BYU @  Utah

Wrist down?

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    • #153580

      First, that has to be one of the greatest halves of football by Utah I have seen in RES. So much fun!

      Next, the point of my post. On the 50+ yard ASU pass play that went to the one (1) yard-line and let ASU score its second touchdown, the receiver (number 6) seemed to spin and put both his palm (ok) and his wrist carrying the ball (down IMHO) down on the ground to catch his balance before proceeding 40 yards further downfield.

      I thought I saw that during the play. Then again the one time they played the replay at the game, I thought I definitely saw it.

      Whitt called a timeout so I thought that the play would be reviewed. Nothing. No announcement of review. Just an extended TV timeout, then Jayden scores the TD on the next play.

      I scanned through my ESPN recording today to see how it was handled on air. Same thing. No mention. No review. Just a replay showing him touch his wrist before the YAC. Then a string of commercials.

      See 22:02.

      Do I misunderstand the rule that a wrist is down (but not a palm)? Did he not touch his wrist? Is that not reviewable? Or was this just a total miss by review?

    • #153583

      From the stadium replay, it definitely looked like the back of his hand went down, but I believe the rule is that the ball is down when any part of the body other than hand or foot touches the ground. Yes, his wrist was quite bent toward the ground cradling the ball. So the question last night would have been, was his arm down above the wrist (part of hand)? It definitely wasn’t.


      • #153584

        Thanks. I misunderstood the rule thinking that there was a difference between the front palm and back wrist.

        The Rule:

        Runner Down
        • A ball carrier is down when any part of his body, except his hand or
        foot, touches the ground (Rule 4-1-3-b).
        • The hand/wrist and foot/ankle touching the ground does not put a
        runner down.
        Page 29 – 2021 NCAA Football Instant Replay Casebook

        • #153624

          I struggle to think that pac-12 refs would be capable of discerning wrist from hand

    • #153654

      My experience has been a hand, fist, back of hand, hand holding the ball, all are ok. If the forearm or elbow touches, the player is down. So the back of the hand or any part of the hand is ok. From what I saw in the replay at the stadium, I did not see the forearm touch.

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