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Why is there always a faction of people who demand this site (and others)

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    • #26443
      13 1

      be set up according to their values and desires? Sorry to break it to you, but any sportscentric site is going to be viewed negatively by a number of outsiders regardless of what’s posted. If people visit the site and see a very tame joke made about a brothel, and are so offended that they write off Utehub forever, then sobeit.

      Politics is the biggest area that these folks tend to lament over, even though you can uncheck the category anytime you wish, so I’ll never understand the gripe. Religion is another hotbutton topic for some, but realize that our university is located in a very unique place where the majority religion tends to dictate how each of us live our lives (well, Utah residents anyway). It’s only natural that some of this talk would bleed over into a Utah message board, and even into Utah sports. On top of all this, we’ve entered uncharted waters when it comes to politics, and football season is over. We can only spend so much time discussing seventeen year old boys who are considering playing sports at the University of Utah, especially when there are so many other interesting things happening all around us. 

      Tony seems to be doing everything he can think of to appease the masses, but if we censor every perceived offensive comment, or hide anything deemed “hostile” in a buried forum we’re going to resemble cougarboard. I’m not saying it should be a free-for-all, but not all of us are ultra conservative religious types. Somebody started a Utah message board a few years back that is perfect for those folks, so I’m not sure why so many are interested in molding this place to be essentially a carbon copy. Utehub is still in its infancy, and we should probably let it breath a little. If things get out of hand, Tony (or the new mods) can reel it back in, but it’ll never be perfect for everybody. 

    • #26448

      It’s a fine line to walk. I think Tony is trying to encourage discussion, without letting the contention that was so prevalent on utefans toward the end create a negative atmosphere.

      • #26452

        I think that was a perfect storm of sorts. We had the craziest election cycle in modern history, and elected a highly controversial President. The internal issues with the site itself and the lack of moderation compounded the bitterness. Then Utehub started picking up some steam, and there was bickering back and forth between members of each site. I really hope this place becomes the next Ufn (in earlier years of course), and most Utah fans feel welcome. I just wouldn’t go nuts trying to make everybody happy. It’s impossible, and one or two disgruntled posters don’t necessarily speak for the majority.

        • #26456

          But you have to be cognizant that many of the people that left that board went here to get away from that. Being a new poster IMO requires some decorum before you label everyone a prude because they don’t like your posts.  If I was at work viewing material and had one of those pictures show up on my phone I could get sexual harassment complaint. 

          I guess the larger point is why I am allowed to view things at work. Well instead of a smoke break I check my phone every now and again.

          I am fully aware I can also load the board a certain way to avoid a silly picture showing up but I prefer the main page. 

          • #26458

            Work viewing is a different subject, and I agree with you there.

    • #26449

      I’d like more cowbell please. 😉😉

    • #26450

      Please all and you will please none.

      • #26454
        Tony (admin)

        Please all and you’re a Holiday Inn Lounge Band.

    • #26479

      I propose construction of a messageboard wall…a message board Zion Curtain if you will. On one side of the wall posting is allowed about sports, weather, recipes, etc.

      On the other side of the wall resides discussions that might be deemed offensive to some or challenge their tightly held convictions regarding politics, religion, etc.

      And I propose we make zoobs pay for the wall…


    • #26484

      So you’re proposing a wall of expired Hogi Yogi coupons.

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