Utah @  Houston

Why fire Ludwig?

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    • #229788

      Ludwig is the fall guy in this dumpster fire. Yes, he is in the position that you can lay blame, even though a host of bad coaching and decisions have resulted in the situation as it is now.

      You can’t say that wide receiver coaching and the offensive line coaching are blameless. Neither has been stellar! Also, I’m sure Whit has had a part in choosing who was recruited for QB, WR, RB, and other offensive positions. What made them think Rising could make it through a full season without injury, or even that he would be completely his old self after recovering from his injuries? Then they decide the guy they have been grooming for backup, Rose, isn’t good enough, and their own recruiting choices were bad in not going to Huard.

      No, let’s throw a true Freshman, only months removed from high school football, into the fire. He is great, he will step in and not miss a beat.

      If you are going to fire Ludwig, wait till after the season, and then clean house on the offensive side of the ball.

      Of course I hope along with all fans the change to a different play caller will turn things around right away. Yes, I hope Wilson will improve fast and get us to a bowl! MY hope springs eternal.

    • #229790

      Regardless of how things play out Ludwig lost the locker room. You’re trying to prevent a mass exodus of players sitting out waiting for the portal to open.

    • #229791
      Tony (admin)

      Why fire him? Because the offense is horrible and he’s the offensive coordinator. He apparently had no idea how to adapt and kept doing the same thing and expecting different results. Even the league’s worst defenses have completely shut our offense down. The offense crossed the 50 yard line like once in the first half of the TCU game, if I recall. And the offense had zero plays in the red zone. We couldn’t even get to the red zone to fail there!

      • #229796
        Jim Vanderhoof

        I agree Tony. I didn’t see one adjustment in the offense since the Utah state game. Same plays that take too long to develop. Bernard being depended on to move the ball every series. This “pro style” offense isn’t working.

    • #229793
      Rick Walker

      Because having the worst offense in FBS football for two years means you have issues with your offensive coordinator.

    • #229798

      Ludwig did NOTHING to build around Wilson’s strengths and to install confidence. He never adjusted to blitzes up the middle. His red zone was anemic beyond comprehension. We somehow REGRESSED on offense after the bye week. I hate just ripping someone but it was embarrassing. And every player from the offense to defense felt it. When you’re making 2 million dollars and that’s what you’re doing with our deepest WR and TE room we’ve probably ever had, plus having a blue chip LT recruit (who was in attendance for Arizona) decommit, theres major consequences.

    • #229799

      When my wife is guessing the plays we’re going to run WITH AN 80% SUCCESS RATE, it might be time for a change.

      That said, we’re finishing out the year with an 18 year old at the helm. I really like Isaac, and have confidence in his future, but it’s going to be a rough ending to the year.

    • #229800

      I don’t know he was fired. I expect he did not respond well to something he was asked to do. More likely he did not accept a change Whitt wanted to do related to play calling and responsibilities. I think he would still be here if he would have said ‘how can I help the changes you want to make’ to Whitt. I expect Whitt will have the best person calling plays available to him that will also follow his ask. Whitt’s style is a player led program so I expect all the players had input and thru the leadership committee that input was equal to Whitt’s onw choice of direction. I hope and expect that Scalley was in the process end to end and Harlan was consulted. Above all, the issue was not at all something that muddles along until the end of the season. Guys struggling along trying to make their own plan work beats trying to make a plan they do not like and does not work every time.

      Myself, I am much more interested to see what the players and the new play caller does than I was to see the next integration of the previous path. I suspect that there have been some things said that made it difficult for Lud to simply ask ‘what can I do to help after the change’.

    • #229807

      Charlie gets it…

      It boils down to calling plays that are designed to go 5 yards when we need 8, or plays that take 3 seconds to develop while the freshman QB is getting 2….

      He was inept.

      Yes, oline, RB and WRs have different issues and blame goes everywhere, but it’s up to the guy designing the plays to work around flaws and help them execute to a higher rate.

      Lud can’t figure that out. So… 👋🏼

      • #229809

        Or you’re finally moving the ball so you call a goddamn fake double reverse

    • #229823

      I’m just stunned at the amount of leeway some on this board give. I want to work for some of you someday. Deliver nothing, show up sometimes, refuse to elaborate. Get paid anyway.

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