Kansas @  Utah

What we’ll hear every game this season…

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football What we’ll hear every game this season…

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    • #37579
      St George Ute

      Last year was how Joe Williams came back from “retirement” to blow us away, rushing for over 1500 yards, including 332 against UCLA.

      This year will be the Hallandale trio, Huntley, Moss, & Simpkins.

      Totally fine by me. I’m just looking forward to seeing how they produce on the field.

      Go Utes!!!

    • #37633

      Always somethin ain’t it. “Did you know Dres Anderson is the son of flipper?”….

      “Did you know that Andy Phillips was a world class skier?”….
      How many times did we hear about them 🙂
      My favorite is when it’s Gus Johnson announcing 
      Bring on the Hallandale Heroes… Hopefully 
      • #37739

        Haha. I think this would be a great post in and of itself. My prediction? Did you know Troy Taylor was Jake brownings coach and mentor?! Second pick, Carrington caught the game winner last year as is now playing for Utah? 

        Some others I was thinking about:

        Did you know Travis had a brain injury?

        Did you know Britain covey is the grandson of self improvement guru Stephen covey? 

        They call John white the wolf man. 


        • #37740

          Guess this is one post by itself. I should learn to scroll up. 

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