Whitt said that Rising could come back next year. Do we want that?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Whitt said that Rising could come back next year. Do we want that?


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    • #201066
      7 12

      This is a tough one for me. On the one hand, Rising has proven to be a great player and leader on the field. Why wouldn’t you want him back? On the other hand, I think Cam has held the program hostage this past year (coaches are also to blame). In the end – part of me thinks we need to move on. Then we can focus on the future of our offense.

      What do you all think?

    • #201070
      4 38

      For the love of anything holy please god no. You hit the nail on the head. We already crippled our QB room banking on this guy who very clearly hid the extent of his injury from Whitt, costing us a realistic shot at a threepeat. We’ll be doing the same thing next year for him. It’s just not worth it, we are a football program not Cam Rising’s elderly care facility. What I would really hate to see is Cam play on one leg and trash his legacy. Just like I didn’t want to be right about what would happen to our QB room this year I don’t want to be right about how mediocre a one-legged Cam Rising will be at the head of our offense, but I will be. Let this dude jazzy-scooter off into the sunset a Utah legend(with an asterisk).

      • #201074

        Absolutely want him back. He’s the best QB (arguably) Utah has ever had. The defense will mostly be back next year. We can find a RB in the portal and be in great shape to win the Big12 in year 1. That mostly likely isn’t a realistic possibility with a QB first year in a new system or as a first year starter. Why not give yourself the best shot at a title run in the first year? Because you want to hold a grudge against a player for trying to make a modest living. Whitt makes 6M to not bungle things like this. He alone holds the blame.

        • #201078
          1 10

          The upside of having him back is that by next year he could potentially be back to almost 100% and could even be a better QB in general. We’d be a shoe in to take the big 12 in our inaugural season in such a case. It’s tough to find an issue with that. But I feel like that’s a lot of ifs and I fear for what it does to our 2025 and 2026 whether things go well or poorly… which is also a possibility. It’s all playing the odds. The nightmare scenario is that he comes back with the yips and we tanked MORE than 2 seasons for him, which is a possibility.

          He’s the best QB (arguably) Utah has ever had

          Bruh… come on

          • #201085

            Not necessarily arguing for bringing Cam back, but the ifs and buts also apply to the alternative situation. I also don’t fully agree with the ‘build for future’ argument as it applies to CFB. A more extreme example of this was Houston HC Holgorsen tanking their 2019 season to focus on the next year, and look how that turned out. Not to mention Whitt could retire post 2024.

            • #201090
              4 5

              It sucks but the cop out answer is true, that is that it’s a “gray area”

              Football is a win now game. But planning for the future is integral to everything you do. Whit talks about redshirts, eligibility, and the number of games young players appear in every single week. We pore over the “crystal ball” with fervor. Planning for the future is non negotiable in this game as well.

              Like you said it could go either way. I tend to think Cam comes back strong next year, that’s what I’d bet on. But this season has soured me on dealing with this s**t again.

              • #201095

                True, you do build for the future in ways you outlined, no argument there.
                With the Cam situation, I feel the drama is being amplified by the fans and media. As long as it’s not disruptive to the locker room (and I trust Whitt with this), Cam is a fairly safe bet for 2024.

                • #201117
                  2 2
                  2008 National Champ

                  Thomas was pretty disruptive to the locker room in ’22 and Whitt kept giving him chances.

        • #201174

          You know it is possible to both want him back and have a plan to develop the others moving forward. Cam deserves our support period! End of story! If he wants to, I welcome him. But either way #2 needs to be getting reps. Not that hard folks.

        • #201175

          He’s not even a top 3 QB Utah has ever had. Alex a smith, Tyler Huntley, and that Scott Mitchell guy are all better. You may disagree with Huntley, but there is a reason he’s been in the NFL for years, while Cam will never plays a down of NFL football unless it’s maybe preseason.

          • #201385

            All Utah legends for sure. What makes Cam so great and part of that list (however anyone chooses to rank them) is that Cam is the only in the PAC 12 era to lead Utah to a conference championship and then did it twice in a row. He might not end up having a career in the NFL or maybe he does, that’s yet to be determined. But even if the NFL doesn’t pan out, there’s no denying that CR was one helluva college QB. And there’s been a lot of great college QBs that didn’t end up making it in the NFL, including Heisman trophy winners such as: Matt Leinart, Tim Tebow, Jason White, and Eric Crouch. Point being is lack of NFL success should never diminish one’s college career.

            • #201391
              Central Coast Ute

              Cam makes about 4.5 times the national median income. You can’t call that modest.

