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What should be televised in place of March Madness?…

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    • #121878

      “Classic” tournament games?  Which ones?

      Robert Goulet basketball ads

      Madden Spring Football 2020 Red vs White

      1960’s hygiene film strips

      Gladiator Movies

    • #121879
      • #121882

        This is fabulous – thanks for posting!  I cannot beleive I didn’t remember this video; anyone know, is the Utah player right at the end of the video, Keith Van Horn?

    • #121880
      6 8

      Obviously you forgot 2009. H1N1, the absurd level of Lysol commercials. 2020 just might be the most embarrassed I’ve felt about fellow Americans. And, yes I’ve served in combat for this country. F**king embarrassed.

      • #121883
        7 4

        Why are you embarassed? This is an unprecedented situation. This virus may actually have a death rate rivaling The Spanish Flu of 1918, which was a 2-3% death rate. Population adjusted, it would equal about 200M dead in 2020.

        My folks are in their 70s with plenty of co-morbidities. They don’t think they’ll make it out alive. I don’t really disagree if the spread of this isn’t contained.

        • #121884
          4 11

          This post is embarrassing. Yes, this is a serious virus that needs precautions. No, it is not anywhere near a 3% death rate. You do realize that Utah has only tested around 200 people, right? How can you come up with a death rate when all you know is the denominator? The numerator is never going to be known, but it’s safe to say that there are likely thousands walking around with the virus here that have mild to no symptoms. Death rate is so much lower than 3%.

          • #121886
            7 5

            Are you absolutely ignoring the world wide numbers? Grow the F**K up. Death rate among the elderly is WAY higher than 3% If you have no older family members at risk, good for you, but don’t you dare tell me this is overblown.

            • #121888
              3 5

              Ok, I’ll play your game. How many people with a certainty have been infected? You can’t tell me, because nobody knows. Worldwide numbers do not mean anything either. Every person isn’t being tested. That is the problem. This has been publicized fairly widely.
              The disease is deadly, I’m not saying that it isn’t. I’m simply saying that 3% is an extremely overblown number. Medical professionals have also stated this. It’s common sense. When you only know the deaths, of course the death rate will be higher.

        • #121885
          4 4

          Downvoted for the truth. Keep it classy guys.

          • #121890
            3 1

            It’s not the truth if you don’t know the true numbers. Nobody is saying that This isn’t something serious. It absolutely is. I’m just saying that 3% is certainly not an accurate number and we’ll likely never know the exact number. It was reported by the CDC yesterday that 80% of people that have it face little to no impact. They have no idea that they have it. They will never get tested for it. For hells sake, Rudy Gobert has been playing and was going to play when they found out he had it. Same with Donovan Mitchell.

            • #121897
              Leonard Bates

              I keep going back and forth on Apocalypse versus inconvenience.  The link below will give you stats from each affected country.  I don’t trust the Chinese numbers and have seen lots of experts say that the US will track closer to what Italy is experiencing, which right now is a near vertical growth curve.  We will all know in 30 days.  My 91 yo Mother-in-law is dead if she contracts it, but at her age some life ending event is just around the corner…..



        • #121907

          To say this is “unpredented” either ignores history or is a re-definition of the word. Could this become unprecedented? Sure, but it is not even remotely close to that now. So to say it “is” unprecdented is flat out wrong and sensationalism. So is the way you phrase your entire argument, it “may” have  death rate rivaling the spanish flu or “would equal a about 200M dead in 2020.” I mean, come on, why stop there? This “could” also wipe out the entire population on earth. It “could” also result in fewer deaths than a typical flu season.

          Let’s be careful around elderly and those with compromised immune systems. Let’s self-quarantine if feeling sick. But let’s not lose our minds.

    • #121887

      A22’s point was overall and not just the elderly. Of course the elderly are hit the hardest. They always are in most instances with a sickness or disease. Not sure you are going to get any argument there.

      According to Johns Hopkins as reported by the WSJ this morning:

      As of Thurs­day, the coro­n­avirus had in­fected more than 127,800 peo­ple in 116 coun­tries and re­gions, killing more than 4,700 of them, ac­cord­ing to data com­piled by Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­sity.

      in addition there have been over 68,000 known recoveries.

      Is it serious, absolutely but is also important to keep it in perspective. So yes, currently 3% is about right.

      • #121889
        3 4

        Again, 3% is not correct. With the *known* cases, that is the number that they come up with. However, they have no way of knowing how many cases are truly out there. Everyone isn’t being tested.
        You also need to take into account that the death rate in the US is skewed right now because the vast majority of the deaths came from the retirement home in Seattle. Those people had no chance given how impactful this is on the elderly.

        • #121904
          3 4

          The fault in your thinking is that same logic applies to EVERY other virus out there. I will choose to listen to the epidemiologists, not the armchair scientists commenting on Fox News. 

          • #121908
            3 1

            Except, every other virus out there has been study for years/decades and is much better understood and we are more able to test for all of them. Corona is still so new and the tests aren’t readily available, so as Itacoatiara22 has been saying, we don’t really have any idea how many people have been infected so the death rate will be inflated among known cases.

            • #121948
              1 1

              Countries that have their s**t together have tests readily available.

    • #121918

      I’ll post this for anyone who cares what the World Health Organization has to say about it:

      “Mortality for COVID-19 appears higher than for influenza, especially seasonal influenza. While the true mortality of COVID-19 will take some time to fully understand, the data we have so far indicate that the crude mortality ratio (the number of reported deaths divided by the reported cases) is between 3-4%, the infection mortality rate (the number of reported deaths divided by the number of infections) will be lower. For seasonal influenza, mortality is usually well below 0.1%. However, mortality is to a large extent determined by access to and quality of health care.”

      • #121923
        • #121927

          No need to insult anyone. You really don’t lead people to believe you by insulting their intelligence. 

          That being said I see your point. I tend to doubt statistics a lot until more data is gathered. 

    • #121932
      1 1

      Deaths from COVID-19 is compared to number infected verified by a lab test. It is wrongheaded to compare it to deaths compared to reported, likely, maybe infected verified without a tab test. I have yet seen an apples to apples comparison. If we compared COVID-19 to the number of reports with symptoms, it would be a much smaller number. We don’t know but we should treat it seriously. Thankfully, we have declared a national emergency after 11 US deaths. With H1N1, we waited until 11,000 US died before declaring a national emergency. I think that is treating this seriously. Since 675,000 in the US died from the Spanish flu from 1918, I think we have a way to go to compare this to that. Not likely since China is already declining. Thank the developments over the last 100 years.

      • #121949
        1 2

        See that’s the problem with getting your news from Facebook. Pesky little things called “facts”. H1n1 was declared a national emergency before any US deaths and 6 weeks before WHO declared it a pandemic. Nice try.

        • #121952
          1 4

          Downvoted for telling the truth. Gotta love the trump era.

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