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Where does all this unprecedented money generated go and paying college athletes

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    • #9799

      Interested in what people think here about this topic. I think it has been discussed ad nauseum everywhere else but I am interested in this topic.

      Obviously college athletics isn’t the same as what it was several years ago.  Look at the money being thrown at these schools.  fUCLA signs a massive deal with Under Armour.  The fact that PAC12 network is underperforming at 374 million in revenue or something?  Falling behind the B1G and SEC at 374 million??!!!!

      Where is all the money going is my first question?  Because college is more expensive than ever. And hell why not push that back into things for the university?  We all love Football facilities and Basketball facilities. But realistically what added value does this really bring to the state and school? I believe that the government is partly responsible for creating a bubble in college finances.

      Maybe I am a little jealous and not an educated economist. I am a Utah state employee working over 60 hours a week in my employment with a family and I am trying to pay for school. I have to wait to be reimbursed for my schooling after the semester is over.  So I have to pay up front and float that money. I also make enough that I have to pay taxes every year it seems like. I don’t get it maybe I am doing things wrong but good hell these schools are making money like slave owners and then try to justify a tuition expense at the U?


      I never played sports in college on scholarship but do any of them go without a meal while attending on scholarship? I think that is outrageous if true.   The amount of money these athletes generate for the conference or school is ridiculous. The counter point I hear is well these kids get a free education.  Compared to what?  The millions generated for the school? Most of the degrees these guys get don’t exactly create a job that gets them paid in the millions. To me it is basically saying well all of those slaves were well fed while they picked cotton all day. Yes some of the athletes should have probably focused a little more on what degree would help them throughout their lives. But many have the talents for the NFL only to be injured and left broke with medical expenses the rest of their life.
      What do you all think about paying student athletes and where does this money really go?


      • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Tony (admin).
    • #9805

      This will help a little. I’ll do some more digging, there is another report that breaks down each sport and lists revenue vs expenses. I recall woman ‘s basketball costing something like 5 mm a year with practically zero revenue.
      Consolidated Budget Fiscal Year 2016

      As far as paying players, no way. I’m totally against it for several reasons. There is plenty of demand for D1 talent, no need to pay. Next, the school create a the stars, not the other way around. When I pay for my season tickets I pay to see the Utes, not Hunter Dimick. If it weren’t for the school, I never would have heard of Hunter Dimick.

      As far as a giant Under Armour contract, it’s swallowed up by giant expenses. It’s all realitive. Life for a Utah football player is pretty damn good bouncing around that multi-million dollar facility all day and night working out, getting treatments, studying, goofing around with your best friends and eating top quality food any time you want, all you want. On a related note, I used to see athletes all the time at the down town Smith’s, but since the facilities have been built, nada.

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