        • #201178
          1 1

          Lol make a modest living? Dude is making hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably has 2 degrees already, and has no debt. Additionally, it doesn’t seem like his parents are exactly broke. He’s fine financially. The way you phrased it is also odd. Even if he was just trying to make “a modest living,” his self-interests aren’t more important than any other player, let alone the team.

        • #201382


          • #201384

            Agreed, Barnes is a baller. That 40 yard dime he dropped into Munir McClain was straight up gangsta! 71% completion % against Cal and a 71.5 QBR rating…take that all day any day! Let’s go take down some Trojans!

      • #201152
        The Miami Ute

        Holy s**t! 30 downvotes? Is that a site record?

        • #201176

          Lol I was about to comment the same thing. Glad he beat me to it.

        • #201184

          Hero worship is a hell of drug. Though a number of people echoed my sentiments I’m surprised anybody bothered liking the comment, true contrarians.

        • #201393
          Tony (admin)

          No. It is not.

    • #201075

      I don’t think our “QB room” would be any better this year had Cam moved on. There would not have been a savior in the transfer portal and we already know a lot about the QBs already in our system.

      As long as Cam isn’t stringing the team along and is actually playing, why wouldn’t you want him back if he helps you win games? We only have players for a few years anyway. College football teams are always in flux. Why would you wish away one of the best quarterbacks we have seen at Utah?

      There is no ‘focus on the future’ in college football; you win with what you have before they are forced to leave (eligibility).

    • #201077

      My initial reaction is ‘no’, but if you remove emotions out of the equation, having Cam (and Kuithe) back would significantly increase our chances of winning the new BigXII and making the playoffs. Of course, this assumes both Cam and Kuithe can play at the same / near-the-same level of 2022.

    • #201080

      Yes, but only if it’s not disruptive to the locker room, theyre actually healthy, and doesnt block other good players from joining/progressing with the team.

    • #201081

      Do you want a proven winner to lead your team? Do you want a 25 year old man to run your offense with years of experience and two conference championships already under his belt? I say you go with the winner, rather than whatever you can pick up in the portal and let Wilson or Rose battle for 2 and gain experience for ’25. Who knows what may actually happen next summer, but I say take the player that gives you the best chance to win big. And we know out of who we have in the qb room up there, that is Cameron James Rising.

      • #201118
        2008 National Champ

        What about the guys who have led you to your current 5-1 record? Who still have you in the conference title hunt and an outside shot at the CFP this year.

        From what you posted, only people who haven’t played for Utah this year are the future.

        • #201120

          You can have those guys AND Cam, Kuithe, etc. It’s not a mutually exclusive type of scenario.

          • #201140
            2008 National Champ

            I guess I’m just seeing a common theme that since the offense is bad this year, the people who are getting experience going through it should not be in the mix going forward.

      • #201383


    • #201082

      I’d take him back. I can see both sides of the argument but as fans do we want to see the Utes win games or develop players. It would be cool to have Rising and Kuithe back and see the Utes potentially win the Big 12 and make the playoff. What would make it even better is seeing the USC, UCLA, Oregon and Washington adjust to B1G while Utah makes the playoff!

    • #201084

      Absolutely, 100%, you want him back. Johnson ain’t it. Barnes ain’t it. Wilson may be it, but he won’t be it next fall.

      We’d be runaway favorites to win the BIG-12, make the playoffs and possibly win it all. Rising/Jackson/Kuithe…that’s lethal. And with this year’s defense, only a year better?

      100% you want him back. Any other response is just allowing the disappointment of this year to taint your view of next year.

      The goal is to win games. And you’d win a ton of games with Rising in the Big 12.

      • #201094

        Well… that is some mighty strong Kool-Aid. Haha, I like it!

        I am a bit more of a realist, but I agree that having them back (and playing) next year would be great for the team’s chances.

      • #201110

        RIP Rose.
        Everyone seems to forget about him. Yet we jump to Wilson who is having surgery. Do we learn nothing?

      • #201179

        Just throw a bag at some portal QB. Just speculation, but Cam Ward might leave WSU if they don’t get into a power conference. That nicolosi kid from CSU is pretty damn good. Aiden Chiles from Oregon state also might leave if they don’t get into a power conference and if DJU stays another year. Although I saw some rumors that USC might go after him. Time to start fresh in the new conference.

    • #201097

      I would be ecstatic if he returned next year. He has taken Utah to two PAC-12 championships, which is really the pinnacle of Utah football.

      It really is decision time for that sort of operation I think. If he doesn’t return this week, there is not much time left this season. I would think playing next season (possibly with Kuithe?) would be his best bet, and also work out well for the team.

