Whitt to Texas?

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    • #4153
      The Lone Wolf

      If Utah gets to 10 or 11 wins and plays in a NY6 bowl, does a big program like Texas make a run at Kyle? Whitt’s troubles with Chris Hill last year were well documented, and I can’t help but think that if Whitt got a 4 or 5 million dollar offer from Texas he might jump this year. What do you think?

    • #4154


    • #4155

      It would be the biggest blunder of Chris Hill’s career if he let a simple thing like money keep a lifer like Coach Whitt from staying at Utah and retiring a legend here. Plain and simple.

    • #4157

      Not going to happen. Utah is now a P5 school.I would think moving to TX would be more of a lateral move as compared to the pre P12 days. Besides, KWhitt’s mother still lives in Provo, and I do not see him leaving the state for a job like Texas.

      • #4161
        Tacoma Ute

        Condolences to Whit’s mom. She needs to move 43 miles north.

      • #4163
        The Lone Wolf

        Texas is a lateral move? Hmm…

        • #4171
          Red Don

          What’s so great about it anymore? A crappy conference, rabid fan base with delusional expectations and a pressure meter that’s redlining. No thanks.

      • #4190

        Let’s not get delusional. Texas is one of the biggest jobs in college football wielding serious power. They all but called the shots in the power 5 wrangling with their TV leverage. We are not lateral to them, not even close.

    • #4165

      I have to wonder if KW would look at a job like Texas or Nebraska, their coaching carousel over the past 10 seasons, all while he’s been at Utah and wonder if even though he may only make half as much he’ll last three to four times as long at Utah. At least that’s what I’d be thinking.

      At Texas and Nebraska, you deliver an undefeated season or NC or you get the walking papers. I think taking the short term approach only works with a coach like Urban Meyer or possibly Nick Saban.

      Anywhere else you’ve got to let a coach build his system.

      I could see KW leaving for the NFL before I could see him leaving for Texas or Nebraska.

    • #4173
      Hal Evans

      No way he even considers Texas….Texas is a nightmare place to coach not only because of their present situation but all the nonsense you have to manage on the side. He may leave but it won’t be to Texas. I think Coach makes another run at Hill for assistants compensation and if he gets push back again that may be the genesis of his exit. I don’t think another million or so is that important to Coach…he loves Utah and would love to stay here but assistants pay is a big deal for him

    • #4177

      A special year could cost the U some money. I wonder if Chris Hill is rooting for Cal at this point? I keed. I keed.

    • #4178

      Place like Texas would probably go for a bigger name. Like Saban or Kelly

    • #4182
      Damage U

      Texas is a hell hole for a guy like Kyle. The butt kissing he’d have to do with boosters alone would be enough to make his stomach turn.
      By the way, and I say this with love in my heart, you suck for even bringing that up.😁

      Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

    • #4183

      If/when people come Whitt will leverage it for more for himself and/or assistants. A negotiation will ensue it will be icy but professional. The media will blow it out of proportion and fans will go nuts. Once everything is at maximal frenzy a simple press release will outline the new deal followed by a formal press conference a few days later. Everyone wins: Kwhitt takes care of his people, Hill gets his coach, Utes dominate the news cycle out of season, fans get drama. If this happens you will see a simultaneous noise out of Utah county in a feeble attempt to draw attention to themselves. Book it.

    • #4189

      Seen people on USC message boards speculating on Whitt going to USC. Not going to happen because Whitt could not ride his bike to work while wearing red in South Central.

    • #4194

      I think the only job whit would leave for would be in either the AFC or NFC, if you know what I mean.

    • #4220

      Whitt would certainly be Tier 2 for Texas. Texas is going 100% after Nick Saban and if they can’t get him then I bet they go after Chip Kelly. If those two fall through, then anything can happen.

    • #4247

      I don’t know why Texas wouldn’t go after Gary Patterson. That seems like the best hire Texas could make… but I’m not sure Gary would want to make that move either. Texas comes with a lot of baggage.

    • #4265
      Astute Ute

      I’m saying Chip Kelly…or wait for it, wait fooooor it. Pete Carroll.

    • #4270

      let’s not embarrass ourselves by thinking we are parallel to Texas.

      • #4285
        Wilson’s Mustache

        You’re missing the message if you think thats what people are saying.

    • #4281

      What we really should be talking about is why they would fire him after two years. The guy inherited a program on the rocks and cut to the bone to clean it up and build it right. Charlie Strong needs another two years and then Texas fans can start calling for his head.

    • #4283

      Charlie Strong won’t get fired after this season. If anything, he might try and get out himself before the inevitable happens (but then that forfeits his lucrative out clause). The word is that the booster are still behind him.

      He did have top 10 recruiting class.

      • #4286
        Wilson’s Mustache

        There is the very real possibility they won’t win more than 2 games this year & If that happens I won’t be shocked if they fire him.

        Form my understanding there were a lot of influential boosters that didn’t think he should have been the hire to begin with.

    • #4293

      For the record, I was only saying Utah and Texas are similar in that both schools are part of conferences that are aligned in the P5 and have access to the playoffs, etc. I know Texas has BIGGER pockets and has more pull on the political side of the college football landscape. They also have more pull in terms of recruiting the better players around the country. Either way, I still don’t see KWhitt leaving to go to Austin.

      • #4295

        I don’t see him being in the conversation. Charlie Strong had a similar, yet smaller body of work, than Kyle and he has been a failure. I see Texas going after a big name coach with big dollars. Kelly, Saban, Carrol, Sumlin, etc.

        • #4313

          Pulling Sumlin out of aTm would be an epic move. I would love to see that happen just for the sheer drama it would make, but don’t see it happening.

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