnight everyone “I dreams of genie” out of the area. It’s like a light switch instantly ending. My mistake.

    • #217297

      Moment of loudness > Bubbles/Dancing Lady > Taiko drum. The drum seemed forced. It wouldn’t be good to do a native drum unless by a Ute. They could do a Korean drum to align with the Utah campus in Seoul. Korean drums and cymbals are meant to be loud and drive away bad spirits, so could be part of moment of loudness.

      I guess a Ute on scholarship on a horse (like FSU seminoles) has been out for a long time.

      Getting a red tailed hawk trained to fly in is more effort than it’s worth. Lighting the Olympic flame has been a lost opportunity.

      I liked the canon. Other schools still do it. Do we still have an ROTC? Is the potential offense that it represents the military that drove Natice Americans off their land? I was recently at an event where they read the ancestral home statement. I don’t know if SLC falls into that (I thought it was pretty barren, but who knows what history I’ve been taught).

    • #217301

      No, the taiko drum is a black mark on Dr. Hill’s reputation

      • #217307

        I don’t know the story behind the taiko drum. Can you please elaborate?

        • #217312

          It was just poorly executed/ thought out – They wheeled out a giant taiko (called red thunder) drum at the 3-4th quarter break (After the AD killed off the Crazy Lady ‘tradition’ circa 2013) trying to get the crowd involved with clapping to the beat of the drum. It never worked and was always a mess.

          Here is video evidence of how bad it was:

          • #217314

            Hahaha! I don’t know how I missed Red Thunder! This would actually be an AWESOME idea if they executed it like the Minnesota Vikings SKOL Chant:

      • #217389
        Tony (admin)

        The first year of the drum was really good. The person doing the performance played it well and was an awesome performant. The drum was a big, low pitched, loud drum. But they kept changing the script and making it more and more dumb. They kept tuning the drum “up” making it higher and higher pitched, and it eventually lost it’s balls and became dumb.

    • #217309

      My Dad was a Stanford alum so we grew up with a cannon blast at every score at Stanford games. I recall they moved over to the Siren years ago after someone lost a few fingers from the tamp cannon. I think it’s more of a safety and noise thing. There have been a few incidents safety was a factor but freaking Texas would probably fire a mortar if they could after every score.

      • #217416

        I loved sitting on those Stanford benches with no backs during the 60s 70s and 80s.

    • #217311

      Others may not agree with me, but one thing I hope to NEVER hear at Rice-Eccles is the obnoxious horn used at many venues (some college football and pretty much all NHL arenas) which drowns out the noise made by fans after a score.

      I want to hear the roar of the crowd, not fake noise.

    • #217317

      Nothing fake about the siren. It is real noise. 😊Obnoxious for sure though. I liked the cannon, but I understand the safety and noise concerns. The NFL uses fireworks, and they are pretty cool.

    • #217333
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Call me old school. I remember when you could actually talk about the basketball and football game during timeouts with people around you. Too much noise and distraction from the game. I go to watch the games not the drums or music. The cannon was tradition and only lasts a few seconds. You have to yell to communicate with someone sitting around you.

      People partying in the parking lot or standing in a 30 minute food line while the stadium is half full at kickoff.

      I like the partying and the food but get to your seat at kickoff and turn the noise down. Now I’m officially a grumpy old man.

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