    • #201098

      If rising comes back he’s playing. And we’re winning.
      That gives Wilson one year of o recover from surgery and prepare to take the reins.

      Couldn’t think of a better qb situation.

      • #201099

        I agree, Wilson spending a year with Rising is a best case scenario. Of course, no one wants more week to week mystery about the QB position but that risk would be minimal and no more than any other situation.

    • #201101

      100% want him back if healthy and his doctor has signed off. Cant go into the season with Rose, N Johnson, Howard, and Wilson. If Cam doesnt come back, I would bet my life savings that we would try to get a qb in the portal. So it might as well be Cam.

    • #201102

      I just can’t imagine being the age of Cam or Brant and wanting to spend another year in college. I couldn’t wait to move on once my four years were done – even though I loved the U. Real life was waiting. And these guys have been doing this for around seven years?

      I guess it’s completely different when you’re a local celebrity football player but I’d want to get on with my life.

      • #201104

        I mean if I was getting paid $500k to be at the U, Id still be in school… Really depends on what their options are in the league.

        • #201105

          Yes, sign me up!

          • #201107

            And Cam is getting more than twice that amount. Plus his draft stock is pretty low at this point. Highly unlikely he gets drafted this year, if ever. Not going to make that kind of money doing anything else. The real worry is whther somebody would pay him even more to transfer.

            • #201122
              1 1

              You’re right that I’d also not want to leave $1m on the table. But Cam seems like he’s the type to find a lucrative position wherever he goes. I’m not convinced he needs to milk his NIL opportunity for everything he can in order to make lots of money.

    • #201108
      1 6


    • #201111
      Ghost of the HEB

      I’m curious if the relationships within the building will remain unaffected when all is said and done for this season. Whittingham was telling everyone “we expect to have Cam for the opener” back in April, and he wasn’t saying that to mess with Florida’s spring game prep. There was legitimate belief he was on a different timeline than he actually was. So it wouldn’t be surprising for internal tension to arise if our QB situation falters through this gauntlet stretch.

      We went from expecting to have him vs Florida, to maybe seeing him at Baylor, to probably seeing him 2nd or 3rd Q vs Weber, to beginning ucla week with everyone (including players) thinking he’s starting, to now having whit talk publicly about medical RS being real possibility.

      All that being said, if Cam and Brant give us our best chance of winning in 2024, and their return won’t dissuade Wilson/TEs from coming, then that’s all that really matters.

    • #201119

      All day long I want him back. This team with one more year experience and full health would destroy fools.

    • #201121
      The Miami Ute

      Would I want a healthy Cam Rising and Brant Kuithe back next year? Absolutely. The real question is whether they, as guys now in their mid-20s, would want to come back for another year of the college experience. In addition, you also have to factor in whether Whitt would want to sign up for another year of possible QB drama. Remains to be seen.

      There’s also another scenario that another poster alluded to here but is kind of painful to contemplate. That is the possibility that Cam or Cam and Brent would be seduced by the bright lights/big city of another top football program. It almost pains me physically to type this but, look here…Caleb Williams is leaving USC after this season and Lincoln Riley is going to need some QB insurance for USC’s inaugural season in the B1G. What a better person to QB your team in its first season in the B1G than a seasoned, quality QB who also happens to be a SoCal native? What’s in it for Cam? Well, for starters, he’d probably double or triple his NIL base earnings. If Williams is making close to $10M this year, I can definitely see Cam making at least $2-3M as USC’s starting QB. Two, he’d be working with a HC who’s a QB whisperer and places total emphasis on the O side of the ball. And three, he’d be throwing and handing off to 5 star recruits. In the process, making himself look a lot better and giving himself a better shot at an NFL career. I certainly hope it doesn’t happen but I wouldn’t be shocked if a similar scenario took place and it doesn’t even have to be with USC involvement.

      Lastly, why do people here keep talking about Wilson having to do a second surgery after his season is over? On August 28, Wilson underwent a minor surgery to remove bone fragments from his knee but he played just five days later. Since then, he hasn’t missed a game and has looked really good. Am I missing something?

      • #201126

        I don’t think Cam is flashy enough for Riley (or USC for that matter). I can see someone like FL or ND make a run at him, though.
        Side note: Can you imagine if Kincaid had left for Bama?

        • #201127
          The Miami Ute

          I don’t know Sal. Neither Kylar Murray nor Baker Mayfield strike me as flashy guys and Riley stole them from A&M and Texas Tech respectively. To me, it’s a no-brainer if I’m Riley…have you looked at their QB room beyond Williams? Miller Moss isn’t going to cut it in the B1G.

