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What if the Daniels situation is because of PED’s?

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    • #29161

      This is very similar to the Trier situation.

      An announced suspension without a specific reason.

      A healthy player not practicing with the team. 

      I wonder if this is the reason and we see Daniels come back next season.

      From coaches press conference today it makes me think we won’t see him back this season.

    • #29164
      Tony (admin)

      That’s something quite different than “conduct detrimental to the team.”

      • #29169

        I haven’t heard anything offical but conduct detrimental to the team usually denotes missing and or showing up late for meetings, practices, illegal substance or alcohol use or doing something really stupid and or illegal.

        • #29174

          Could also mean being disrespectful to the coaches or staff; it happened after that loss to Oregon State.  Maybe he got chewed-out for his part in the debacle and he didn’t take it well.   Coach was saying how he missed having Brandon Taylor.  Just guessing.

    • #29170

      What if?  … his loss, our loss.  Whatever it was, hopefully he takes is as a learning opportunity and grows as a young man and comes back better than ever, whenever that is.

    • #29173

      Pretty sure that wasn’t the issue.

    • #29179

      He’s a slasher, penetrating guard, but doesn’t make anyone around him better. Not sure if he plays D.

      • #29184

        Larry has praised his defensive effort and improvement many times.  He wouldn’t be getting playing time if he hadn’t been in playing defense. 

        I disagree, he has found ways to distribute the ball To his team mates. He is a freshman and has made freshman mistakes. 

        • #29215
          Minnesota Ute

          Agree, whatever his issue, it is not on the court.  Unlike Marshall, I would be very disappointed to see him go to another team and light it up, because he will.  He is an exceptional talent.  And whatever the issue is, I never saw him do anything nor any exchanges between him and the other players to make me think he is a dick and they don’t like him.  

          I really don’t like that they aren’t being transparent at all on this.  What kind of message does this send to potential Recruits?  Do they think that you can come to Utah and if you have a disagreement with the coaches, get kicked off the team?  Because for all we know, that is exactly what we are looking at.

          It’s quite possible that when Larry began chewing ass on the bus, Devon said “well if you could just draw up one out of bounds play worth a s**t, we’d have won and could laugh all we want.”  Which would be entirely true.  Or he might have called him out on the ever changing starting lineup, or for being a constant dick that makes them play tentative, or who knows what.  Point is, if it’s not a question of personalities and it’s a question of what he did, then give everyone a hint so that we (and more importantly recruits) can understand what “conduct detrimental to the team” means at Utah.

    • #29216

      Coach said it wasn’t a legal issue, I’d lump drugs under that umbrella. 

      He’s a kid. They don’t have to explain themselves. The team knows why and that’s the point. 

      • #29232
        Minnesota Ute

        That is an oversimplification in my view.  Yes, he is a kid.  But he is also on scholarship to the university and a representative of that public institution.  So for that reason, there is some level of transparency that could be expected.

        But that isn’t my real issue, my real issue is that if Krystko thinks that the team knowing (we are assuming they do), is sufficient, then it’s just another reason I’m concerned about him.  There is a whole wide world out there of recruits, alumni, boosters, official media, social media, fans, etc all of whom have an interest in what is going on.  Lack of information leads to assumptions and rumors neither of which are productive.  But of course I’m assuming because I have no info.

        • #29294

          The team knows, rumor is there were two incidences, one happened at practice.

        • #29302

          You’re correct, it’s an oversimplification.  However, it appears the door is still open (“indefinitely”, is watching practices) so I think it’s wise to make it a learning experience without stirring up the media to give him a chance to make amends.

          I’m sure the truth will eventually come out, maybe not until after the season is over.

    • #29305

      For what it’s worth, I think it has to do with him being frustrated with his teammates.
      Watching the last few games there have been plenty of times when he’s had to remind people where they have to be in the offense. He’s directing people that should know better, not the guys who never get off the bench.
      I think he may be frustrated with people being lazy, and he may have lost it and got into some conflicts with teammates.
      Again, that’s pure speculation on my part based on what I see during games that tends to get him frustrated.

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