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With a new week, who will be the 1-2 Utes announcing they’re leaving Utah?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football With a new week, who will be the 1-2 Utes announcing they’re leaving Utah?

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    • #162190

      I find it odd some of the Utah players announcing now before the Rose Bowl game decision to enter the NFL draft. Devon Lloyd makes sense we all new that was his plan all along.

      Fotheringham, Sewell, Covey, and Pledger are very likely not getting drafted. Are they announcing now to raise attention to their play in the Rose Bowl? I am sure there’s a reason for it to help their exposure. Is this a distraction for these players and the team at some level preparing for the Rose Bowl? Covey mentioned on his Riley interview he was talking with agents, preparing for NFL workouts.  Maybe announcing now motivates them even more to play in the Rose Bowl?

      At this point, less than two weeks before the game I am guessing tOSU WRs will not announce they’re opting out of the game, but won’t play in the game. Next week and half before the game should be interesting. 

    • #162193

      Yes I remember Covey saying on his weekly conversation with Riley that he announced when he did so he could get himself on the radars of the NFL scouts. And that would be true for everyone else.

      • #162208

        For the early entries it’s helpful for the staff to know their intentions as soon as possible so they can address the holes via signing day or in the portal so it’s actually appreciated when they communIcate as soon as a they know…even if it’s just internally. As you mentioned it’s also helpful for the NFL scouts to watch them once more.
        Most have enough film to be evaluated already and draft grades have already provided by the scouts as requested in most cases.

        I expect a lot more than 1-2 transfers out, though not many (if any) who have contributed much to date. No reason for them to announce before going to a once in a lifetime bowl game either. The staff has a fairly good idea who those guys are and are planning accordingly. There could be a surprise or two in exits but I don’t think it will be too bad. The program is in excellent shape headed into a big game, with multiple strong classes in a row and plenty of opportunities in the next few years to accomplish even more. Recruiting will remain a positive, as will the perception of Utah football.

    • #162273

      I don’t see it as a distraction as the information benefits everyone involved.

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