          • #201128

            Fair, I believe Baker was a walk-on at Texas Tech and still made it. Maybe Cam’s arm strength will give Riley a pause.

      • #201129

        Everyone is talking about Isaac Wilson surgery that will shut down his spring. It has been discussed a lot on here.
        Whole lot of assumptions but he gets scoped to remove fragments and plays five days later. But wants to finish his senior season. The surgery must be minor enough.

        • #201130
          The Miami Ute

          Eagle, I don’t understand the Wilson surgery situation. Do we know for a fact that he’s having surgery after the season is over? I’ve looked online and haven’t been able to find any reference to that. Even if he does have surgery, how serious can it be if the kid is playing lights out during his senior season?

          • #201163
            1 1

            Idk ask his mom on her IG account. I am not really a fan of all the drama that comes with him. She is eerily similar to other weird mothers on social media inserting themselves in their children’s accomplishments.

            Also that TSPP espn 30 minute interview during the game will always irk me.

            I know I am bias for literally no reason. But Wilson will make a great safety some day.

      • #201180

        Lincoln Riley only wants Heisman Caliber QB’s. Rising isn’t that. I saw rumors that USC might go after Oregon State’s Aiden Chiles, since apparently their 5 star true freshman Malachi Nelson has only looked okay, but not elite.

        • #201181
          The Miami Ute

          My answer to that is that Rising might put Heisman worthy numbers in a team that’s totally focused on offense and full of 5 star offensive talent. Penix was a nobody at Indiana and Nix got run out of Auburn and look at them now.

          Chiles has potential but is an untried 18 year old kid what you want at the QB position in your first season in the B1G? I’ve heard the same rumors about Malachi Nelson, essentially him being a Covid five star.

    • #201124
      J Rocksville

      I think you take him back. If the “right” answer this year was to bring in a transfer then cam staying a other year just means we get an extra year to look at the other quarterbacks in the room and bring in a transfer in 25 if necessary ….unless you really believe we would win more with one of our existing qb’s or a transfer next year than we would win with cam.

      I think cam is competitive enough that he wants to go to the show and believes in himself enough to take that shot. Financially he might be better off getting another grad degree and pocketing a half mill in nil coin though.

      • #201141
        2008 National Champ

        If the best course of action is Rising in ’24 and a transfer or Wilson in ’25, you might as well clean out the QB room as soon as possible since they are just taking up space.

    • #201125

      If we think Wilson is our long term solution to the QB position, it may be best to have Cam come back. It would give Wilson a year to observe and learn and then take over. It would probably mean that Rose bolts and Johnson maybe tries another position but so be it.

    • #201133

      I’ve talked my self into this one. Why not? NJ is clearly not ready to start, who knows this offseason could make a big difference but I don’t think he’ll be ready to start in a P5 level until at least his junior year. Barnes is a good back up. We haven’t seen Rose yet so it’s hard to know. Wilson I doubt will be ready to come and start right away. Getting a healthy Rising and Kuithe to lead our first year in the B12 would be awesome. Our D will only be better next year. We may lose NJ or Rose to the transfer portal but the chance to win the B12 first year in and potentially playoffs is definitely worth it IMO.

    • #201134
      Roy Rangum

      None of us know the situation as well as Whitt, and as much frustration as fans have experienced, it has to pale in comparison to Whitts frustration.

      If Whitt wants him back, we as fans should welcome him back with open arms.

    • #201135
      Tony (admin)

      All other “things” aside who would trade a proven winner of TWO conference championships for the unknown?

      • #201136
        2 1
        The Miami Ute

        I wouldn’t provided he had a clean bill of health.

    • #201143

      Cam is a fantastic leader and has all of the intangibles of a great quarterback. I would take him alone for the example he is to the younger quarterbacks and his ability to teach them what he has. He is a winner and all the sills in world cannot beat a winner.

      • #201190

        If he wants to come back, welcome him back. He plays one more year and then start him on his coaching path

        • #201369

          I love the idea of Cam starting his coaching career at Utah. He’d be so great as a young QBs Coach being able to relate to the players and help develop them in Ludwig’s system.

    • #201182


      • #201183

        I was waiting for this

    • #201201

      The more I think about this, the more I think you have to let them come back if there is a better than good chance they will be healthy, and they want to play college football one more year.

      If they are going to play CFB one more year, it’s gotta be with the Utes. Who’s development are they stunting by coming back? We don’t have any good TEs in the stable. At least two of our QBs have no business starting a P5 game at QB, and the others are very young and likely willing to wait for their turn.

      Originally (months ago) I suggested not inviting them back because I thought it would be good for development to have other guys get PT before joining the Big12. Well, they came back anyway, and we still got to see the player development. We know what we have at QB now outside of Rising… Basically nothing. Our TEs have been just as nonexistent as our QBs this year. King is an interesting prospect, but he can play alongside Kuithe, so there is no issue there.

      Unless the team has turned on them, if they want to play more CFB, I say we can’t afford to let them go somewhere else. A trip to the playoff in our first Big12 season would be huge.

    • #201211
      Gilly Boy 94

      agreed that theres been an element of hostage taking with the mystery surrounding Cam and his injury……and now appearing theres a very good chance he doesnt play this year. thats very easy to argue that having Cam ‘potentially’ ready to return this year kept any decent portal QB’s away. with that said, he’d certainly be ready to go next year, where we’d still have a strong defense and Isaac Wilson could get a year of being mentored by Cam. Isaac is likely our next star QB and he will need next season to get up to speed. I cant think of a better way then to have his freshman year spent with Cams final year.

    • #201367

      I’m of the opinion that there’s no reason to bring Cam back this season. We keep doing what we’re doing and likely get to 8 wins, maybe 9 (which would be amazing, all things considered). And then bring Cam back for one helluva final year next year. With Cam back a couple of things can happen. First, we’re instantly a top 10 team in contention to make the playoffs. And I’d be willing to bet Utah makes the playoffs in the 1st year of the 12 team format with Cam.

      Second, with Cam back it takes the pressure off of needing to find next year’s QB1 through the portal. Everyone is hoping I. Wilson is going to be “the guy” after Cam. But since he needs surgery after his senior season of high school ball and isn’t expected to be ready to go early in Spring Ball, the plan for Wilson is to redshirt his first year. And there isn’t a better situation I can think of for Wilson than having Cam Rising at the helm to learn from his redshirt season. And hopefully Wilson can spend that redshirt year up in the booth like Cam did, learning directly from AL.

      Lastly, With Cam coming back for a final season, it would give Utah a great opportunity to bring in a couple of promising underclassmen QBs from the portal, similar to how we plucked Cam and JJ out of the portal from Texas. Utah has never had any luck with grad transfer QBs who are 1 and done type of players like Jake Bentley. But the underclassmen types that come to Utah and have time to learn the system with plenty of eligibility left have given us our best shot at QB success. And I think any highly rated underclassmen QBs would find Utah attractive knowing that Cam his on his way out. They can come to Utah, learn the system during Cam’s final year while being 1 play away from QB1 as Cam’s backup, and then compete for the job in year 2.

      In my mind that gives us the absolute best shot of securing our next Cam Rising who could lead us to another 3 incredible years of Utah Football. Because now we’d have 1 or 2 highly rated/talented transfer QBs plus I. Wilson competing for QB1 in 2025. Everyone thinks “the guy” after Cam is Wilson but you never can tell for sure how well a QB will transition from high school to college. And I’d hate to see Utah put all of its eggs in Wilson’s basket and then (heaven forbid) have him turn out to be a bust. But if we had Cam back playing his final year in 2024 with the pressure off, plus 1 or 2 talented transfers to go along with Wilson all learning the system behind Cam…I think Utah would be setup nicely to come away with another star QB1 for 2025 and beyond.

      • #201370
        The Miami Ute

        But since he needs surgery after his senior season of high school ball and isn’t expected to be ready to go early in Spring Ball, the plan for Wilson is to redshirt his first year.

        Where is this information coming from? Do you have a source? I haven’t been able to find anything, anywhere that confirms that Wilson is going to need offseason surgery. He had surgery on 28 August to clean out some bone fragments on his knee and played five days later with no effect. Since then, he’s only gone from strength to strength. Not questioning, just asking.

        • #201371

          Yes, the minor surgery he had was just to clean up his knee so he could play out his senior season. But I heard over on 247 that Wilson is going to need meniscus surgery on his knee after his senior year is done. Bartle at 247 was saying not to expect Wilson to be ready to go his freshman year as a result in terms of being able to win the QB1 job. I do have a close friend who is in the Corner Canyon community and he said the surgery he needs is actually minor and will only need 2 months of recovery time. I don’t know if that’s accurate or not but if it is, then I don’t see why Wilson couldn’t be ready to go for Spring Ball. But those are the 2 sources I’ve gotten my info from.

          • #201376
            The Miami Ute

            Thanks for the information. Appreciate it.

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